Commit Graph

2213 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Benjamin Vedder a19cd842e5 Removed old ubox_single from package script 2022-09-20 00:10:05 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 92855bf2c4 Fixed forgotten send_buffer_global 2022-09-20 00:01:54 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 765ed4d3d4 Added BMS limit mode 2022-09-19 23:47:20 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder a5ba6b79f1 Added app data handler to c-if and check function pointer 2022-09-19 23:17:04 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 3199dd2605 Added ts_to_age and get_cfg_float to c lib 2022-09-19 11:50:26 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 856184d822 Added send_app_data to c interface 2022-09-19 08:32:48 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder e9386cb339
Merge pull request #526 from Mitchlol/balance_iterm_limit
Balance App: Add I-Term Limiter, Remove D-Term Biquad Filters
2022-09-18 22:57:15 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 937c6fe947 Added native lispbm config example 2022-09-18 22:48:22 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder ff9679d336 Lisp code streaming, more native functions and checks, custom config support, moved global send buffer to mempools 2022-09-18 22:47:50 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder ad4ee40868 Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from 58e0abe5..c2e0433a
c2e0433a update
d19c1e63 some cleaning of tokpar and addition of 4 comment-tests

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: c2e0433a936cab7ac4e67ead55948e9a1ae003bc
2022-09-18 10:09:06 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder fd37ec9e3a Merge commit 'ad4ee408683bdbb6f1746e0551dc5793c353f919' 2022-09-18 10:09:06 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 1ee344e925 Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from b2d5a55f..58e0abe5
58e0abe5 reduced the number of calls to strlen in the string_reader.

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: 58e0abe5a1067d9e51403c23381407996d5c1d82
2022-09-18 07:58:57 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder b92698ba07 Merge commit '1ee344e92532b87cdc19f210005b7e4736e244e1' 2022-09-18 07:58:57 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 33ee2f9bd4 Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from a0708145..b2d5a55f
b2d5a55f added comments-test
2765eff3 tweak
d801f8ed added text using array of hex values

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: b2d5a55f9f2fe250e9ca47958d4ac09f702dc931
2022-09-16 21:25:21 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder d342412d71 Merge commit '33ee2f9bd4e4dcade5ba4d72ec484dcae8d7bcaf' 2022-09-16 21:25:21 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 9c1f9440d4 Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from 4cc6358a..a0708145
a0708145 found problem with the number 120 in certain situations, fixed
61d1ab94 closing shadow warnings

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: a070814599187a11b0492b7d865cf3b60ae014c2
2022-09-16 13:40:37 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 2f6caa8646 Merge commit '9c1f9440d483390f48826b7afdc4eb889ac556d5' 2022-09-16 13:40:37 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 1b76c9c67e Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from c0fb4af8..4cc6358a
4cc6358a removed uses of \#newline in test_mp.lisp
77ca267f added a channel_reader_is_closed function
e0345592 reader closes the channel when finished even on non-error
977d1439 Small tweaks to tokpar and closing some warnings related to compiling with chibios (shadow)

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: 4cc6358ad3c377023826da6af1c0bcbab344e3fa
2022-09-16 10:45:44 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 692493e116 Merge commit '1b76c9c67e60d97f52954c7008bfccaff7bb7841' 2022-09-16 10:45:44 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 9bd826e646 Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from 60d7c83f..c0fb4af8
c0fb4af8 Streaming reading or source into the heap
540f1e9a added n-times test for low-freq concurrency bug testing
5dcf25bf update chibios examples to use new reader
7775f92d starting to look good, needs more polish...
86ecd85b On the path
b0ce4e67 tweaks to next_token
c7ed1e3d Update and discovery of nondeterministicly appearing bug
a0a1b000 Ok start
090f54e9 experiment with channel abstraction
d4c1ba41 added some tests of array syntax

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: c0fb4af806ad8d42365a1b8695d2603f640df662
2022-09-16 09:25:46 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder bd3aec1f20 Merge commit '9bd826e646762897f4d642f0c519c895f7f53306' 2022-09-16 09:25:46 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 03f279123c Added IMU-functions to C lib 2022-09-15 15:07:17 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 7e77e92bbe
Merge pull request #530 from JohnSpintend/master
Add Ubox family unlimited files and delete Ubox_single files in other directory
2022-09-08 09:09:10 +02:00
JohnSpintend 80e3421482
Merge branch 'vedderb:master' into master 2022-09-08 09:10:25 +08:00
Benjamin Vedder 451fe7a17f Dual motor temp sensor fix 2022-09-06 12:24:55 +02:00
Mitch Lustig 2127da0c0f Balance App: Add I-Term Limiter, Remove D-Term Biquad Filters 2022-09-05 18:44:14 -07:00
Benjamin Vedder 048b9469d3 Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from ab11994e..60d7c83f
60d7c83f fix literal array size related typo

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: 60d7c83f3b30c6a045d4cda639b523788ff0f322
2022-09-05 22:02:08 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder c595d8ef9c Merge commit '048b9469d3783931e0ca5dc0e9795e81683502ea' 2022-09-05 22:02:08 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder b9e666b3f3 Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from 4cf1df6f..ab11994e
ab11994e added a number of array syntax tests
16bcb9a7 Added a check that should result in error if an array is too long to fit in memory
1a21875b small fix related to initial array size for literal byte arrays

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: ab11994e551512c7e809a11b40f2922652bd94f0
2022-09-05 21:43:25 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 86aad354e9 Merge commit 'b9e666b3f3fb36ee0816bb1270c51f78bc7ef4ab' 2022-09-05 21:43:25 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 4a62f04205 Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from b6a136a2..4cf1df6f
4cf1df6f refactoring of the array-reader in preparation for future reader modifications to allow streaming of programs
6075bc8d adding some potentially dangerous omitted checks

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: 4cf1df6f164d3a81188eb065e625455f12cbd869
2022-09-05 20:06:04 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 831d9d8991 Merge commit '4a62f042054b7247cdabedd504fe21b331c10b40' 2022-09-05 20:06:04 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 247fe8eefc Added custom UAVCAN message 2022-09-05 20:05:39 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder c26ffa114d Added lbm-set-quota 2022-09-04 22:18:15 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder c0a44bd5ca Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from 28c56c43..b6a136a2
b6a136a2 Update eval_cps.c
36d34a4c Merge branch 'master' of
e6ad61e3 Various small fixes

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: b6a136a2b17874fec7d67a0b0342d8c050a8016e
2022-09-04 21:40:18 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 414e3a21c2 Merge commit 'c0a44bd5caf2ef4506aae9a475379e04efef3a0f' 2022-09-04 21:40:18 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder b82ab77c6c Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from 6f442405..28c56c43
28c56c43 Update
d975e8b6 update readme
9e0bbcba update readme
ad38f2d0 updated readme with a note about switch of scheduler
756f2d71 Round-robin scheduling quota can be set from the C code
45edcd9d update: fix typo
dade6935 Added atomic operator
4ff6665a Mostly ok round robin scheduling at this point I think.
a6af047a experimentation and planning
e69d36e7 fair round robin scheduler running but slow
3a0e6905 Merge branch 'master' into sched0
2784f8e5 bugfix symrepr.c
c464a78e work in progress
207a0b92 Merge branch 'master' into sched0
a916a1af experimentation and preparations
b9565fbb broke out a bunch of useful definitions into an lbm_defines.h file
1fb91025 update to platform_uart for chibios
16640653 additions to chibios platform uart and some additions to string extensions
6bfbb376 added array-clear
8e2bc4a3 Improvements to revamped reader
84ff5198 Considerable rewamping of the reader - passes all tests but there are some issues to resolve
bfdf352f minor tweak
f33fde26 Modifications to uart stream in platform chibios
571a1382 low-level character stream from a uart. This has some problems!
2f49efe9 Experimentation streams
4437c69e tweaks to platform uart
dd181414 fix typo in platform_uart.c for chibios
5b9ae388 chibios repl uart tested and seems ok
49409772 untested uart extensions in chibios repl
af5d03d8 untested uart implementation for chibios repl
5bde526b added one more test case for conditionals
dceb4d26 added some new tests
0f477d09 pedantry
dc5b08d9 Some pedantic tweaks to close some jump-misses-init warnings
c5aff865 A pass to make static analysis happy
0bdd23c3 update
12a93acc update ch3 with some small tweaks
ac881933 added more text to chapter3 about concurrency and message passing
d8589b75 update
59229152 update
85ef5a79 update lbmref description of namespace
4fd7e48f added information about namespace to lbmref
b93cd379 added some tests of namespaces and updated the compressor to allow the : character
48a99c13 Merge branch 'master' of
8f019213 updated behaviour of lbm_define related to #variables and the addition of simplistic namespaces
1d824a4e Update
dcb2ef38 wip
a0d5971d work in progress
4c9818c6 typo
06fbaac7 work in progress ch3
26a466e0 chapter 3 in progress
f376ae8e ch3 concurrency in progress
d1399247 added some images to manual ch2
ac813050 fix bug that surfaces if no dynamic load callback is present

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
git-subtree-split: 28c56c436d3cb621a775bb648d60660563c5352e
2022-09-04 16:08:58 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 0bc2cbd857 Merge commit 'b82ab77c6c9fd9d96e273c3ef17f0908aec6243a' 2022-09-04 16:08:58 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 324b3a90ba Added uavcan status current mode 2022-09-03 13:38:12 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 3f02141ab5 Added lbm-commands to get PPM and UAVCAN update age 2022-09-03 13:20:41 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 2d41b79634 Disable phase filter fault by default as it triggers too easily 2022-09-03 09:41:50 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 05c76a3886 Added new hardwares 2022-09-03 09:36:56 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 352c6eb86f BMS support for more temp sensors 2022-09-03 09:30:28 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder c17183feb9
Merge pull request #517 from benzjimny/main
solve linking error when using gcc version 10
2022-09-03 09:26:57 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 231476eff6
Merge pull request #518 from svenssonjoel/master
Additions to lisp_if and fix of type-constants.
2022-09-03 09:26:05 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder 0bd69045d1
Merge pull request #521 from Mitchlol/balance_turntilt_bugfix
Fix balance app turntilt angle limit to be bi-directional
2022-09-03 09:24:19 +02:00
Benjamin Vedder b4515a76bf
Merge pull request #522 from Mitchlol/balance_clamp_output
Clamp balance app output to motor config limits
2022-09-03 09:24:04 +02:00
JohnSpintend f8f3fb256e Restore
2022-08-30 22:34:17 +08:00
JohnSpintend 6dea3eaa45 restore
2022-08-30 22:13:32 +08:00
JohnSpintend 1bf5bb7055 Add hw_no_limits files for ubox family
Add hw_no_limits files for ubox family
2022-08-30 21:53:09 +08:00