getaddresstxids - Zcash 6.1.0 RPC

getaddresstxids {"addresses": ["taddr", ...], ("start": n), ("end": n)}

Returns the txids for given transparent addresses within the given (inclusive)

block height range, default is the full blockchain.
If start or end are not specified, they default to zero.
If start is greater than the latest block height, it's interpreted as that height.

If end is zero, it's interpreted as the latest block height.

The returned txids are in the order they appear in blocks, which
ensures that they are topologically sorted (i.e. parent txids
appear before child txids).

      "taddr"  (string) The base58check encoded address
  "start" (number, optional) The start block height
  "end" (number, optional) The end block height
"address"  (string) The base58check encoded address

  "transactionid"  (string) The transaction id

> zcash-cli getaddresstxids '{"addresses": ["tmYXBYJj1K7vhejSec5osXK2QsGa5MTisUQ"], "start": 1000, "end": 2000}'
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getaddresstxids", "params": [{"addresses": ["tmYXBYJj1K7vhejSec5osXK2QsGa5MTisUQ"], "start": 1000, "end": 2000}] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by @_garethtdavies; modified by: mdr0id;license of the docs is MIT (see zcash repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet zcash node