getblock - Zcash 2.0.3 RPC

getblock "hash|height" ( verbosity )

If verbosity is 0, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for the block.
If verbosity is 1, returns an Object with information about the block.
If verbosity is 2, returns an Object with information about the block and information about each transaction. 

1. "hash|height"          (string, required) The block hash or height
2. verbosity              (numeric, optional, default=1) 0 for hex encoded data, 1 for a json object, and 2 for json object with transaction data

Result (for verbosity = 0):
"data"             (string) A string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for the block.

Result (for verbosity = 1):
  "hash" : "hash",       (string) the block hash (same as provided hash)
  "confirmations" : n,   (numeric) The number of confirmations, or -1 if the block is not on the main chain
  "size" : n,            (numeric) The block size
  "height" : n,          (numeric) The block height or index (same as provided height)
  "version" : n,         (numeric) The block version
  "merkleroot" : "xxxx", (string) The merkle root
  "finalsaplingroot" : "xxxx", (string) The root of the Sapling commitment tree after applying this block
  "tx" : [               (array of string) The transaction ids
     "transactionid"     (string) The transaction id
  "time" : ttt,          (numeric) The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
  "nonce" : n,           (numeric) The nonce
  "bits" : "1d00ffff",   (string) The bits
  "difficulty" :,  (numeric) The difficulty
  "previousblockhash" : "hash",  (string) The hash of the previous block
  "nextblockhash" : "hash"       (string) The hash of the next block

Result (for verbosity = 2):
  ...,                     Same output as verbosity = 1.
  "tx" : [               (array of Objects) The transactions in the format of the getrawtransaction RPC. Different from verbosity = 1 "tx" result.
  ,...                     Same output as verbosity = 1.

> zcash-cli getblock "00000000febc373a1da2bd9f887b105ad79ddc26ac26c2b28652d64e5207c5b5"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getblock", "params": ["00000000febc373a1da2bd9f887b105ad79ddc26ac26c2b28652d64e5207c5b5"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
> zcash-cli getblock 12800
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getblock", "params": [12800] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Made by @karel_3d; license of the docs is MIT (see zcash repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT ((C) 2018 Karel Bilek) (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet node
