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Below is a copy-paste of

Nissan Sentra 2010 CAN bus data

CAN bus frame

CAN message bytes are referenced by letters A-H:

(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)

Individual bits within a byte are represented by the byte letter followed by a period followed by a number (1-8). For example, B.1 would mean the first bit within the second byte, and C.6 would mean the sixth bit within the third byte. Hyphens denote a range. For instances where the data length code (DLC) is not 8 bytes, the DLC is specified.

Many similarities in CAN IDs found in the Knio/carhack repo. Planning on cross-referencing this soon. It is quite likely that all Nissan vehicles share CAN IDs for common fucntions.

Also planning on cross-referencing from the commaai/opendbc PR #72 which has further categorized Nissan CAN IDs.

Controls to reverse engineer

A preliminary list of human vehicle controls to sniff the CAN bus for

  • Accelorator pedal
  • Brake pedal
  • Steering wheel angle
  • Vehicle headlights
  • Windshield wiper controls
  • Turn signals
  • Hazard lights
  • Cruise control
  • Horn
  • Climate control
  • Rear window defrost
  • Doors open
  • Seat belts
  • Parking brake
  • Radio buttons
  • Power windows
  • Power door locks
  • Power side mirrors
  • Cabin lights
  • Gas cap release
  • Trunk release


Physically connected to vehicle's OBD-II port using a Kvaser Leaf Light HS v2 CAN interface. This CAN interface is connected via USB to a laptop running Linux. Using the SocketCAN driver to create a network interface (arbitrarily named "can0").

Discovered via trial and error that the CAN bus bit rate on the Nissan Sentra is 500kbit/s. The the majority of passenger vehicles will use a CAN bus bit rate of either 250kbit/s or 500kbit/s.

Configuring the CAN network interface

  1. sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000
  2. sudo ip link set can0 up

Using the can-utils package; specifically cansniffer to see changes and canbusload to monitor bus load.

Arguments used

  • cansniffer -c can0
  • canbusload -tcbr can0@500000

All recorded CAN message IDs are in hexadecimal.

Active CAN IDs

Key inserted, ACC off, engine off

CAN bus load 7%

When key inserted or removed, messages from the following IDs only last a few seconds then stop sending

  • 358
  • 35D
  • 625

When key moved to first position (before ACC), messages from the following IDs are seen periodically and constantly

  • 35D
  • 60D
  • 625

When vehicle is off (no key inserted at all) and a control is activated (one that is allowed to be used when the vehicle is off; eg. door open, hazard & head lights) messages with the following IDs are seen in addition to the usual ones associated with said control

  • 35D
    • B.1-B.2 => 0b00=doors closed, 0b11=driver door opened
  • 625
    • DLC=6
    • D.1-D.2 => 0b10=doors closed, 0b01=any door opened

ACC on, engine off

CAN bus load 30%

Messages from the following IDs always actively changing

  • 174
    • E => cycles through values 0x01 0x04 0x05 0x09 0x0C 0x0D
  • 176
    • DLC=7
    • G => cycles through values 0x01 0x05 0x06 0x09 0x0D
  • 180
  • 182
  • 280
  • 284
  • 285
  • 551
    • A.1-A.2 => cycles through values 0b01 0b10
  • 560
    • DLC=3
  • 6E2
    • DLC=3
    • C => cycles through values 0x78 0x7A and 0x7B 0x79

Engine running

CAN bus load 30%

Messages from the following IDs always actively changing. Bolded IDs are newly seen relative to when ACC on.

  • 160
  • 174
  • 176
  • 180
  • 182
  • 1F9
  • 280
  • 284
  • 285
  • 551
  • 560
  • 6E2

Vehicle controls

Accelorator pedal

  • 160
    • E-H => seem to correspond to pedal position
    • A-B => 0x3D64 when pedal not pressed, increases to 0x41D4 when fully pressed
    • C => always 0xA1

Brake pedal

  • 354
    • G.5 => 0=not pressed, 1=pressed
  • 35D
    • E.5 => 0=not pressed, 1=pressed

Steering wheel angle

No change in messages

Only tried with ACC on, engine off

Vehicle lights

Forward facing lights

Possible states are: off, headlights on, fog lights on, high beams on

  • 358
    • B.8 => 0=off, 1=any light on
  • 60D
    • A.2-A.3 => 0b00=off, 0b10=headlights on, 0b11=fog lights on
  • 60D
    • B.4 => 0=high beams off, 1=high beams on
  • 625
    • DLC=6
    • B.5-B.7 => 0b000=off, 0b100=headlights on, 0b110=fog lights on, 0b001=high beams on

When car is off (no key inserted)

  • 5C5
    • A.7-A.8 => 0b10=off, 0b01=any light on

Windshield wipers

Wiper control stick

Possible states are: off, oneshot ("MIST"), intermittent ("INT"), slow ("LO"), fast ("HI")

  • 35D
    • C.6-C.8 => 0b000=off, 0b110=oneshot, 0b010=intermittent, 0b110=slow, 0b111=fast
    • Bits for oneshot and slow settings are the same
  • 354
    • appears during intermittent wiper setting
    • E.2 => 0=off, 1=intermittent, ...
  • 625
    • A.2-A.3 => 0b01=off, 0b10=intermittent, ...

Turn signals

Turn signal control stick

Data bytes change each time turn signal ticks/lights up

  • 60D
    • B.6-B.7 => 0b00=off tick, 0b01=left turn tick, 0b10=right turn tick

Hazard lights

Data bytes change each time lights are flashed on and off

  • 60D
    • B.6-B.7 => 0b00=off, 0b11=blink on

This is really just a combination of both the left and right turn signal lights. Same bits seen when using turn signal control stick.

Cruise control

Cruise control on/off button on steering wheel

  • 551
    • F.5-F.7 => 0b000=off, 0b101=on

Did not test setting cruise control speed or increasing/reducing speed setting, this would require the vehicle to be moving (minimum 40 km/h before cruise control can be active)


No change in messages

Climate control fan

  • 358
    • B.7 => 0=off, 1=fan on (any speed)
  • 35D
    • A.1 => 0=off, 1=fan on (any speed)

No other climate control setting showed any change in messages

Rear defrost

Rear window defrost on/off button

  • 35D
    • A.2-A.3 => 0b00=off, 0b11=on

Door ajar

  • 60D
    • A.4 driver side front door => 0=closed, 1=open
    • A.5 passenger side front door => 0=closed, 1=open
    • A.6 driver side rear door => 0=closed, 1=open
    • A.7 passenger side rear door => 0=closed, 1=open

Seat belt

When seat belt is clicked in for the driver

  • 280
    • A.2 => 0=clicked in, 1=not clicked in

Most likely for enabling the seat belt indicator light on the dash

Also tried passenger seat belt but saw no change in messages

Parking brake

  • 5C5
    • A.3 => 0=off, 1=parking brake engaged

Radio buttons

No change in messages

Unlikely to be on the same bus as the rest of the vehicle controls

Power windows

No change in messages

Tried lowering and raising all four windows

Power door locks

No change in messages

Tried locking and unlocking all four doors

Power side mirrors

No change in messages

Tried adjusting both left and right side mirrors

Cabin lights

No change in messages

Tried turning on front cabin light and back seat cabin light

Gas cap release

No change in messages

Likely just a mechanical release

Trunk release

No change in messages

Likely just a mechanical release

CAN ID summary

CAN message IDs to control relations identified but not limited to

ID Control
160 Accelorator pedal
280 Seat belt
354 Brake, wipers
358 Headlights, climate control
35D Brake, wipers, climate control, rear defrost
551 Cruise control
5C5 Headlights (car off), parking brake
60D Headlights, turn signals, doors
625 Headlights, wipers