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rusEFI Quick Start

Version 0.01

Congratulations, your fully assembled rusEFI unit has arrived! This document would get you started! Online version is available at

Tuner Studio

We recommend that you use EFI Analytics Tuner Studio desktop application to tune your rusEFI Engine Control Unit.

As of February 2024 we recommend Tuner Studio BETA. Please download and install from

Lite edition would get the job done, but registered version comes with tons of benefits like search, higher logging rate etc etc.

Create New Project

Hook up your rusEFI to your desktop with a cable. USB power is sufficient to get your unit running on your bench!

Launch Tuner Studio Beta and hit 'Create New Project'. Pick a name and hit 'Detect'.


Tuner Studio would scan through your connections and detect your unit! Hit 'Accept' in the bottom-right corner. Hit 'Next' a few times, hit 'Finish'. You are ready to calibrate your unit!


Tune it!

TunerStudio project is the tuning documentation. Please glance over all the available dialogs. Many settings have a blue "?" icon - click on these, those tooltip are the most complete rusEFI documnetation.


Detailed Hardware information

All official rusEFI units come with detailed hardware documentation including schematics and interactive pinout. Each unit has it's own web page with all those details for instance

Updating Firmware

rusEFI firmware is still being actively improved! We recommend that you update your unit every six months.

Further Reading