Note: To be able to fully test the QR Scan screen and its logic, we recommend you to test it on real Android devices, which have hardware camera accessories. Although there is a way on how to test the scanning functionalities on an Android emulator too. See the next section on how to set up a QR code for the emulated camera scene.
- Prepare at least two Zcash wallet addresses - one valid and one invalid. A valid address for Testnet can be `tmEjY6KfCryQhJ1hKSGiA7p8EeVggpvN78r`. The invalid one can be its modification.
- Check you have a wallet configured in the Zcash wallet app
- Open Zcash wallet app in the system Settings app. Visit the permissions screen, then select Camera and make sure that you have the Camera permission denied.
1. And these [steps]( help you set up an Android emulator
1. Then you'll need to create a valid Zcash address QR code image. It can be done, for example, with the [QR Code Generator]( tool.
1. Download the image
1. Start the emulator
1. Click on More in the emulator panel to open the Extended controls window
1. Click on Camera
1. Click Add Image in the Wall section
1. Select your QR code image and close the window
1. Once you're in the QR Scan screen with the virtual camera opened, see these [instructions]( on how to move in virtual scene.
1. The last step is to let the scanner read your QR code to be able to move to the smaller room (behind the dog), which will have the code displayed on the room wall.
1. Deny camera permission with Deny button (or its modifications)
1. Camera view and its square frame shouldn't be visible. The screen should be black. Also, Open system Settings app button on the bottom side of the screen should be visible now.
1. Hit the button.
1. System Settings app should open on the Zcash wallet app screen.
# Check Camera permission dismiss functionality
1. Open QR Scan screen by QR code icon from the Home screen
1. Camera permission dialog should be prompt
1. Dismiss the Camera permission by back navigation or by touching outside the Camera permission popup
1. Rotate the device to trigger a configuration change (make sure the screen rotation is enabled on the device)
1. Ensure that the Camera permission is shown again
1. Leave the QR Scan screen by back navigation; you're on Home screen now
1. Ensure that Camera permission is not shown above the Home screen