
10 KiB

Connector Pinout


microRusEfi photo

Rear side of PCB

microRusEfi image


Pin Descriptions

Each pin has a Type ID, which can be used to look up in the following tables what the pin is for, and what functions it can perform.

Pin Number Name Type ID Default function
1 12V 12V 12V supply from main relay output, see also pin #29
2 GND pgnd Power GND
3 Lowside 2 ls Idle solenoid
4 ETB+ etb ETB+
5 12V 12V 12V supply from Key (turn on/off power)
6 GND pgnd Power GND
7 Lowside 1 ls VVT
8 ETB- etb ETB-
9 Ignition 1 ign Ignition 1
10 Ignition 2 ign Ignition 2
11 Ignition 3 ign Ignition 3
12 Ignition 4 ign Ignition 4
13 GP out 6 gp_high Alternator (see JP2 jumper note)
14 GP out 5 gp_high (see JP2 jumper note)
15 USB D- usb USB white wire
16 USB D+ usb USB green wire
17 GND sgnd Signal GND
18 AN Temp 1 at CLT sensor
19 AN Volt 4 av Starting from version 0.5.0 this pin can be used as 5V input for USB connection through main connector (No need to open case to access micro-USB connector)
20 AN Volt 5 av Throttle position sensor (TPS)
21 GND sgnd Signal GND
22 AN Temp 4 at
23 AN Temp 2 at IAT sensor
24 AN Temp 3 at
25 Cam (hall) hall
26 AN Volt 2 av
27 AN Volt 1 av MAP sensor
28 AN Volt 10 av
29 Main relay mr Main relay control signal (low side)
30 AN Volt 7 av
31 AN Volt 3 av Throttle Pedal Position Sensor (PPS)
32 AN Volt 6 av External wideband O2 sensor
33 GP out 3 gp_low (gp_pp) (IDLE stepper coil 2+)
34 GP out 2 gp_low (gp_pp) Fan relay (IDLE stepper coil 1-)
35 GP out 1 gp_low (gp_pp) Fuel pump relay (IDLE stepper coil 1+)
36 AN Volt 8 av
37 Injector 1 inj Injector 1
38 Injector 2 inj Injector 2
39 5V Sensor 2 5v MAP sensor supply
40 AN Volt 9 av
41 Injector 3 inj Injector 3
42 Injector 4 inj Injector 4
43 GP out 4 gp_low (gp_pp) (IDLE stepper coil 2+)
44 5V Sensor 1 5v TPS sensor supply
45 VR+/Hall vr/hall Crank VR+/hall
46 VR- vr Crank VR- (do not connect if hall)
47 CAN low can CAN bus
48 CAN high can CAN bus

In some cases without "main relay output +12v" both pins #1 and #5 should be connected to the single source of +12v.

Pin #1 feeds ETB H-bridge, battery voltage sense, gp5 & gp6 high-side +12v, TLE8888 H-bridges.

Pin Types

These tables provide technical information about the different types of pin found on microrusEfi.


ID Type Notes & Limits
12V Power supply 9-22V operating, 5A fuse recommended
pgnd Power ground Solidly ground directly to chassis or engine block.
sgnd Signal ground Sensor ground. Do not ground to engine!
5v 5V sensor supply 5V supply for external sensors. 200mA maximum per pin.


Pin Name Notes & Limits
#33 GP4 Coil #2
#34 GP2 Coil #1
#35 GP1 Coil #1
#43 GP4 Coil #2


ID Type Notes & Limits Possible functions
at Analog temperature Analog temperature (thermistor) input. 2.7k/TBD pullup resistor to 5v Thermistor temperature sensor, fuel level sender (variable resistor type)
av Analog voltage Analog voltage input. 500k pull down to GND Analog voltage sensor (MAP, TPS, acc pedal, oil pressure, etc)
vr Variable reluctor VR crank input VR sensors including crank, cam, vehicle speed
hall Hall cam/crank TBD pull up to 5v hall sensor for cam/crank Hall sensors including crank, cam, vehicle speed


ID Type Notes & Limits Possible functions
inj Injector output Low side, 2.2A maximum
Only saturated (high impedance) injectors are supported.
Injector, general purpose low side
ign Ignition output 5V push-pull, 250mA maximum Ignition coil, general purpose 5V push-pull
ls High power low side General purpose low side output, 4.5A maximum General purpose low side, injector
gp_high General purpose high side General purpose high side push output, 5V/12V (internally selectable based on JP2 jumper) 250mA maximum General purpose 5V/12V high side, ignition coil
gp_low General purpose low side General purpose low side pull output, 12V 500mA maximum General purpose low side
gp_pp General purpose Push-Pull General purpose push-pull (low and high side) output, 600mA Bipolar IDLE stepper, relays, solenoids
mr Main relay Dedicated main relay output. Low side turned on with power, 800mA maximum. Main relay
etb Electronic throttle Dedicated electronic throttle outputs. Connect a brushed motor
throttle body directly to these two pins.


ID Type Notes & Limits
usb USB USB tuning interface
can CAN bus CAN communication

USB cable green wire: USB D+ DATA+

USB cable white wire: USB D- DATA-

USB cable black wire: ground

USB cable red wire: +5v (would not work via microRusEfi connector for versions < 0.5.0)

Hall type Crank sensor

See TLE8888 datasheet figure 71 R9=DNP R15=DNP R17=2.7K pull-up to 5v

R12=10K R13=0R

front hall front lower

Extra pins

microRusEFI exposes the following pins in addition to the primary 48 pin connector:



N Name Possible functions (not all listed!)
4 VDD 3.3V
1 5V 5V
2 12V 12V from Main Relay
3 PB8 I2C1_SCL or CAN1_RX
6 PB9 I2C1_SDA or CAN1_TX
7 PA15 SPI3_NSS (Chip Select)

Three GPIOs are available on J2 (SWD) connector. If you are not going to use debuger J2 connector can be used for other purposes.

N Name Possible functions (not all listed!)
7, 8 GND GND
1, 2 5V 5V
3, 4 VDD 3.3V
5 SCK SWD clock or PA14 gpio (no alternative functions)
9 SWDIO SWD data or PA13 gpio (no alternative functions)
6 SWO SWD/JTAG data out (?) or SPI1_SCK or SPI3_SCK
10 NRST CPU reset input (active low)

For HW version 0.5.0 and newer some additional GPIOs are available on testpoints around STM32.

x Please refer to PCB layout for exact positions of this testpoints (no silk refdefs on PCB).

Tespoint GPIO Possible functions (not all listed!)
J9 PC13 GPIO only
J10 PE6 TIM9_CH2
J11 PE5 TIM9_CH1

Please refer to STM32F407 chip documentation for full list of alternative functions of GPIOs listed above.