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CAN file processing
- split trace file by packet ID
- per-ID comparison of multiple trace files
- counter bit region detection
- charting using MegaLogViewer
gradlew :reader:shadowJar
java -jar reader/build/libs/reader-all.jar "C:\stuff\rusefi_documentation\OEM-Docs\VAG\2006-Passat-B6" -filter passat-back-and-forth-60-seconds -dbc opendbc/vw_golf_mk4.dbc
CAN playback
CAN playback using PCAN on Windows or SocketCAN on Linux.
gradlew :playback:shadowJar
java -jar playback/build/libs/playback-all.jar playback/src/main/resources/atlas.trc
CAN decoding hints
CAN log file utilities to help me work with https://github.com/brent-stone/CAN_Reverse_Engineering and https://github.com/HeinrichG-V12/E65_ReverseEngineering
- turning ignition on (wake up)
- OEM ECU remove, turning ignition on (wake up)
- turning ignition off (shutdown)
- from ignition ON cranking and idling
- just idling
- ignition on, engine not running, press clutch four times
- ignition on, engine not running, brake pedal three times
- ignition on, engine not running, throttle pedal from 0% to 50%, to 0%, to 100%, to 0%
- engine running, rev from 1500 rpm to 3000 rpm