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Cleanflight has various modes that can be toggled on or off. Modes can be enabled/disabled by stick positions, auxillary receiver channels and other events such as failsafe detection.

MSP ID CLI ID Short Name Function
0 0 ARM Enables motors and flight stabilisation
1 1 ANGLE Legacy auto-level flight mode
2 2 HORIZON Auto-level flight mode
3 3 BARO Altitude hold mode (Requires barometer sensor)
5 4 MAG Heading lock
6 5 HEADFREE Head Free - When enabled yaw has no effect on pitch/roll inputs
7 6 HEADADJ Heading Adjust - Sets a new yaw origin for HEADFREE mode
8 7 CAMSTAB Camera Stabilisation
10 9 GPSHOME Autonomous flight to HOME position
11 10 GPSHOLD Maintain the same longitude/lattitude
12 11 PASSTHRU Pass roll, yaw, and pitch directly from rx to servos in airplane mix
13 12 BEEPERON Enable beeping - useful for locating a crashed aircraft
14 13 LEDMAX
15 14 LEDLOW
17 16 CALIB
18 17 GOV
19 18 OSD Enable/Disable On-Screen-Display (OSD)
20 19 TELEMETRY Enable telemetry via switch
21 20 AUTOTUNE Autotune Pitch/Roll PIDs
22 21 SONAR Altitude hold mode (sonar sensor only)
26 25 BLACKBOX Enable BlackBox logging

Mode details


In this mode, the "head" of the multicopter is always pointing to the same direction as when the feature was activated. This means that when the multicopter rotates around the Z axis (yaw), the controls will always respond according the same "head" direction.

With this mode it is easier to control the multicopter, even fly it with the physical head towards you since the controls always respond the same. This is a friendly mode to new users of multicopters and can prevent losing the control when you don't know the head direction.

GPS Return To Home

WORK-IN-PROGRESS. This mode is not reliable yet, please share your experiences with the developers.

In this mode the aircraft attempts to return to the GPS position recorded when the aircraft was armed.

This mode should be enabled in conjunction with Angle or Horizon modes and an Altitude hold mode.

Requires a 3D GPS fix and minimum of 5 satellites in view.

GPS Position Hold

WORK-IN-PROGRESS. This mode is not reliable yet, please share your experiences with the developers.

In this mode the aircraft attempts to stay at the same GPS position, as recorded when the mode is enabled.

Disabling and re-enabling the mode will reset the GPS hold position.

This mode should be enabled in conjunction with Angle or Horizon modes and an Altitude hold mode.

Requires a 3D GPS fix and minimum of 5 satellites in view.

Auxillary Configuration

Spare auxillary receiver channels can be used to enable/disable modes. Some modes can only be enabled this way.

Configure your transmitter so that switches or dials (potentiometers) send channel data on channels 5 and upwards (the first 4 channels are usually occupied by the throttle, aileron, rudder, and elevator channels).

e.g. You can configure a 3 position switch to send 1000 when the switch is low, 1500 when the switch is in the middle and 2000 when the switch is high.

Configure your tx/rx channel limits to use values between 1000 and 2000. The range used by mode ranges is fixed to 900 to 2100.

When a channel is within a specifed range the corresponding mode is enabled.

Use the GUI configuration tool to allow easy configuration when channel.


There is a CLI command, aux that allows auxillary configuration. It takes 5 arguments as follows:

  • AUD range slot number (0 - 39)
  • mode id (see mode list above)
  • AUX channel index (AUX1 = 0, AUX2 = 1,... etc)
  • low position, from 900 to 2100. Should be a multiple of 25.
  • high position, from 900 to 2100. Should be a multiple of 25.

If the low and high position are the same then the values are ignored.


Configure AUX range slot 0 to enable ARM when AUX1 is withing 1700 and 2100.

aux 0 0 0 1700 2100

You can display the AUX configuration by using the aux command with no arguments.