
This commit is contained in:
rusEfi 2017-02-05 21:04:16 -05:00
parent 09f5cd1070
commit 0eca1d63fb
1 changed files with 360 additions and 151 deletions

View File

@ -91,6 +91,18 @@ xtool_pat = re.compile(r'^(T\d+)$') # Tool selection
xydraw_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)$') # Plunge command
xdraw_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)$') # Plunge command, repeat last Y value
ydraw_pat = re.compile(r'^Y([+-]?\d+)$') # Plunge command, repeat last X value
# slot milling commands - up to four coordinates per line!
xyG85xy_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)G85X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)$') # XY G85 XY
xyG85x_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)G85X([+-]?\d+)$') # XY G85 X
xyG85y_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)G85Y([+-]?\d+)$') # XY G85 Y
xG85xy_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)G85X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)$') # X G85 XY
yG85xy_pat = re.compile(r'^Y([+-]?\d+)G85X([+-]?\d+)Y([+-]?\d+)$') # Y G85 XY
xG85x_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)G85X([+-]?\d+)$') # X G85 X
yG85y_pat = re.compile(r'^Y([+-]?\d+)G85Y([+-]?\d+)$') # Y G85 Y
xG85y_pat = re.compile(r'^X([+-]?\d+)G85Y([+-]?\d+)$') # X G85 Y
yG85x_pat = re.compile(r'^Y([+-]?\d+)G85X([+-]?\d+)$') # Y G85 X
xtdef_pat = re.compile(r'^(T\d+)(?:F\d+)?(?:S\d+)?C([0-9.]+)$') # Tool+diameter definition with optional
# feed/speed (for Protel)
xtdef2_pat = re.compile(r'^(T\d+)C([0-9.]+)(?:F\d+)?(?:S\d+)?$') # Tool+diameter definition with optional
@ -102,8 +114,10 @@ XIgnoreList = ( \
re.compile(r'^M30$'), # End of job
re.compile(r'^M48$'), # Program header to first %
re.compile(r'^M72$'), # Inches
re.compile(r'^G05$'), # Drill Mode
re.compile(r'^G90$') # Absolute Mode
re.compile(r'^G90$'), # Absolute Mode
# A Job is a single input board. It is expected to have:
@ -174,6 +188,8 @@ class Job:
# The key to this dictionary is the full tool name, e.g., T03
# as a string. Each command is an (X,Y) integer tuple.
self.xcommands = {}
# Same as above but for unplated holes.
self.ucommands = {}
# This is a dictionary mapping LOCAL tool names (e.g., T03) to diameters
# in inches for THIS JOB. This dictionary will be initially empty
@ -181,9 +197,12 @@ class Job:
# main program will construct this dictionary from the global tool
# table in this case, once all jobs have been read in.
self.xdiam = {}
# Same as above but for unplated holes.
self.udiam = {}
# This is a mapping from tool name to diameter for THIS JOB
self.ToolList = None
self.uToolList = None
# How many times to replicate this job if using auto-placement
self.Repeat = 1
@ -211,9 +230,20 @@ class Job:
return float(self.maxy-self.miny)*0.001
def width_mm(self):
"Return width in mm"
return float(self.maxx-self.minx)*0.00001*25.4
def height_mm(self):
"Return height in mm"
return float(self.maxy-self.miny)*0.00001*25.4
def jobarea(self):
return self.width_in()*self.height_in()
def jobarea_mm(self):
return self.width_mm()*self.height_mm()
def maxdimension(self):
return max(self.width_in(),self.height_in())
@ -251,6 +281,31 @@ class Job:
# Shift all excellon commands
for tool, command in self.xcommands.iteritems():
# Loop through each command in each layer
for index in range( len(command) ):
c = command[index]
# Shift X and Y coordinate of command
command_list = list(c) ## convert tuple to list
if len(command_list) == 2:
if ( type( command_list[0] ) == types.IntType ) \
and ( type( command_list[1] ) == types.IntType ): ## ensure that first two elemenst are integers
command_list[0] += x_shift / 10
command_list[1] += y_shift / 10
elif len(command_list) == 4:
command_list[0] += x_shift / 10
command_list[1] += y_shift / 10
command_list[2] += x_shift / 10
command_list[3] += y_shift / 10
raise RuntimeError, 'Unknown Command in fixcoordinates'
command[index] = tuple(command_list) ## convert list back to tuple
self.xcommands[tool] = command ## set modified command
for tool, command in self.ucommands.iteritems():
# Loop through each command in each layer
for index in range( len(command) ):
@ -264,8 +319,8 @@ class Job:
command_list[1] += y_shift / 10
command[index] = tuple(command_list) ## convert list back to tuple
self.xcommands[tool] = command ## set modified command
self.ucommands[tool] = command ## set modified command
def parseGerber(self, fullname, layername, updateExtents = 0):
"""Do the dirty work. Read the Gerber file given the
global aperture table GAT and global aperture macro table GAMT"""
@ -322,6 +377,9 @@ class Job:
# to manually insert the point X000000Y00000 into the command stream.
firstFlash = True
# KICAD doesnt add LPD at the beginning of a gerber file
for line in fid:
# Get rid of CR characters (0x0D) and leading/trailing blanks
line = string.replace(line, '\x0D', '').strip()
@ -621,7 +679,7 @@ class Job:
print layername
print self.commands[layername]
def parseExcellon(self, fullname):
def parseExcellon(self, fullname, plated):
#print 'Reading data from %s ...' % fullname
fid = file(fullname, 'rt')
@ -699,10 +757,14 @@ class Job:
# Canonicalize tool number because Protel (of course) sometimes specifies it
# as T01 and sometimes as T1. We canonicalize to T01.
currtool = 'T%02d' % int(currtool[1:])
if self.xdiam.has_key(currtool):
raise RuntimeError, "File %s defines tool %s more than once" % (fullname, currtool)
self.xdiam[currtool] = diam
if plated:
if self.xdiam.has_key(currtool):
raise RuntimeError, "File %s defines tool %s more than once" % (fullname, currtool)
self.xdiam[currtool] = diam
if self.udiam.has_key(currtool):
raise RuntimeError, "File %s defines tool %s more than once" % (fullname, currtool)
self.udiam[currtool] = diam
# Didn't match TxxxCyyy. It could be a tool change command 'Tdd'.
@ -714,25 +776,43 @@ class Job:
# as T01 and sometimes as T1. We canonicalize to T01.
currtool = 'T%02d' % int(currtool[1:])
if currtool == 'T00':
# Diameter will be obtained from embedded tool definition, local tool list or if not found, the global tool list
diam = self.xdiam[currtool]
if self.ToolList:
if plated:
diam = self.xdiam[currtool]
if self.ToolList:
diam = self.ToolList[currtool]
raise RuntimeError, "File %s uses tool code %s that is not defined in the job's tool list" % (fullname, currtool)
diam = config.DefaultToolList[currtool]
#print config.DefaultToolList
raise RuntimeError, "File %s uses tool code %s that is not defined in default tool list" % (fullname, currtool)
self.xdiam[currtool] = diam
diam = self.ToolList[currtool]
diam = self.udiam[currtool]
raise RuntimeError, "File %s uses tool code %s that is not defined in the job's tool list" % (fullname, currtool)
diam = config.DefaultToolList[currtool]
#print config.DefaultToolList
raise RuntimeError, "File %s uses tool code %s that is not defined in default tool list" % (fullname, currtool)
self.xdiam[currtool] = diam
if self.uToolList:
diam = self.uToolList[currtool]
raise RuntimeError, "File %s uses tool code %s that is not defined in the job's tool list" % (fullname, currtool)
diam = config.DefaultToolList[currtool]
#print config.DefaultToolList
raise RuntimeError, "File %s uses tool code %s that is not defined in default tool list" % (fullname, currtool)
self.udiam[currtool] = diam
# Plunge command?
match = xydraw_pat.match(line)
if match:
@ -747,19 +827,97 @@ class Job:
if match:
y = xln2tenthou(match.groups())[0]
x = last_x
# no tool defined!
if match:
if currtool is None:
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has plunge command without previous tool selection' % fullname
except KeyError:
self.xcommands[currtool] = [(x,y)]
if plated:
except KeyError:
self.xcommands[currtool] = [(x,y)]
except KeyError:
self.ucommands[currtool] = [(x,y)]
last_x = x
last_y = y
#print ("bohren Zeile "+ str(self.xcommands[currtool]))
# Slot milling command
matchG85 = xyG85xy_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())
matchG85 = xyG85x_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
x1 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[0]
y1 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[1]
x2 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[2]
y2 = y1;
matchG85 = xyG85y_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
x1 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[0]
y1 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[1]
x2 = x1
y2 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[2]
matchG85 = xG85xy_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
x1 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[0]
y1 = last_y
x2 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[1]
y2 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[2]
matchG85 = yG85xy_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
x1 = last_x
y1 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[0]
x2 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[1]
y2 = xln2tenthou(matchG85.groups())[2]
matchG85 = xG85x_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
raise RuntimeError, 'nur zwei Koordinaten x,x gegeben %s line: %s\n' % (fullname, line)
matchG85 = xG85y_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
raise RuntimeError, 'nur zwei Koordinaten x,y gegeben %s line: %s\n' % (fullname, line)
matchG85 = yG85x_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
raise RuntimeError, 'nur zwei Koordinaten y,x gegeben %s line: %s\n' % (fullname, line)
matchG85 = yG85y_pat.match(line)
if matchG85:
raise RuntimeError, 'nur zwei Koordinaten y,y gegeben %s line: %s\n' % (fullname, line)
# no tool defined!
if matchG85:
if currtool is None:
raise RuntimeError, 'File %s has mill command without previous tool selection' % fullname
#print("match positive, slotdata: " + str(line))
except KeyError:
self.xcommands[currtool] = [(x1,y1,x2,y2)]
last_x = x2
last_y = y2
cmd = (x1,y1,x2,y2)
#print ("Slotkoordinaten beim Einlesen: X" + str(cmd[0]) + " Y" + str(cmd[1]) + " G85 X" + str(cmd[2]) + " Y" + str(cmd[3]))
cmd = self.xcommands[currtool]
# It had better be an ignorable
for pat in XIgnoreList:
@ -820,17 +978,18 @@ class Job:
if diam==diameter:
return L
def findUTools(self, diameter):
"Find the tools, if any, with the given diameter in inches. There may be more than one!"
L = []
for tool, diam in self.udiam.items():
if diam==diameter:
return L
def writeExcellon(self, fid, diameter, Xoff, Yoff):
"""Write out the data such that the lower-left corner of this job is at the given (X,Y) position, in inches
fid - output file
Xoff - offset of this board instance in full units (float)
Yoff - offset of this board instance in full units (float)
def writeExcellon(self, fid, diameter, Xoff, Yoff, plated):
"Write out the data such that the lower-left corner of this job is at the given (X,Y) position, in inches"
# First convert given inches to 2.4 co-ordinates. Note that Gerber is 2.5 (as of GerbMerge 1.2)
# and our internal Excellon representation is 2.4 as of GerbMerge
# version 0.91. We use X,Y to calculate DX,DY in 2.4 units (i.e., with a
@ -848,30 +1007,37 @@ class Job:
# Now round down to 2.4 format
DX = int(round(DX/10.0))
DY = int(round(DY/10.0))
ltools = self.findTools(diameter)
def formatForXln(num):
helper to convert from our 2.4 internal format to config's excellon format
returns string
divisor = 10.0**(4 - config.Config['excellondecimals'])
if config.Config['excellonleadingzeros']:
fmtstr = '%06d'
fmtstr = '%d'
return fmtstr % (num / divisor)
DY = int(round(DY/10.0))
if config.Config['excellonleadingzeros']:
fmtstr = 'X%06dY%06d\n'
fmtG85str = 'X%06dY%06dG85X%06dY%06d\n'
fmtstr = 'X%dY%d\n'
fmtG85str = 'X%dY%dG85X%dY%d\n'
# Boogie
for ltool in ltools:
if self.xcommands.has_key(ltool):
for cmd in self.xcommands[ltool]:
x, y = cmd
new_x = x+DX
new_y = y+DY
fid.write('X%sY%s\n' % (formatForXln(new_x), formatForXln(new_y)))
ltools = self.findTools(diameter)
if plated:
for ltool in ltools:
if self.xcommands.has_key(ltool):
for cmd in self.xcommands[ltool]:
if len(cmd) == 2:
x, y = cmd
fid.write(fmtstr % (x+DX, y+DY))
elif len(cmd) == 4:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = cmd
fid.write(fmtG85str % (x1+DX, y1+DY, x2 + DX, y2 + DY))
raise RuntimeError, 'Count of Excellon X/Y wrong %s line: %s\n' % (fullname, line)
for ltool in self.findUTools(diameter):
if self.ucommands.has_key(ltool):
for cmd in self.ucommands[ltool]:
x, y = cmd
fid.write(fmtstr % (x+DX, y+DY))
def writeDrillHits(self, fid, diameter, toolNum, Xoff, Yoff):
"""Write a drill hit pattern. diameter is tool diameter in inches, while toolNum is
@ -894,11 +1060,18 @@ class Job:
# Do NOT round down to 2.4 format. These drill hits are in Gerber 2.5 format, not
# Excellon plunge commands.
ltools = self.findTools(diameter)
ltools = self.findTools(diameter) + self.findUTools(diameter)
for ltool in ltools:
if self.xcommands.has_key(ltool):
for cmd in self.xcommands[ltool]:
if len(cmd) == 2:
x, y = cmd
makestroke.drawDrillHit(fid, 10*x+DX, 10*y+DY, toolNum)
raise RuntimeError, 'G85 command in Gerber %s line: %s\n' % (fullname, line)
if self.ucommands.has_key(ltool):
for cmd in self.ucommands[ltool]:
x, y = cmd
# add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
# TODO - verify metric scaling is correct???
@ -988,14 +1161,9 @@ class Job:
newX, newY = geometry.rectCenter(newRect)
# We arbitrarily remove all flashes that lead to rectangles
# with a width or length less than 1 mil (10 Gerber units). - sdd s.b. 0.1mil???
# with a width or length less than 1 mil (10 Gerber units).
# Should we make this configurable?
# add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
# if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
# minFlash = 10;
# else
# minFlash =
if min(newRectWidth, newRectHeight) >= 10: # sdd - change for metric case at some point
if min(newRectWidth, newRectHeight) >= 10:
# Construct an Aperture that is a Rectangle of dimensions (newRectWidth,newRectHeight)
newAP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Rectangle, 'D??', \
util.gerb2in(newRectWidth), util.gerb2in(newRectHeight))
@ -1115,16 +1283,35 @@ class Job:
def trimExcellon(self):
"Remove plunge commands that are outside job dimensions"
# TO DO: trimExcellon sollte auch SLOTs trimmen koennen.
keys = self.xcommands.keys()
for toolname in keys:
# Remember Excellon is 2.4 format while Gerber data is 2.5 format
validList = [(x,y) for x,y in self.xcommands[toolname] if self.inBorders(10*x,10*y)]
validList = []
for cmd in self.xcommands[toolname]:
if self.inBorders(10*cmd[0],10*cmd[1]) and len(cmd) == 2:
elif self.inBorders(10*cmd[0],10*cmd[1]) and len(cmd) == 4:
validList.append((cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3]))
#print ("Slotkoordinaten nach trimExcellon: X" + str(cmd[0]) + " Y" + str(cmd[1]) + " G85 X" + str(cmd[2]) + " Y" + str(cmd[3]))
if validList:
self.xcommands[toolname] = validList
del self.xcommands[toolname]
del self.xdiam[toolname]
keys = self.ucommands.keys()
for toolname in keys:
# Remember Excellon is 2.4 format while Gerber data is 2.5 format
validList = [(x,y) for x,y in self.ucommands[toolname] if self.inBorders(10*x,10*y)]
if validList:
self.ucommands[toolname] = validList
del self.ucommands[toolname]
del self.udiam[toolname]
# This class encapsulates a Job object, providing absolute
# positioning information.
@ -1144,9 +1331,9 @@ class JobLayout:
def aperturesAndMacros(self, layername):
return self.job.aperturesAndMacros(layername)
def writeExcellon(self, fid, diameter):
def writeExcellon(self, fid, diameter, plated):
assert self.x is not None
self.job.writeExcellon(fid, diameter, self.x, self.y)
self.job.writeExcellon(fid, diameter, self.x, self.y, plated)
def writeDrillHits(self, fid, diameter, toolNum):
assert self.x is not None
@ -1157,90 +1344,68 @@ class JobLayout:
def notEdge(x, X):
return round(abs(1000*(x-X)))
#assert self.x and self.y
assert self.x and self.y
#if job has a boardoutline layer, write it, else calculate one
outline_layer = 'boardoutline';
if self.job.hasLayer(outline_layer):
# somewhat of a hack here; making use of code in gerbmerge, around line 516,
# we are going to replace the used of the existing draw code in the boardoutline
# file with the one passed in (which was created from layout.cfg ('CutLineWidth')
# It is a hack in that we are assuming there is only one draw code in the
# boardoutline file. We are just going to ignore that definition and change
# all usages of that code to our new one. As a side effect, it will make
# the merged boardoutline file invalid, but we aren't using it with this method.
temp = []
for x in self.job.commands[outline_layer]:
if x[0] == 'D':
temp.append(drawing_code) ## replace old aperture with new one
temp.append(x) ## keep old command
self.job.commands[outline_layer] = temp
radius = config.GAT[drawing_code].dimx/2.0
# Start at lower-left, proceed clockwise
x = self.x - radius
y = self.y - radius
#self.job.writeGerber(fid, outline_layer, X1, Y1)
self.writeGerber(fid, outline_layer)
radius = config.GAT[drawing_code].dimx/2.0
# Start at lower-left, proceed clockwise
x = self.x - radius
y = self.y - radius
left = notEdge(self.x, X1)
right = notEdge(self.x+self.width_in(), X2)
bot = notEdge(self.y, Y1)
top = notEdge(self.y+self.height_in(), Y2)
left = notEdge(self.x, X1)
right = notEdge(self.x+self.width_in(), X2)
bot = notEdge(self.y, Y1)
top = notEdge(self.y+self.height_in(), Y2)
BL = ((x), (y))
TL = ((x), (y+self.height_in()+2*radius))
TR = ((x+self.width_in()+2*radius), (y+self.height_in()+2*radius))
BR = ((x+self.width_in()+2*radius), (y))
BL = ((x), (y))
TL = ((x), (y+self.height_in()+2*radius))
TR = ((x+self.width_in()+2*radius), (y+self.height_in()+2*radius))
BR = ((x+self.width_in()+2*radius), (y))
if not left:
BL = (BL[0]+2*radius, BL[1])
TL = (TL[0]+2*radius, TL[1])
if not left:
BL = (BL[0]+2*radius, BL[1])
TL = (TL[0]+2*radius, TL[1])
if not top:
TL = (TL[0], TL[1]-2*radius)
TR = (TR[0], TR[1]-2*radius)
if not top:
TL = (TL[0], TL[1]-2*radius)
TR = (TR[0], TR[1]-2*radius)
if not right:
TR = (TR[0]-2*radius, TR[1])
BR = (BR[0]-2*radius, BR[1])
if not right:
TR = (TR[0]-2*radius, TR[1])
BR = (BR[0]-2*radius, BR[1])
if not bot:
BL = (BL[0], BL[1]+2*radius)
BR = (BR[0], BR[1]+2*radius)
if not bot:
BL = (BL[0], BL[1]+2*radius)
BR = (BR[0], BR[1]+2*radius)
BL = (util.in2gerb(BL[0]), util.in2gerb(BL[1]))
TL = (util.in2gerb(TL[0]), util.in2gerb(TL[1]))
TR = (util.in2gerb(TR[0]), util.in2gerb(TR[1]))
BR = (util.in2gerb(BR[0]), util.in2gerb(BR[1]))
BL = (util.in2gerb(BL[0]), util.in2gerb(BL[1]))
TL = (util.in2gerb(TL[0]), util.in2gerb(TL[1]))
TR = (util.in2gerb(TR[0]), util.in2gerb(TR[1]))
BR = (util.in2gerb(BR[0]), util.in2gerb(BR[1]))
# The "if 1 or ..." construct draws all four sides of the job. By
# removing the 1 from the expression, only the sides that do not
# correspond to panel edges are drawn. The former is probably better
# since panels tend to have a little slop from the cutting operation
# and it's easier to just cut it smaller when there's a cut line.
# The way it is now with "if 1 or....", much of this function is
# unnecessary. Heck, we could even just use the boardoutline layer
# directly.
if 1 or left:
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % BL)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % TL)
# The "if 1 or ..." construct draws all four sides of the job. By
# removing the 1 from the expression, only the sides that do not
# correspond to panel edges are drawn. The former is probably better
# since panels tend to have a little slop from the cutting operation
# and it's easier to just cut it smaller when there's a cut line.
# The way it is now with "if 1 or....", much of this function is
# unnecessary. Heck, we could even just use the boardoutline layer
# directly.
if 1 or left:
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % BL)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % TL)
if 1 or top:
if not left: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % TL)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % TR)
if 1 or top:
if not left: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % TL)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % TR)
if 1 or right:
if not top: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % TR)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % BR)
if 1 or right:
if not top: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % TR)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % BR)
if 1 or bot:
if not right: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % BR)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % BL)
if 1 or bot:
if not right: fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % BR)
fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % BL)
def setPosition(self, x, y):
@ -1262,6 +1427,17 @@ class JobLayout:
return total
def holehits(self, diameter):
tools = self.job.findUTools(diameter)
total = 0
for tool in tools:
total += len(self.job.ucommands[tool])
return total
def jobarea(self):
return self.job.jobarea()
@ -1292,7 +1468,9 @@ def rotateJob(job, degrees = 90, firstpass = True):
# Keep list of tool diameters and default tool list
J.xdiam = job.xdiam
J.udiam = job.udiam
J.ToolList = job.ToolList
J.uToolList = job.uToolList
J.Repeat = job.Repeat
# D-code translation table is the same, except we have to rotate
@ -1404,18 +1582,49 @@ def rotateJob(job, degrees = 90, firstpass = True):
for tool in job.xcommands.keys():
J.xcommands[tool] = []
for x,y in job.xcommands[tool]:
# add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
# NOTE: There don't appear to be any need for a change. The usual x10 factor seems to apply
for cmd in job.xcommands[tool]:
if len(cmd) == 2:
x,y = cmd
newx = -(10*y - job.miny) + job.minx + offset
newy = (10*x - job.minx) + job.miny
newx = int(round(newx/10.0))
newy = int(round(newy/10.0))
elif len(cmd) == 4:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = cmd
newx1 = -(10*y1 - job.miny) + job.minx + offset
newy1 = (10*x1 - job.minx) + job.miny
newx1 = int(round(newx1/10.0))
newy1 = int(round(newy1/10.0))
newx2 = -(10*y2 - job.miny) + job.minx + offset
newy2 = (10*x2 - job.minx) + job.miny
newx2 = int(round(newx2/10.0))
newy2 = int(round(newy2/10.0))
J.xcommands[tool].append((newx1, newy1, newx2, newy2))
#print ("Slotkoordinaten nach Drehen: X" + str(newx1) + " Y" + str(newy1) + " G85 X" + str(newx2) + " Y" + str(newy2))
raise RuntimeError, 'rotate job, subsection rotate excellon: wrong tuple length'
for tool in job.ucommands.keys():
J.ucommands[tool] = []
for x,y in job.ucommands[tool]:
newx = -(10*y - job.miny) + job.minx + offset
newy = (10*x - job.minx) + job.miny
newx = int(round(newx/10.0))
newy = int(round(newy/10.0))
# Rotate some more if required
degrees -= 90
@ -1423,4 +1632,4 @@ def rotateJob(job, degrees = 90, firstpass = True):
return rotateJob(J, degrees, False)
##print "rotated:",
return J
return J