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Configuring_TunerStudio true 2020-01-16T04:29:01.680Z

Configuring TunerStudio Project Properties

The menu option for the project properties page can be found here

TS_9.png{.align-center width=400}

Once opened this page will be seen.

TS_4.png{.align-center width=350}

Settings Tab

Temperature Display

Options are :

  • Fahrenheit(Default)
  • Celsius

Fueling Algorithms

Options are :

  • Speed Density Fueling Algorithm (default)
  • Alpha-N Fueling Algorithm


Default option is disabled. If Enabled an additional Tab will appear on the tuning page hardware_test_tab.jpg Clicking on this will open further options hardware_test_output_option.jpg

  • Output Testing

Hardware test page.

  • Input Testing


Default option is disabled

Can Devices Tab
