
10 KiB


Cleanflight supports a number of mixing configurations as well as custom mixing. Mixer configurations determine how the servos and motors work together to control the aircraft.


To use a built-in mixing configuration, you can use the Chrome configuration GUI. It includes images of the various mixer types to assist in making the proper connections. See the Configuration section of the documentation for more information on the GUI.

You can also use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to set the mixer type:

  1. Use mixer list to see a list of supported mixes
  2. Select a mixer. For example, to select TRI, use mixer TRI
  3. You must use save to preserve your changes

Supported Mixer Types

Name Description Motors Servos
TRI Tricopter M1-M3 S1
QUADP Quadcopter-Plus M1-M4 None
QUADX Quadcopter-X M1-M4 None
BI Bicopter (left/right) M1-M2 S1, S2
GIMBAL Gimbal control N/A S1, S2
Y6 Y6-copter M1-M6 None
HEX6 Hexacopter-Plus M1-M6 None
FLYING_WING Fixed wing; elevons M1 S1, S2
Y4 Y4-copter M1-M4 None
HEX6X Hexacopter-X M1-M6 None
OCTOX8 Octocopter-X (over/under) M1-M8 None
OCTOFLATP Octocopter-FlatPlus M1-M8 None
OCTOFLATX Octocopter-FlatX M1-M8 None
AIRPLANE Fixed wing; Ax2, R, E M1 S1, S2, S3, S4
VTAIL4 Quadcopter with V-Tail M1-M4 N/A
HEX6H Hexacopter-H M1-M6 None
DUALCOPTER Dualcopter M1-M2 S1, S2
SINGLECOPTER Conventional helicopter M1 S1
ATAIL4 Quadcopter with A-Tail M1-M4 N/A
CUSTOM User-defined
CUSTOM AIRPLANE User-defined airplane
CUSTOM TRICOPTER User-defined tricopter

Servo configuration

The cli servo command defines the settings for the servo outputs. The cli mixer smix command controllers how the mixer maps internal FC data (RC input, PID stabilisation output, channel forwarding, etc) to servo outputs.

Servo filtering

A low-pass filter can be enabled for the servos. It may be useful for avoiding structural modes in the airframe, for example.


Currently it can only be configured via the CLI:

  1. Use set servo_lowpass_freq = nnn to select the cutoff frequency. Valid values range from 10 to 400. This is a fraction of the loop frequency in 1/1000ths. For example, 40 means 0.040.
  2. Use set servo_lowpass_enable = 1 to enable filtering.

The cutoff frequency can be determined by the following formula: Frequency = 1000 * servo_lowpass_freq / looptime

For example, if servo_lowpass_freq is set to 40, and looptime is set to the default of 3500 us, the cutoff frequency will be 11.43 Hz.


One method for tuning the filter cutoff is as follows:

  1. Ensure your vehicle can move at least somewhat freely in the troublesome axis. For example, if you are having yaw oscillations on a tricopter, ensure that the copter is supported in a way that allows it to rotate left and right to at least some degree. Suspension near the CG is ideal. Alternatively, you can just fly the vehicle and trigger the problematic condition you are trying to eliminate, although tuning will be more tedious.

  2. Tap the vehicle at its end in the axis under evaluation. Directly commanding the servo in question to move may also be used. In the tricopter example, tap the end of the tail boom from the side, or command a yaw using your transmitter.

  3. If your vehicle oscillates for several seconds or even continues oscillating indefinitely, then the filter cutoff frequency should be reduced. Reduce the value of servo_lowpass_freq by half its current value and repeat the previous step.

  4. If the oscillations are dampened within roughly a second or are no longer present, then you are done. Be sure to run save.

Custom Motor Mixing

Custom motor mixing allows for completely customized motor configurations. Each motor must be defined with a custom mixing table for that motor. The mix must reflect how close each motor is with reference to the CG (Center of Gravity) of the flight controller. A motor closer to the CG of the flight controller will need to travel less distance than a motor further away.

Steps to configure custom mixer in the CLI:

  1. Use mixer custom to enable the custom mixing.
  2. Use mmix reset to erase the any existing custom mixing.
  3. Issue a mmix statement for each motor.

The mmix statement has the following syntax: mmix n THROTTLE ROLL PITCH YAW

Mixing table parameter Definition
n Motor ordering number
THROTTLE All motors that are used in this configuration are set to 1.0. Unused set to 0.0.
ROLL Indicates how much roll authority this motor imparts to the roll of the flight controller. Accepts values nominally from 1.0 to -1.0.
PITCH Indicates the pitch authority this motor has over the flight controller. Also accepts values nominally from 1.0 to -1.0.
YAW Indicates the direction of the motor rotation in relationship with the flight controller. 1.0 = CCW -1.0 = CW.

Note: the mmix command may show a motor mix that is not active, custom motor mixes are only active for models that use custom mixers.

Custom Servo Mixing

Custom servo mixing rules can be applied to each servo. Rules are applied in the order they are defined.

id Servo slot
7 THROTTLE (Based ONLY on the first motor output)
id Input sources
0 Stabilised ROLL
1 Stabilised PITCH
2 Stabilised YAW
3 Stabilised THROTTLE
8 RC AUX 1
9 RC AUX 2
10 RC AUX 3
11 RC AUX 4

Note: the smix command may show a servo mix that is not active, custom servo mixes are only active for models that use custom mixers.

Servo Reversing

Servos are reversed using the smix reverse command.

e.g. when using the TRI mixer to reverse the tail servo on a tricopter use this:

smix reverse 5 2 r

i.e. when mixing rudder servo slot (5) using Stabilised YAW input source (2) reverse the direction (r)

smix reverse is a per-profile setting. So ensure you configure it for your profiles as required.

Example 1: A KK2.0 wired motor setup

Here's an example of a X configuration quad, but the motors are still wired using the KK board motor numbering scheme.

KK2.0 Motor Layout

  1CW      2CCW
     \    /
     /    \
  4CCW     3CW
  1. Use mixer custom
  2. Use mmix reset
  3. Use mmix 0 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 for the Front Left motor. It tells the flight controller the #1 motor is used, provides positive roll, provides negative pitch and is turning CW.
  4. Use mmix 1 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 for the Front Right motor. It still provides a negative pitch authority, but unlike the front left, it provides negative roll authority and turns CCW.
  5. Use mmix 2 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 for the Rear Right motor. It has negative roll, provides positive pitch when the speed is increased and turns CW.
  6. Use mmix 3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 for the Rear Left motor. Increasing motor speed imparts positive roll, positive pitch and turns CCW.

Example 2: A HEX-U Copter

Here is an example of a U-shaped hex; probably good for herding giraffes in the Sahara. Because the 1 and 6 motors are closer to the roll axis, they impart much less force than the motors mounted twice as far from the FC CG. The effect they have on pitch is the same as the forward motors because they are the same distance from the FC CG. The 2 and 5 motors do not contribute anything to pitch because speeding them up and slowing them down has no effect on the forward/back pitch of the FC.


Command Roll Pitch Yaw
Use mmix 0 1.0, -0.5, 1.0, -1.0 half negative full positive CW
Use mmix 1 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 full negative none CCW
Use mmix 2 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 full negative full negative CW
Use mmix 3 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 full positive full negative CCW
Use mmix 4 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0 full positive none CW
Use mmix 5 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 half positive full positive CCW

Example 3: Custom tricopter

mmix reset
mmix 0 1.000 0.000 1.333 0.000
mmix 1 1.000 -1.000 -0.667 0.000
mmix 2 1.000 1.000 -0.667 0.000
smix reset
smix 0 5 2 100 0 0 100 0
profile 0
smix reverse 5 2 r
profile 1
smix reverse 5 2 r
profile 2
smix reverse 5 2 r