
263 lines
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//! Functions for scanning the chain and extracting relevant information.
use std::fmt::Debug;
use zcash_primitives::{
consensus::{self, NetworkUpgrade},
components::{amount::DEFAULT_FEE, Amount},
zip32::{ExtendedFullViewingKey, ExtendedSpendingKey},
use crate::{
data_api::{error::Error, ReceivedTransaction, SentTransaction, WalletWrite},
wallet::{AccountId, OvkPolicy},
pub const ANCHOR_OFFSET: u32 = 10;
/// Scans a [`Transaction`] for any information that can be decrypted by the accounts in
/// the wallet, and saves it to the wallet.
pub fn decrypt_and_store_transaction<N, E, P, D>(
params: &P,
data: &mut D,
tx: &Transaction,
) -> Result<(), E>
E: From<Error<N>>,
P: consensus::Parameters,
D: WalletWrite<Error = E>,
// Fetch the ExtendedFullViewingKeys we are tracking
let extfvks = data.get_extended_full_viewing_keys()?;
// Height is block height for mined transactions, and the "mempool height" (chain height + 1)
// for mempool transactions.
let height = data
.map(|(_, max_height)| max_height + 1))
.or_else(|| params.activation_height(NetworkUpgrade::Sapling))
let outputs = decrypt_transaction(params, height, tx, &extfvks);
if outputs.is_empty() {
} else {
data.store_received_tx(&ReceivedTransaction {
outputs: &outputs,
/// Creates a transaction paying the specified address from the given account.
/// Returns the row index of the newly-created transaction in the `transactions` table
/// within the data database. The caller can read the raw transaction bytes from the `raw`
/// column in order to broadcast the transaction to the network.
/// Do not call this multiple times in parallel, or you will generate transactions that
/// double-spend the same notes.
/// # Transaction privacy
/// `ovk_policy` specifies the desired policy for which outgoing viewing key should be
/// able to decrypt the outputs of this transaction. This is primarily relevant to
/// wallet recovery from backup; in particular, [`OvkPolicy::Discard`] will prevent the
/// recipient's address, and the contents of `memo`, from ever being recovered from the
/// block chain. (The total value sent can always be inferred by the sender from the spent
/// notes and received change.)
/// Regardless of the specified policy, `create_spend_to_address` saves `to`, `value`, and
/// `memo` in `db_data`. This can be deleted independently of `ovk_policy`.
/// For details on what transaction information is visible to the holder of a full or
/// outgoing viewing key, refer to [ZIP 310].
/// [ZIP 310]:
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
/// use zcash_primitives::{
/// consensus::{self, Network},
/// constants::testnet::COIN_TYPE,
/// transaction::components::Amount
/// };
/// use zcash_proofs::prover::LocalTxProver;
/// use zcash_client_backend::{
/// keys::spending_key,
/// data_api::wallet::create_spend_to_address,
/// wallet::{AccountId, OvkPolicy},
/// };
/// use zcash_client_sqlite::{
/// WalletDb,
/// error::SqliteClientError,
/// wallet::init::init_wallet_db,
/// };
/// # // doctests have a problem with sqlite IO, so we ignore errors
/// # // generated in this example code as it's not really testing anything
/// # fn main() {
/// # test();
/// # }
/// #
/// # fn test() -> Result<(), SqliteClientError> {
/// let tx_prover = match LocalTxProver::with_default_location() {
/// Some(tx_prover) => tx_prover,
/// None => {
/// panic!("Cannot locate the Zcash parameters. Please run zcash-fetch-params or to download the parameters, and then re-run the tests.");
/// }
/// };
/// let account = AccountId(0);
/// let extsk = spending_key(&[0; 32][..], COIN_TYPE, account.0);
/// let to = extsk.default_address().1.into();
/// let data_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
/// let db_read = WalletDb::for_path(data_file, Network::TestNetwork).unwrap();
/// init_wallet_db(&db_read)?;
/// let mut db = db_read.get_update_ops()?;
/// create_spend_to_address(
/// &mut db,
/// &Network::TestNetwork,
/// tx_prover,
/// account,
/// &extsk,
/// &to,
/// Amount::from_u64(1).unwrap(),
/// None,
/// OvkPolicy::Sender,
/// )?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn create_spend_to_address<E, N, P, D, R>(
wallet_db: &mut D,
params: &P,
prover: impl TxProver,
account: AccountId,
extsk: &ExtendedSpendingKey,
to: &RecipientAddress,
value: Amount,
memo: Option<MemoBytes>,
ovk_policy: OvkPolicy,
) -> Result<R, E>
E: From<Error<N>>,
P: consensus::Parameters + Clone,
R: Copy + Debug,
D: WalletWrite<Error = E, TxRef = R>,
// Check that the ExtendedSpendingKey we have been given corresponds to the
// ExtendedFullViewingKey for the account we are spending from.
let extfvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(extsk);
if !wallet_db.is_valid_account_extfvk(account, &extfvk)? {
return Err(E::from(Error::InvalidExtSk(account)));
// Apply the outgoing viewing key policy.
let ovk = match ovk_policy {
OvkPolicy::Sender => Some(extfvk.fvk.ovk),
OvkPolicy::Custom(ovk) => Some(ovk),
OvkPolicy::Discard => None,
// Target the next block, assuming we are up-to-date.
let (height, anchor_height) = wallet_db
.and_then(|x| x.ok_or_else(|| Error::ScanRequired.into()))?;
let target_value = (value + DEFAULT_FEE).ok_or_else(|| E::from(Error::InvalidAmount))?;
let spendable_notes = wallet_db.select_spendable_notes(account, target_value, anchor_height)?;
// Confirm we were able to select sufficient value
let selected_value = spendable_notes
.map(|n| n.note_value)
.ok_or_else(|| E::from(Error::InvalidAmount))?;
if selected_value < target_value {
return Err(E::from(Error::InsufficientBalance(
// Create the transaction
let mut builder = Builder::new(params.clone(), height);
for selected in spendable_notes {
let from = extfvk
.unwrap(); //DiversifyHash would have to unexpectedly return the zero point for this to be None
let note = from
.create_note(selected.note_value.into(), selected.rseed)
let merkle_path = selected.witness.path().expect("the tree is not empty");
.add_sapling_spend(extsk.clone(), selected.diversifier, note, merkle_path)
match to {
RecipientAddress::Shielded(to) => {
builder.add_sapling_output(ovk, to.clone(), value, memo.clone())
RecipientAddress::Transparent(to) => builder.add_transparent_output(&to, value),
let (tx, tx_metadata) =;
let output_index = match to {
// Sapling outputs are shuffled, so we need to look up where the output ended up.
RecipientAddress::Shielded(_) => match tx_metadata.output_index(0) {
Some(idx) => idx,
None => panic!("Output 0 should exist in the transaction"),
RecipientAddress::Transparent(addr) => {
let script = addr.script();
.and_then(|b| {
.find(|(_, tx_out)| tx_out.script_pubkey == script)
.map(|(index, _)| index)
.expect("we sent to this address")
wallet_db.store_sent_tx(&SentTransaction {
tx: &tx,
created: time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc(),
recipient_address: to,