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Tuner Studio

Command Number Of Parameters Description
tsinfo 0 Prints TunerStudio communication summary
set_ts_speed 1 Sets Tuner Studio communication speed. For example, set_ts_speed 115400
reset_ts 0 Resets TunerStudio debugging counters


Command Number Of Parameters Description
caninfo 0 Shows stats for CAN subsystem
enable can 0 Enable CAN hardware. Also disable can
enable can_read 0 Enable reading/sniffing CAN commands with echo. Also disable can_read
enable can_write 0 Enable sending out gauge info via CAN according with selected CAN configuration. Also disable can_write

Knock Detection

Command Number Of Parameters Description
enable HIP9011 0 Enables HIP9011 driver
enable tpic_advanced_mode 0 Enables TPIC advanced (digital) mode
enable knockdebug 0 Verbose mode
hipinfo 0 Shows HIP9011 driver state
set_gain 1 Sets HIP gain parameter, betweb 0.1 and 2. New value would be applied on the fly
set_band 1 Sets HIP target frequency, in kHz. New value would be applied on the fly
set_hip_prescalerandsdo 1 Sets HIP prescaler and SDO. 0 for 4mHz, 6 for 8mHz


Command Number Of Parameters Description
adc 1
adcDebug 1
appendToLog 3
chart 1
chartsize 1 Sets the size of engine sniffing buffer in ECU. Nothing would change on your screen until a new larger packet of engine sniffing would arrive from ECU.
get date 0 Gets current real time clock
set date XXX 1 XXX is time in seconds sins Unix epoch - see
echo 1 Just prints out the parameter - this is useful for troubleshooting connectivity
fatal 0 This command would cause the firmware to halt. I am not sure that you want to try this one :)
fadc 0
faststat 0
fl 1 'full logging', Turns-off constant dev console data output. fl 1 would turn it back on.
gfc 1
gpsinfo 0
help 0 Prints the list of supported commands
hello 0 Prints the version of firmware
i2c 5
injector 5
ls 3
mountsd 0
performance info 0 Development:Software:performance#Event_handling
readconfig 0 read config from flash/EEPROM
resetconfig 0 Resets configuration to default
set ignition_offset 1
set_analog_chart_mode 1
set cranking_rpm 1 Sets the RPM level at which we consider the engine to be cranking - not running
rpm 1 For example, rpm 1200 sets the RPM for built-in position sensor simulator
set engine_type 1 This will change the configuration from the default Dodge Neon configuration.
You should reboot the firmware after changing engine type.
Hit the reset button or just power off/on the microcontroller.
set global_trigger_offset_angle 1 Change the offset between trigger sync point and TDC#1
sfm 5
showconfig 0 Shows current configuration stored in the flash memory - that's where you can see your current fuel map etc.
status 0
testmath 1
threadsinfo 0 list of ChibiOS threads
umountsd 0 Un-mount SD/MMC card
writeconfig 0 Write config to flash (you only need this if you have used one of the 'setXXX' commands) TODO: implement a feature of not actually writing changes into flash while engine is running since flash writes freeze the CPU. TunerStudio burn has this feature of delayed until engine is stopped burn already.
wm 5
get_int, get_short, get_float 1 prints the configuration value at given offset
set_int, set_short, set_float 2 changes configuration value at given offset, for example set_float 102 1.23


Command Number Of Parameters Description
sdinfo 0 Prints a report of SD/MMC usage
umountsd 0 Un-mount SD card
enable sd/disable sd 0


Trigger is the camshaft or/and crankshaft position sensor(s)

triggerinfo shows some info regarding trigger situation

set global_trigger_offset_angle XX

sets global trigger offset from synchronization point of trigger decoder to actual TDC #1

TODO? rename command? rename variable?

enable/disable trigger_only_front

In 'only front' mode, only signal rises are used for trigger decoding. For example, enable trigger_only_front

enable/disable trigger_details

Trigger details additional output helps with troubleshooting trigger synchronization issues.


Prints trigger shape definition


|analoginfo|0|Shows ADC intut values| |tempinfo|0| prints out some debug information on CLT and IAT sensors| |tpsinfo|0| prints out some debug information on TPS sensor| |mapinfo|0| prints out some debug information on MAP sensor|

Board Control

set_injection_pin: 2 parameters: index, PIN

For example, set_injection_pin 1 PB7

set injection_pin_mode: 1 parameter

For example,

set injection_pin_mode 1

Currently four modes are supported:

OM_DEFAULT = 0 (GND for logical OFF, VCC for logical ON) and OM_INVERTED = 1 (GND for logical ON, VCC for logical OFF)


set ignition_pin_mode: 1 parameter

set idle_pin_mode: 1 parameter

For example,

set idle_pin_mode 1

set fuel_pump_pin_mode: 1 parameters,

set malfunction_indicator_pin_mode: 1 parameters,

Fuel Control

See also Fuel Overview

set_whole_fuel_map: 1 parameter: global value for the whole fuel map, in ms

for example, set_whole_fuel_map 11

set_fuel_map: 3 parameters For example set_fuel_map 2200 4 15.66 Set 15.66ms value for 2200 rpm @ engine load 4

set cranking_fuel: 1 parameters, for example

set cranking_fuel 5

set injection_offset: 1 parameter, for example

set injection_offset 80

Sets global fuel injection phase to 80 degrees after TDC.

Alternator Control

altinfo Prints current alternator state

set alt_p X

for example, set alt_p 10

set alt_offset X

Set's alternator duty cycle offset. For example, set alt_offset 10

set alt_t X

for example, set alt_t 100 (100ms PID time)

set_alternator_pin PIN

for example, set_alternator_pin PE10

enable/disable altdebug

for example, enable altdebug

enable/disable altcontrol

for example, disable altcontrol

set targetvbatt X

Acceleration Enrichment

set engine_load_accel_len X for example, set engine_load_accel_len 6 Look back at MAP for period of last X injections.

set engine_load_accel_multiplier X for example, set engine_load_accel_multiplier 2.0 This coefficient controls how much extra fuel we inject during acceleration due to MAP change

set engine_load_accel_threshold X for example, set engine_load_accel_threshold 5.0 Ignore change below X kPa

set tps_accel_len X for example, set tps_accel_len 6 Look back at TPS for period of last X injections.

set tps_accel_multiplier X for example, set tps_accel_multiplier 2.0 This coefficient controls how much extra fuel we inject during acceleration due to TPS change

set tps_accel_threshold X for example, set tps_accel_threshold 10 Ignore change below X % tps

set suckedOffCoef 0.4 set addedToWallCoef 0.2

See Wall Wetting

Timing Control

set global_trigger_offset_angle: 1 parameter: global TDC offset from trigger synchronization point

set_whole_timing_map: 1 parameter: global timing for the whole timing map while engine is running

set_timing_map: 3 parameters. timing map value for given RPM and engine load For example et_timing_map 2200 4 60 sets timing to 60 degrees advance for rpm 2200 and engine load 4

set cranking_timing_angle: 1 parameter sets timing advance while cranking

set fixed_mode_timing: 1 parameters,

set timing_mode: 1 parameters,

Idle Control

See also Idle Control

set idle_rpm PRM

Set's target idle RPM

set idle_position X

set's idle duty cycle, value between 0 and 100, for example set idle_position 50

enable/disable stepperidle

for example, enable stepperidle

blipidle X Y overrides idle position to X for Y duration of time

for example blipidle 20 2000 would set idle position to 80 for 2000 ms / 2 seconds

I/O testing

Command Number Of Parameters Description
fuelpumpbench 0 Turns fuel pump on for three seconds after a one second delay
fuelbench2 5 for example, fuelbench2 10000 1 2 1200 3
This command would send out a series of 3 on/off squirts out to injector #1, on time: 2ms, off time: 1200ms, after a 10000ms (10 seconds) delay
fuelbench 3 for example, fuelbench 5 2000 4
This command would send out a series of 3 on/off squirts out to injector #1, on time: 5ms, off time: 2000ms
fuelbench2 5 for example, fuelbench2 1000 2 9 200 10
This command would send out a series of 10 on/off squirts out to injector #2, on time: 9ms, off time: 200ms, after a 1000ms delay
sparkbench 3 for example, sparkbench 5 200 3
This command would send out a series of 3 on/off squirts out to coil #1, on time: 5ms, off time: 200ms
sparkbench2 5 for example, sparkbench2 1000 2 4 200 10
This command would send out a series of 10 on/off squirts out to coil #2, on time: 4ms, off time: 200ms, after a 1000ms delay
fanbench 0 Turns radiator fan on for three seconds after a one second delay
milbench 0 Turns MIL on for three seconds after a one second delay

Engineering support

Command Number Of Parameters Description
enable self_stimulation 0 Routes simulated trigger signal directly into trigger processing logic