getwalletinfo - Zcash 5.5.0 RPC

getwalletinfo ( asOfHeight )
Returns wallet state information.

1. asOfHeight       (numeric, optional, default=-1) Execute the query as if it
                    were run when the blockchain was at the height specified by
                    this argument. The default is to use the entire blockchain
                    that the node is aware of. -1 can be used as in other RPC
                    calls to indicate the current height (including the
                    mempool), but this does not support negative values in
                    general. A “future” height will fall back to the current
                    height. Any explicit value will cause the mempool to be
                    ignored, meaning no unconfirmed tx will be considered.

  "walletversion": xxxxx,     (numeric) the wallet version
  "balance": xxxxxxx,         (numeric) the total confirmed transparent balance of the wallet in ZEC
  "unconfirmed_balance": xxx, (numeric, optional) the total unconfirmed transparent balance of the wallet in ZEC.
                              Not included if `asOfHeight` is specified.
  "immature_balance": xxxxxx, (numeric) the total immature transparent balance of the wallet in ZEC
  "shielded_balance": xxxxxxx,  (numeric) the total confirmed shielded balance of the wallet in ZEC
  "shielded_unconfirmed_balance": xxx, (numeric, optional) the total unconfirmed shielded balance of the wallet in ZEC.
                              Not included if `asOfHeight` is specified.
  "txcount": xxxxxxx,         (numeric) the total number of transactions in the wallet
  "keypoololdest": xxxxxx,    (numeric) the timestamp (seconds since GMT epoch) of the oldest pre-generated key in the key pool
  "keypoolsize": xxxx,        (numeric) how many new keys are pre-generated
  "unlocked_until": ttt,      (numeric) the timestamp in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT) that the wallet is unlocked for transfers, or 0 if the wallet is locked
  "paytxfee": x.xxxx,         (numeric) the preferred transaction fee rate used for transactions created by legacy APIs, set in ZEC per 1000 bytes
  "mnemonic_seedfp": "uint256", (string) the BLAKE2b-256 hash of the HD seed derived from the wallet's emergency recovery phrase
  "legacy_seedfp": "uint256",   (string, optional) if this wallet was created prior to release 4.5.2, this will contain the BLAKE2b-256
                                    hash of the legacy HD seed that was used to derive Sapling addresses prior to the 4.5.2 upgrade to mnemonic
                                    emergency recovery phrases. This field was previously named "seedfp".

> zcash-cli getwalletinfo 
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getwalletinfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by @_garethtdavies; modified by: mdr0id;license of the docs is MIT (see zcash repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet zcash node