
14 KiB


Turbocharged oposite 4 cylinder EJ20G

Stock ECU

A lot of useful info can be found at [ Diagnostics and Datalogging for Subaru SVX]

ECU pinout

This pinout can be partially correct for other Subaru from early 90s (with same yellow ECU connector). Like Legacy/Liberty, SVX and so on.


Connector: Hardware:OEM_connectors#76_pin

EDM connector B44 (JDM - B60)

Terminal Type EDM Signal JDM Signal Note Wire color
1 OD output Idle air control solenoid: close end same
2 OD output Idle air control solenoid: open end same
3 OD output Wastgate control solenoid same
4 OD output Radiator fan 1 control same Ext relay
5 Open Emiter output Self shutoff control same +12 output to hold main relay on (serial diode protected on ECU side)
6 OD output Purge control solenoid valve 5th injector relay (RA-version)
7 OD+Pull-up output Ignition control #4 same
8 OD+Pull-up output Ignition control #3 same
9 OD+Pull-up output Ignition control #2 same
10 OD+Pull-up output Ignition control #1 same
11 OD output Fuel injector #3 same
12 OD output Fuel injector #2 same
13 OD output Fuel injector #1 same
14 Power GND (power supply) same (not sure)
15 Power Ignition GND same externaly connected to body
16 Input Power steering pressure switch same to GND
17 OD output Radiator fan 2 control same Ext relay
18 - No connection same
19 OD output Jakie Chan lamp same
20 OD output Pressure exchange solenoid valve same Used to switch pressure sensor between intake and atmosphere
21 - No connection same
22 OD output AC cut relay same
23 OD output Fuel pump relay same
24 Power Injectors GND same
25 Power Injectors GND same
26 OD output Fuel injector #4 same

EDM connector B96 (JDM B116)

Terminal Type EDM Signal JDM Signal Note Wire color
1 Input Camshaft position sensor: signal + same
2 Input Camshaft position sensor: signal - same
3 Shield Camshaft position sensor: shield same
4 Shield Knock sensor: shield same
5 Input Knock sensor: signal same
6 Input Idle switch ? Throttle fully closed
7 Tx Subaru Select Monitor signal same 5V uart, 1953 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, Even Parity and no flow control
8 Rx Subaru Select Monitor signal same 5V uart, 1953 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, Even Parity and no flow control
9 Input AC switch same to gnd
10 Input Starter signal same
11 Input ? Idle switch Throttle fully closed
12 Input Read memory connector same connect to GND
13 Input Test connector same connect to GND
14 - No connection same
15 - No connection same
16 Output 5V Engine tachometer output same 2 pulses per rev

EDM connector B95 (JDM B115)

Terminal Type EDM Signal JDM Signal Note Wire color
1 Power OUT Throttle position switch: GND/Shield same
2 Input Throttle position switch: Signal same Fully closed: 4.7V, Fully opened: 0.9V
3 Power OUT Throttle position switch: 5V same 5V output
4 Input Crancshaft position sensor: signal + same
5 Input Crancshaft position sensor: signal - same
6 Shield Crancshaft position sensor: shield same
7 - No connection same
8 - No connection same
9 - No connection same
10 Input Neutral switch same
11 Input Vehicle speed same 5V level from dashboard
12 Input IGN signal same

EDM connector B43 (JDM B59)

Terminal Type EDM Signal JDM Signal Note Wire color
1 - No connection same
2 Power Power supply same Through main relay
3 Power OUT Pressure sensor: 5V same 5V output
4 Input Pressure sensor: signal same
5 Input No connection EGT sensor input
6 Input O2 sensor: signal same Rich: 0.7-1.0, Leam: 0.0-0.2
7 Input Engine coolant t same
8 Power OUT MAF: 12V same
9 Input MAF: signal same
10 Power OUT MAF: GND same
11 Power GND (control system) same
12 Output No connection IP light ses (?)
13 Power Power supply same Through main relay
14 - No connection same
15 Power Back-up power supply same Always on
16 - No connection same
17 Input O2 sensor: shield same
18 - No connection same
19 Power OUT MAF: shield same
20 - No connection same
21 Power OUT Pressure, coolant T, EGT sensors GND same
22 Power GND (control system) same

ECU connection

Impreza 1991+

Wiring Diagram

Liberty RS 1993

Wiring Diagram

Stock ECU internals

Output drivers:

4 x UPA1558H - 4 N-channel power MOSFETs

1 x 4AK19 - 4 N-channlel power MOSFETs (2.5 A) - seems to drive injectors

(2S)A1441 - 5A PNP transistors - seems to drive self-shutdown control output

See also