walletpassphrase - Bitcoin RPC

walletpassphrase "passphrase" timeout

Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for 'timeout' seconds.
This is needed prior to performing transactions related to private keys such as sending bitcoins

1. "passphrase"     (string, required) The wallet passphrase
2. timeout            (numeric, required) The time to keep the decryption key in seconds. Limited to at most 1073741824 (2^30) seconds.
                                          Any value greater than 1073741824 seconds will be set to 1073741824 seconds.

Issuing the walletpassphrase command while the wallet is already unlocked will set a new unlock
time that overrides the old one.


Unlock the wallet for 60 seconds
> bitcoin-cli walletpassphrase "my pass phrase" 60

Lock the wallet again (before 60 seconds)
> bitcoin-cli walletlock 

As json rpc call
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "walletpassphrase", "params": ["my pass phrase", 60] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'


This is a website, created out of frustration with uncomplete and outdated Bitcoin Core RPC documentation online.

It was inspired by ChainQuery, which seems to be abandoned. These docs are even simplier, so they can be regenerated by anyone.

Made by @karel_3d; license of the docs is MIT (see bitcoin repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT ((C) 2018 Karel Bilek) (github repo)

Bitcoin version: 0.16.0.

Note that the RPC is from a regtest node (for completeness), so it includes some additional calls that a regular node doesn't have.