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rusEFI project
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Trigger Inputs
Invert Primary: This setting flips the signal from the primary engine speed sensor.
Invert Secondary: This setting flips the signal from the secondary engine speed sensor.
Cam Sync/VVT input: Camshaft input could be used either just for engine phase detection if your trigger shape does not include cam sensor as 'primary' channel, or it could be used for Variable Valve timing on one of the camshafts. TODO #660
Other Sensor Inputs
Throttle Up switch: Throttle Pedal not pressed switch - used on some older vehicles like early Mazda Miata
Analog Input Settings
CLT sensor
IAT sensor
aux1 Thermistor Settings
aux2 Thermistor Settings
TPS low value detection threshold(%): TPS error detection, what TPS % value is unrealistically low
TPS high value detection threshold(%): TPS error detection, what TPS % value is unrealistically high
Accelerator pedal
Down (WOT) voltage: Pedal in the floor
MAP sensor
Measure Map Only In One Cylinder: Useful for individual intakes
Measure Map Only In One Cylinder: Useful for individual intakes
Measure Map Only In One Cylinder: Useful for individual intakes
MAP sampling
Baro sensor
MAF sensor
MAF sensor
EGO sensor
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CJ125 Settings (wbo decoder)
Is UA input divided?: Is your UA CJ125 output wired to MCU via resistor divider?
Is UR input divided?: Is your UR CJ125 output wired to MCU via resistor divider? Looks like 3v range should be enough, divider generally not needed.
Speed sensor
Oil pressure
EGT inputs
generated by class com.rusefi.MdGenerator on Fri May 01 15:24:28 EDT 2020