
1016 B

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Fuel pump Setting the on/off conditions of the fuel pump true 2021-01-20T11:39:57.637Z aux outputs, tuning markdown 2020-01-14T06:24:04.641Z

Fuel pump

Fuel pump control is a simple but important function performed by the ECU. Currently Speeduino does not perform variable (PWM) pump control. Can only be connected to a relay. DO NOT CONNECT DIRECTLY TO FUEL PUMP.


fuel_pump.png{.align-center width=480}

  • Fuel pump pin - The Arduino pin that the fuel pump output is on. In most cases this should be left to Board Default unless you have a specific reason to change this.
  • Prime duration - How long (In seconds) the fuel pump should run when the system is first powered up. Note that this is triggered when the ECU is powered on, which will not always be the same as when the ignition is turned out. If you have a USB cable connected then the ECU is already powered up.