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Board - Naze32

The Naze32 target supports all Naze hardware revisions. Revison 4 and Revision 5 are used and frequently flown by the primary maintainer. Previous Naze hardware revisions may have issues, if found please report via the github issue tracker.

Serial Ports

Value Identifier RX TX Notes
1 USART1 RX / PA10 TX / PA9 / TELEM TELEM output is always inverted (for FrSky). Internally connected to USB port via CP2102 IC
2 USART2 RC4 / PA3 RC3 / PA2
3 SoftSerial 1 RC5 / PA6 RC6 / PA7
4 SoftSerial 2 RC7 / PB0 RC8 / PB1
  • You cannot use USART1/TX/TX/TELEM pins at the same time.
  • You may encounter flashing problems if you have something connected to the RX/TX pins. Try disconnecting RX/TX.


The 10 pin Input connector has the following pinouts when used in RX_PPM/RX_SERIAL mode

Pin Identifier Function Notes
1 N/A Ground
2 Circle +5V
3 1 PPM Input Enable feature RX_PPM
4 2 RSSI_ADC Enable feature RSSI_ADC. Connect to the output of a PWM-RSSI conditioner, 0v-3.3v input
5 3 Uart 2 TX
6 3 Uart 2 RX
7 5 Softserial1 TX Enable feature SOFTSERIAL
Led Strip Enable feature LED_STRIP.
8 6 Softserial1 RX Enable feature SOFTSERIAL
9 7 Softserial2 TX Enable feature SOFTSERIAL
10 8 Softserial2 RX Enable feature SOFTSERIAL
Current Enable feature CURRENT_METER. Connect to the output of a current sensor, 0v-3.3v input