
11 KiB

Fixed-base scalar multiplication

There are 6 fixed bases in the Orchard protocol:

  • \mathcal{K}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}, used in deriving the nullifier;
  • \mathcal{G}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}, used in spend authorization;
  • \mathcal{R} base for \mathsf{NoteCommit}^{\mathsf{Orchard}};
  • \mathcal{V} and \mathcal{R} bases for \mathsf{ValueCommit}^{\mathsf{Orchard}}; and
  • \mathcal{R} base for \mathsf{Commit}^{\mathsf{ivk}}.

Decompose scalar

We support fixed-base scalar multiplication with three types of scalars:

Full-width scalar

A 255-bit scalar from \mathbb{F}_q. We decompose a full-width scalar \alpha into 85 3-bit windows:

\alpha = k_0 + k_1 \cdot (2^3)^1 + \cdots + k_{84} \cdot (2^3)^{84}, k_i \in [0..2^3).

The scalar multiplication will be computed correctly for k_{0..84} representing any integer in the range [0, 2^{255}).

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
9 & q_\text{scalar-fixed} \cdot \left(\sum\limits_{i=0}^7{w - i}\right) = 0 \\\hline

We range-constrain each 3-bit word of the scalar decomposition using a polynomial range-check constraint:

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
9 & q_\text{decompose-base-field} \cdot \RangeCheck{\text{word}}{2^3} = 0 \\\hline

where \RangeCheck{\text{word}}{\texttt{range}} = \text{word} \cdot (1 - \text{word}) \cdots (\texttt{range} - 1 - \text{word}).

Base field element

We support using a base field element as the scalar in fixed-base multiplication. This occurs, for example, in the scalar multiplication for the nullifier computation of the Action circuit \mathsf{DeriveNullifier_{nk}} = \mathsf{Extract}_\mathbb{P}\left(\left[(\mathsf{PRF_{nk}^{nfOrchard}}(\rho) + \psi) \bmod{q_\mathbb{P}}\right]\mathcal{K}^\mathsf{Orchard} + \mathsf{cm}\right): here, the scalar \left[(\mathsf{PRF_{nk}^{nfOrchard}}(\rho) + \psi) \bmod{q_\mathbb{P}}\right] is the result of a base field addition.

Decompose the base field element \alpha into three-bit windows, and range-constrain each window, using the short range decomposition gadget in strict mode, with W = 85, K = 3.

If k_{0..84} is witnessed directly then no issue of canonicity arises. However, because the scalar is given as a base field element here, care must be taken to ensure a canonical representation, since 2^{255} > p. That is, we must check that 0 \leq \alpha < p, where p the is Pallas base field modulus $p = 2^{254} + t_p = 2^{254} + 45560315531419706090280762371685220353. Note that $t_p < 2^{130}.

To do this, we decompose \alpha into three pieces: \alpha = \alpha_0 \text{ (252 bits) } ,||, \alpha_1 \text{ (2 bits) } ,||, \alpha_2 \text{ (1 bit) }.

We check the correctness of this decomposition by:

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
5 & q_\text{canon-base-field} \cdot \RangeCheck{\alpha_1}{2^2} = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_\text{canon-base-field} \cdot \RangeCheck{\alpha_2}{2^1} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_\text{canon-base-field} \cdot \left(z_{84} - (\alpha_1 + \alpha_2 \cdot 2^2)\right) = 0 \\\hline

If the MSB \alpha_2 = 0 is not set, then \alpha < 2^{254} < p. However, in the case where \alpha_2 = 1, we must check:

  • \alpha_2 = 1 \implies \alpha_1 = 0;
  • \alpha_2 = 1 \implies \alpha_0 < t_p:
    • \alpha_2 = 1 \implies 0 \leq \alpha_0 < 2^{130},
    • \alpha_2 = 1 \implies 0 \leq \alpha_0 + 2^{130} - t_p < 2^{130}

To check that 0 \leq \alpha_0 < 2^{130}, we make use of the three-bit running sum decomposition:

  • Firstly, we constrain \alpha_0 to be a 132-bit value by enforcing its high 120 bits to be all-zero. We can get \textsf{alpha\_0\_hi\_120} from the decomposition:

z_{44} &= k_{44} + 2^3 k_{45} + \cdots + 2^{3 \cdot (84 - 44)} k_{84}\\
\implies \textsf{alpha\_0\_hi\_120} &= z_{44} - 2^{3 \cdot (84 - 44)} k_{84}\\
&= z_{44} - 2^{3 \cdot (40)} z_{84}.
  • Then, we constrain bits 130..\!\!=\!\!131 of \alpha_0 to be zeroes; in other words, we constrain the three-bit word k_{43} = \alpha[129..\!\!=\!\!131] = \alpha_0[129..\!\!=\!\!131] \in \{0, 1\}. We make use of the running sum decomposition to obtain k_{43} = z_{43} - z_{44} \cdot 2^3.

Define \alpha'_0 = \alpha_0 + 2^{130} - t_p. To check that 0 \leq \alpha'_0 < 2^{130}, we use 13 ten-bit lookups, where we constrain the z_{13} running sum output of the lookup to be 0 if \alpha_2 = 1.

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} & \text{Comment} \\\hline
3 & q_\text{canon-base-field} \cdot \alpha_2 \cdot \alpha_1 = 0 & \alpha_2 = 1 \implies \alpha_1 = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_\text{canon-base-field} \cdot \alpha_2 \cdot \textsf{alpha\_0\_hi\_120} = 0 & \text{Constrain $\alpha_0$ to be a $132$-bit value} \\\hline
4 & q_\text{canon-base-field} \cdot \alpha_2 \cdot k_{43} \cdot (1 - k_{43}) = 0 & \text{Constrain $\alpha_0[130..\!\!=\!\!131]$ to $0$}  \\\hline
3 & q_\text{canon-base-field} \cdot \alpha_2 \cdot z_{13}(\texttt{lookup}(\alpha_0', 13)) = 0 & \alpha_2 = 1 \implies 0 \leq \alpha'_0 < 2^{130}\\\hline

Short signed scalar

A short signed scalar is witnessed as a magnitude m and sign s such that

s \in \{-1, 1\} \\
m \in [0, 2^{64}) \\
\mathsf{v^{old}} - \mathsf{v^{new}} = s \cdot m.

This is used for \mathsf{ValueCommit^{Orchard}}. We want to compute \mathsf{ValueCommit^{Orchard}_{rcv}}(\mathsf{v^{old}} - \mathsf{v^{new}}) = [\mathsf{v^{old}} - \mathsf{v^{new}}] \mathcal{V} + [\mathsf{rcv}] \mathcal{R}, where

-(2^{64}-1) \leq \mathsf{v^{old}} - \mathsf{v^{new}} \leq 2^{64}-1

\mathsf{v^{old}} and \mathsf{v^{new}} are each already constrained to 64 bits (by their use as inputs to \mathsf{NoteCommit^{Orchard}}).

Decompose the magnitude m into three-bit windows, and range-constrain each window, using the short range decomposition gadget in strict mode, with W = 22, K = 3.

We have two additional constraints:

\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} & \text{Comment} \\\hline
3 & q_\text{scalar-fixed-short} \cdot \BoolCheck{k_{21}} = 0 & \text{The last window must be a single bit.}\\\hline
3 & q_\text{scalar-fixed-short} \cdot \left(s^2 - 1\right) = 0  &\text{The sign must be $1$ or $-1$.}\\\hline

where \BoolCheck{x} = x \cdot (1 - x).

Load fixed base

Then, we precompute multiples of the fixed base B for each window. This takes the form of a window table: M[0..W)[0..8) such that:

  • for the first (W-1) rows M[0..(W-1))[0..8): $M[w][k] = [(k+2) \cdot (2^3)^w]B$
  • in the last row M[W-1][0..8): $M[w][k] = [k \cdot (2^3)^w - \sum\limits_{j=0}^{83} 2^{3j+1}]B$

The additional (k + 2) term lets us avoid adding the point at infinity in the case k = 0. We offset these accumulated terms by subtracting them in the final window, i.e. we subtract \sum\limits_{j=0}^{W-2} 2^{3j+1}.

Note: Although an offset of (k + 1) would naively suffice, it introduces an edge case when k_0 = 7, k_1= 0. In this case, the window table entries evaluate to the same point:

  • M[0][k_0] = [(7+1)*(2^3)^0]B = [8]B,
  • M[1][k_1] = [(0+1)*(2^3)^1]B = [8]B.

In fixed-base scalar multiplication, we sum the multiples of B at each window (except the last) using incomplete addition. Since the point doubling case is not handled by incomplete addition, we avoid it by using an offset of (k+2).

For each window of fixed-base multiples M[w] = (M[w][0], \cdots, M[w][7]), w \in [0..(W-1)):

  • Define a Lagrange interpolation polynomial \mathcal{L}_x(k) that maps k \in [0..8) to the x-coordinate of the multiple M[w][k], i.e.
    \mathcal{L}_x(k) = \begin{cases}
      ([(k + 2) \cdot (2^3)^w] B)_x &\text{for } w \in [0..(W-1)); \\
      ([k \cdot (2^3)^w - \sum\limits_{j=0}^{83} 2^{3j+1}] B)_x &\text{for } w = 84; \text{ and}
    • Find a value z_w such that z_w + (M[w][k])_y is a square u^2 in the field, but the wrong-sign y-coordinate z_w - (M[w][k])_y does not produce a square.

Repeating this for all W windows, we end up with:

  • an W \times 8 table \mathcal{L}_x storing 8 coefficients interpolating the x-$coordinate for each window. Each $x-coordinate interpolation polynomial will be of the form
\mathcal{L}_x[w](k) = c_0 + c_1 \cdot k + c_2 \cdot k^2 + \cdots + c_7 \cdot k^7,

where k \in [0..8), w \in [0..85) and c_k's are the coefficients for each power of k; and

  • a length-W array Z of z_w's.

We load these precomputed values into fixed columns whenever we do fixed-base scalar multiplication in the circuit.

Fixed-base scalar multiplication

Given a decomposed scalar \alpha and a fixed base B, we compute [\alpha]B as follows:

  1. For each k_w, w \in [0..85), k_w \in [0..8) in the scalar decomposition, witness the x- and y-coordinates (x_w,y_w) = M[w][k_w].
  2. Check that (x_w, y_w) is on the curve: y_w^2 = x_w^3 + b.
  3. Witness u_w such that y_w + z_w = u_w^2.
  4. For all windows but the last, use incomplete addition to sum the M[w][k_w]'s, resulting in [\alpha - k_{84} \cdot (2^3)^{84} + \sum\limits_{j=0}^{83} 2^{3j+1}]B.
  5. For the last window, use complete addition M[83][k_{83}] + M[84][k_{84}] and return the final result.

Note: complete addition is required in the final step to correctly map [0]B to a representation of the point at infinity, (0,0); and also to handle a corner case for which the last step is a doubling.


\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
8 & q_\text{mul-fixed} \cdot \left( \mathcal{L}_x[w](k_w) - x_w \right) = 0 \\\hline
4 & q_\text{mul-fixed} \cdot \left( y_w^2 - x_w^3 - b \right) = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_\text{mul-fixed} \cdot \left( u_w^2 - y_w - Z[w] \right) = 0 \\\hline

where b = 5 (from the Pallas curve equation).

Signed short exponent

Recall that the signed short exponent is witnessed as a 64-$bit magnitude $m, and a sign s \in {1, -1}. Using the above algorithm, we compute P = [m] \mathcal{B}. Then, to get the final result P', we conditionally negate P using (x, y) \mapsto (x, s \cdot y).


\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
3 & q_\text{mul-fixed-short} \cdot \left(s \cdot P_y - P'_y\right) = 0 \\\hline


  x_P   &   y_P   &      x_{QR}       &        y_{QR}      &    u   & \text{window}   & L_{0..=7}   & \textsf{fixed\_z}   \\\hline
x_{P,0} & y_{P,0} &                   &                    &   u_0  & \text{window}_0 & L_{0..=7,0} & \textsf{fixed\_z}_0 \\\hline
x_{P,1} & y_{P,1} & x_{Q,1} = x_{P,0} & y_{Q,1} = y_{P,0}  &   u_1  & \text{window}_1 & L_{0..=7,1} & \textsf{fixed\_z}_1 \\\hline
x_{P,2} & y_{P,2} & x_{Q,2} = x_{R,1} & y_{Q,2} = y_{R,1}  &   u_2  & \text{window}_2 & L_{0..=7,1} & \textsf{fixed\_z}_2 \\\hline
\vdots  & \vdots  &      \vdots       &       \vdots       & \vdots &     \vdots      &    \vdots   &        \vdots       \\\hline

Note: this doesn't include the last row that uses complete addition. In the implementation this is allocated in a different region.