gettxoutproof - Bitcoin RPC

gettxoutproof ["txid",...] ( blockhash )

Returns a hex-encoded proof that "txid" was included in a block.

NOTE: By default this function only works sometimes. This is when there is an
unspent output in the utxo for this transaction. To make it always work,
you need to maintain a transaction index, using the -txindex command line option or
specify the block in which the transaction is included manually (by blockhash).

1. "txids"       (string) A json array of txids to filter
      "txid"     (string) A transaction hash
2. "blockhash"   (string, optional) If specified, looks for txid in the block with this hash

"data"           (string) A string that is a serialized, hex-encoded data for the proof.


This is a website, created out of frustration with uncomplete and outdated Bitcoin Core RPC documentation online.

It was inspired by ChainQuery, which seems to be abandoned. These docs are even simplier, so they can be regenerated by anyone.

Made by @karel_3d; license of the docs is MIT (see bitcoin repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT ((C) 2018 Karel Bilek) (github repo)

Bitcoin version: 0.16.0.

Note that the RPC is from a regtest node (for completeness), so it includes some additional calls that a regular node doesn't have.