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ZIP: 244
2021-01-26 14:06:30 -08:00
Title: Transaction Identifier Non-Malleability
Owners: Kris Nuttycombe <>
Daira Hopwood <>
Jack Grigg <>
Status: Proposed
Category: Consensus
Created: 2021-01-06
License: MIT
Discussions-To: <>
The key words "MUST" and "MUST NOT" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. [#RFC2119]_
The terms "consensus branch", "epoch", and "network upgrade" in this document are to be interpreted as
described in ZIP 200. [#zip-0200]_
The term "field encoding" refers to the binary serialized form of a Zcash transaction
field, as specified in section 7.1 of the Zcash protocol specification
This proposal defines a new transaction digest algorithm for the NU5 network upgrade
onward, in order to introduce non-malleable transaction identifiers that commit to
all transaction data except for attestations to transaction validity.
This proposal also defines a new transaction digest algorithm for signature validation,
which shares all available structure produced during the construction of transaction
identifiers, in order to minimize redundant data hashing in validation.
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This proposal also defines a new name and semantics for the ``hashLightClientRoot`` field of the
block header, to enable additional commitments to be represented in this hash and to
provide a mechanism for future extensibility of the set of commitments represented.
In all cases, but particularly in order to support the use of transactions in
higher-level protocols, any modification of the transaction that has not been
explicitly permitted (such as via anyone-can-spend inputs) should invalidate
attestations to spend authority or to the included outputs. Following the activation
of this proposed change, transaction identifiers will be stable irrespective of
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any possible malleation of "witness data" such as proofs and transaction
In addition, by specifying a transaction identifier and signature algorithm
that is decoupled from the serialized format of the transaction as a whole,
this change makes it so that the wire format of transactions is no longer
- Continue to support existing functionality of the protocol (multisig,
signing modes for transparent inputs).
- Allow the use of transaction ids, and pairs of the form (transaction id,
output index) as stable identifiers.
- A sender must be able to recognize their own transaction, even given allowed
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forms of malleability such as recomputation of transaction signatures.
- In the case of transparent inputs, it should be possible to create a
transaction (B) that spends the outputs from a previous transaction (A) even
before (A) has been mined. This should also be possible in the case that the
creator of (B) does not wait for confirmations of (A). That is, (B) should remain
valid so long as any variant of (A) is eventually mined.
- It should not be possible for an attacker to malleate a transaction in a
fashion that would result in the transaction being interpreted as a
- It should be possible in the future to upgrade the protocol in such a fashion
that only non-malleable transactions are accepted.
- It should be possible to use the transaction id unmodified as the value that
is used to produce a signature hash in the case that the transaction contains
no transparent inputs.
In order to support backwards-compatibility with parts of the ecosystem that
have not yet upgraded to the non-malleable transaction format, it is not an
initial requirement that all transactions be non-malleable.
It is not required that legacy (Sapling V4 and earlier) transaction formats
support construction of non-malleable transaction identifiers, even though
they may continue to be accepted by the network after the NU5 upgrade.
All digests are personalized BLAKE2b-256 hashes. In cases where no elements are available
for hashing (for example, if there are no transparent transaction inputs or no Orchard
actions), a personalized hash of the empty byte array will be used. The personalization
string therefore provides domain separation for the hashes of even empty data fields.
The notation ``BLAKE2b-256(personalization_string, [])`` is used to refer to hashes
constructed in this manner.
TxId Digest
A new transaction digest algorithm is defined that constructs the identifier for
a transaction from a tree of hashes. Each branch of the tree of hashes will
correspond to a specific subset of transaction data. The overall structure of
the hash is as follows; each name referenced here will be described in detail
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├── header_digest
├── transparent_digest
│   ├── prevouts_digest
│   ├── sequence_digest
│   └── outputs_digest
├── sapling_digest
│   ├── sapling_spends_digest
│   │   ├── sapling_spends_compact_digest
│   │   └── sapling_spends_noncompact_digest
│   ├── sapling_outputs_digest
│   │   ├── sapling_outputs_compact_digest
│   │   ├── sapling_outputs_memos_digest
│   │   └── sapling_outputs_noncompact_digest
│   └── valueBalance
└── orchard_digest
   ├── orchard_actions_compact_digest
   ├── orchard_actions_memos_digest
   ├── orchard_actions_noncompact_digest
   ├── flagsOrchard
   ├── valueBalanceOrchard
   └── anchorOrchard
Each node written as ``snake_case`` in this tree is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of its
children, initialized with a personalization string specific to that branch
of the tree. Nodes that are not themselves digests are written in ``camelCase``.
In the specification below, nodes of the tree are presented in depth-first order.
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A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values ::
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T.1: header_digest (32-byte hash output)
T.2: transparent_digest (32-byte hash output)
T.3: sapling_digest (32-byte hash output)
T.4: orchard_digest (32-byte hash output)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
``ZcashTxHash_`` has 1 underscore character.
As in ZIP 143 [#zip-0143]_, CONSENSUS_BRANCH_ID is the 4-byte little-endian encoding of
the consensus branch ID for the epoch of the block containing the transaction. Domain
separation of the transaction id hash across parallel consensus branches provides replay
protection: transactions targeted for one consensus branch will not have the same
transaction identifier on other consensus branches.
This signature hash personalization prefix has been changed to reflect the new role of
this hash (relative to ``ZcashSigHash`` as specified in ZIP 143) as a transaction
identifier rather than a commitment that is exclusively used for signature purposes.
The previous computation of the transaction identifier was a SHA256d hash of the
serialized transaction contents, and was not personalized.
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T.1: header_digest
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values ::
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T.1a: version (4-byte little-endian version identifier including overwinter flag)
T.1b: version_group_id (4-byte little-endian version group identifier)
T.1c: consensus_branch_id (4-byte little-endian consensus branch id)
T.1d: lock_time (4-byte little-endian nLockTime value)
T.1e: expiry_height (4-byte little-endian block height)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
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T.2: transparent_digest
In the case that transparent inputs or outputs are present, the transparent digest
consists of a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values ::
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T.2a: prevouts_digest (32-byte hash)
T.2b: sequence_digest (32-byte hash)
T.2c: outputs_digest (32-byte hash)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has no transparent components, ``transparent_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxIdTranspaHash", [])
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T.2a: prevouts_digest
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the field encoding of all ``outpoint``
field values of transparent inputs to the transaction.
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has transparent outputs but no transparent inputs,
``prevouts_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxIdPrevoutHash", [])
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T.2b: sequence_digest
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the 32-bit little-endian representation of all ``nSequence``
field values of transparent inputs to the transaction.
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has transparent outputs but no transparent inputs,
``sequence_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxIdSequencHash", [])
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T.2c: outputs_digest
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the concatenated field encodings of all transparent
output values of the transaction. The field encoding of such an output consists
of the encoded output ``amount`` (8-byte little endian) followed by
the ``scriptPubKey`` byte array (serialized as Bitcoin script).
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has transparent inputs but no transparent outputs,
``outputs_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxIdOutputsHash", [])
T.3: sapling_digest
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In the case that Sapling spends or outputs are present, the digest of Sapling components
is composed of two subtrees which are organized to permit easy interoperability with the
``CompactBlock`` representation of Sapling data specified by the ZIP 307 Light Client
Protocol [#zip-0307]_.
This digest is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values ::
T.3a: sapling_spends_digest (32-byte hash)
T.3b: sapling_outputs_digest (32-byte hash)
T.3c: valueBalance (64-bit signed little-endian)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has no Sapling spends or outputs, ``sapling_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxIdSaplingHash", [])
T.3a: sapling_spends_digest
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In the case that Sapling spends are present, this digest is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the
following values ::
T.3a.i: sapling_spends_compact_digest (32-byte hash)
T.3a.ii: sapling_spends_noncompact_digest (32-byte hash)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has Sapling outputs but no Sapling spends,
``sapling_spends_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxIdSSpendsHash", [])
T.3a.i: sapling_spends_compact_digest
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A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the field encoding of all ``nullifier`` field
values of Sapling shielded spends belonging to the transaction.
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
T.3a.ii: sapling_spends_noncompact_digest
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A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the non-nullifier information for all Sapling shielded spends
belonging to the transaction, excluding both zkproof data and spend authorization
signature(s). For each spend, the following elements are included in the hash::
T.3a.ii.1: cv (field encoding bytes)
T.3a.ii.2: anchor (field encoding bytes)
T.3a.ii.3: rk (field encoding bytes)
In Transaction version 5, Sapling Spends have a shared anchor, which is hashed
into the sapling_spends_noncompact_digest for *each* Spend.
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
T.3b: sapling_outputs_digest
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In the case that Sapling outputs are present, this digest is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the
following values ::
T.3b.i: sapling_outputs_compact_digest (32-byte hash)
T.3b.ii: sapling_outputs_memos_digest (32-byte hash)
T.3b.iii: sapling_outputs_noncompact_digest (32-byte hash)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has Sapling spends but no Sapling outputs,
``sapling_outputs_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxIdSOutputHash", [])
T.3b.i: sapling_outputs_compact_digest
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A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the subset of Sapling output information included in the
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ZIP-307 [#zip-0307]_ ``CompactBlock`` format for all Sapling shielded outputs
belonging to the transaction. For each output, the following elements are included
in the hash::
T.3b.i.1: cmu (field encoding bytes)
T.3b.i.2: ephemeral_key (field encoding bytes)
T.3b.i.3: enc_ciphertext[..52] (First 52 bytes of field encoding)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
"ZTxIdSOutC__Hash" (2 underscore characters)
T.3b.ii: sapling_outputs_memos_digest
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A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the subset of Sapling shielded memo field data for all Sapling
shielded outputs belonging to the transaction. For each output, the following elements
are included in the hash::
T.3b.ii.1: enc_ciphertext[52..564] (contents of the encrypted memo field)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
"ZTxIdSOutM__Hash" (2 underscore characters)
T.3b.iii: sapling_outputs_noncompact_digest
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A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the remaining subset of Sapling output information **not** included
in the ZIP 307 [#zip-0307]_ ``CompactBlock`` format, excluding zkproof data, for all
Sapling shielded outputs belonging to the transaction. For each output, the following
elements are included in the hash::
T.3b.iii.1: cv (field encoding bytes)
T.3b.iii.2: enc_ciphertext[564..] (post-memo Poly1305 AEAD tag of field encoding)
T.3b.iii.3: out_ciphertext (field encoding bytes)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
"ZTxIdSOutN__Hash" (2 underscore characters)
T.4: orchard_digest
In the case that Orchard actions are present in the transaction, this digest is
a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values ::
T.4a: orchard_actions_compact_digest (32-byte hash output)
T.4b: orchard_actions_memos_digest (32-byte hash output)
T.4c: orchard_actions_noncompact_digest (32-byte hash output)
T.4d: flagsOrchard (1 byte)
T.4e: valueBalanceOrchard (64-bit signed little-endian)
T.4f: anchorOrchard (32 bytes)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has no Orchard actions, ``orchard_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxIdOrchardHash", [])
T.4a: orchard_actions_compact_digest
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the subset of Orchard Action information intended to be included in
an updated version of the ZIP-307 [#zip-0307]_ ``CompactBlock`` format for all Orchard
Actions belonging to the transaction. For each Action, the following elements are included
in the hash::
T.4a.i : nullifier (field encoding bytes)
T.4a.ii : cmx (field encoding bytes)
T.4a.iii: ephemeralKey (field encoding bytes)
T.4a.iv : encCiphertext[..52] (First 52 bytes of field encoding)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
T.4b: orchard_actions_memos_digest
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the subset of Orchard shielded memo field data for all Orchard
Actions belonging to the transaction. For each Action, the following elements are included
in the hash::
T.4b.i: encCiphertext[52..564] (contents of the encrypted memo field)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
T.4c: orchard_actions_noncompact_digest
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the remaining subset of Orchard Action information **not** intended
for inclusion in an updated version of the the ZIP 307 [#zip-0307]_ ``CompactBlock``
format, for all Orchard Actions belonging to the transaction. For each Action,
the following elements are included in the hash::
T.4c.i : cv (field encoding bytes)
T.4c.ii : rk (field encoding bytes)
T.4c.iii: encCiphertext[564..] (post-memo suffix of field encoding)
T.4c.iv : outCiphertext (field encoding bytes)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
Signature Digest
A new per-input transaction digest algorithm is defined that constructs a hash that may be
signed by a transaction creator to commit to the effects of the transaction. A signature
digest is produced for each transparent input, each Sapling input, and each Orchard
action. For transparent inputs, this follows closely the algorithms from ZIP 143 [#zip-0143]_
and ZIP 243 [#zip-0243]_. For shielded inputs, this algorithm has the exact same output
as the transaction digest algorithm, thus the txid may be signed directly.
The overall structure of the hash is as follows; each name referenced here will be
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described in detail below::
├── header_digest
├── transparent_sig_digest
├── sapling_digest
└── orchard_digest
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A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values ::
S.1: header_digest (32-byte hash output)
S.2: transparent_sig_digest (32-byte hash output)
S.3: sapling_digest (32-byte hash output)
S.4: orchard_digest (32-byte hash output)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
``ZcashTxHash_`` has 1 underscore character.
This value has the same personalization as the top hash of the transaction
identifier digest tree, so that what is being signed in the case that there are
no transparent inputs is just the transaction id.
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S.1: header_digest
Identical to that specified for the transaction identifier.
S.2: transparent_sig_digest
If we are producing a hash for the signature over a Sapling Spend or an Orchard Action,
the value of ``transparent_sig_digest`` is identical to the value specified in section
`T.2 <#t-2-transparent-digest>`_.
If we are producing a hash for signature over a transparent input, the value of
``transparent_sig_digest`` depends upon the value of a ``hash_type`` flag as in ZIP 143
The construction of each component below depends upon the values of the
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``hash_type`` flag bits. Each component will be described separately
This digest is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values ::
S.2a: prevouts_sig_digest (32-byte hash)
S.2b: sequence_sig_digest (32-byte hash)
S.2c: outputs_sig_digest (32-byte hash)
S.2d: txin_sig_digest (32-byte hash)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
S.2a: prevouts_sig_digest
This is a BLAKE2b-256 hash initialized with the personalization field value
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If the ``SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY`` flag is not set::
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identical to the value of ``prevouts_digest`` as specified for the
transaction identifier in section T.2a.
BLAKE2b-256(``ZTxIdPrevoutHash``, [])
S.2b: sequence_sig_digest
This is a BLAKE2b-256 hash initialized with the personalization field value
If the ``SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY`` flag is not set, and the sighash type is neither
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identical to the value of ``sequence_digest`` as specified for the
transaction identifier in section T.2b.
BLAKE2b-256(``ZTxIdSequencHash``, [])
S.2c: outputs_sig_digest
This is a BLAKE2b-256 hash initialized with the personalization field value
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If the sighash type is neither ``SIGHASH_SINGLE`` nor ``SIGHASH_NONE``::
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identical to the value of ``outputs_digest`` as specified for the
transaction identifier in section T.2c.
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If the sighash type is ``SIGHASH_SINGLE`` and the signature hash is being computed for
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the transparent input at a particular index, and a transparent output appears in
the transaction at that index::
the hash is over the transaction serialized form of the transparent output at that
BLAKE2b-256(``ZTxIdOutputsHash``, [])
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S.2d: txin_sig_digest
This is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following properties of the transparent input being
signed, initialized with the personalization field value ``Zcash___TxInHash`` (3
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S.2d.i: prevout (field encoding)
S.2d.ii: script_code (field encoding)
S.2d.iii: value (8-byte signed little-endian)
S.2d.iv: nSequence (4-byte unsigned little-endian)
Note: ``value`` is defined in the consensus rules to be a nonnegative value <=
``MAX_MONEY``, but all existing implementations parse this value as signed and
enforce the nonnegative constraint as a consensus check. It is defined as signed
here for consistency with those existing implementations.
S.3: sapling_digest
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Identical to that specified for the transaction identifier.
S.4: orchard_digest
Identical to that specified for the transaction identifier.
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Authorizing Data Commitment
A new transaction digest algorithm is defined that constructs a digest which commits
to the authorizing data of a transaction from a tree of BLAKE2b-256 hashes.
For v5 transactions, the overall structure of the hash is as follows::
├── transparent_scripts_digest
├── sapling_auth_digest
└── orchard_auth_digest
Each node written as ``snake_case`` in this tree is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of authorizing
data of the transaction.
For transaction versions before v5, a placeholder value consisting of 32 bytes of
``0xFF`` is used in place of the authorizing data commitment. This is only used in
the tree committed to by ``hashAuthDataRoot``, as defined in `Block Header Changes`_.
The pair (Transaction Identifier, Auth Commitment) constitutes a commitment to all the
data of a serialized transaction that may be included in a block.
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A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values ::
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A.1: transparent_scripts_digest (32-byte hash output)
A.2: sapling_auth_digest (32-byte hash output)
A.3: orchard_auth_digest (32-byte hash output)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
``ZTxAuthHash_`` has 1 underscore character.
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A.1: transparent_scripts_digest
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In the case that the transaction contains transparent inputs, this is a BLAKE2b-256 hash
of the field encoding of the concatenated values of the Bitcoin script values associated
with each transparent input belonging to the transaction.
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
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In the case that the transaction has no transparent inputs, ``transparent_scripts_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxAuthTransHash", [])
A.2: sapling_auth_digest
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2021-05-06 15:06:03 -07:00
In the case that Sapling Spends or Sapling Outputs are present, this is a BLAKE2b-256 hash
of the field encoding of the Sapling ``zkproof`` value of each Sapling Spend Description,
followed by the field encoding of the ``spend_auth_sig`` value of each Sapling Spend
Description belonging to the transaction, followed by the field encoding of the
``zkproof`` field of each Sapling Output Description belonging to the transaction,
followed by the field encoding of the binding signature::
A.2a: spend_zkproofs (field encoding bytes)
A.2b: spend_auth_sigs (field encoding bytes)
A.2c: output_zkproofs (field encoding bytes)
A.2d: binding_sig (field encoding bytes)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
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In the case that the transaction has no Sapling Spends or Sapling Outputs,
``sapling_auth_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxAuthSapliHash", [])
A.3: orchard_auth_digest
In the case that Orchard Actions are present, this is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the field
encoding of the ``zkProofsOrchard``, ``spendAuthSigsOrchard``, and ``bindingSigOrchard``
fields of the transaction::
A.3a: proofsOrchard (field encoding bytes)
A.3b: vSpendAuthSigsOrchard (field encoding bytes)
A.3c: bindingSigOrchard (field encoding bytes)
The personalization field of this hash is set to::
In the case that the transaction has no Orchard Actions, ``orchard_auth_digest`` is ::
BLAKE2b-256("ZTxAuthOrchaHash", [])
Block Header Changes
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The nonmalleable transaction identifier specified by this ZIP will be used
in the place of the current malleable transaction identifier within the
Merkle tree committed to by the ``hashMerkleRoot`` value. However, this
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change now means that ``hashMerkleRoot`` is not sufficient to fully commit
to the transaction data, including witnesses, that appear within the block.
As a consequence, we now need to add a new commitment to the block header.
This commitment will be the root of a Merkle tree having leaves that are
transaction authorizing data commitments, produced according to the
`Authorizing Data Commitment`_ part of this specification. The insertion
order for this Merkle tree MUST be identical to the insertion order of
transaction identifiers into the Merkle tree that is used to construct
``hashMerkleRoot``, such that a path through this Merkle tree to a
transaction identifies the same transaction as that path reaches in the tree
rooted at ``hashMerkleRoot``.
This new commitment is named ``hashAuthDataRoot`` and is the root of a
binary Merkle tree of transaction authorizing data commitments having height
:math:`\mathsf{ceil(log_2(tx\_count))}`, padded with leaves having the "null"
hash value ``[0u8; 32]``. Note that :math:`\mathsf{log_2(tx\_count)}` is
well-defined because :math:`\mathsf{tx\_count} > 0`, due to the coinbase
transaction in each block. Non-leaf hashes in this tree are BLAKE2b-256
hashes personalized by the string ``"ZcashAuthDatHash"``.
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Changing the block header format to allow space for an additional
commitment is somewhat invasive. Instead, the name and meaning of the
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``hashLightClientRoot`` field, described in ZIP 221 [#zip-0221]_, is changed.
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``hashLightClientRoot`` is renamed to ``hashBlockCommitments``. The value
of this hash is the BLAKE2b-256 hash personalized by the string ``"ZcashBlockCommit"``
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of the following elements::
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hashLightClientRoot (as described in ZIP 221)
hashAuthDataRoot (as described below)
terminator [0u8;32]
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This representation treats the ``hashBlockCommitments`` value as a linked
list of hashes terminated by arbitrary data. In the case of protocol upgrades
where additional commitments need to be included in the block header, it is
possible to replace this terminator with the hash of a newly defined structure
which ends in a similar terminator. Fully validating nodes MUST always use the
entire structure defined by the latest activated protocol version that they
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The linked structure of this hash is intended to provide extensibility for
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use by light clients which may be connected to a third-party server that supports
a later protocol version. Such a third party SHOULD provide a value that can
be used instead of the all-zeros terminator to permit the light client to
perform validation of the parts of the structure it needs.
Unlike the ``hashLightClientRoot`` change, the change to ``hashBlockCommitments``
happens in the block that activates this ZIP.
The block header byte format and version are not altered by this ZIP.
Reference implementation
2021-01-13 15:54:37 -08:00
.. [#RFC2119] `RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels <>`_
.. [#protocol-txnencoding] `Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2021.2.16 [NU5 proposal]. Section 7.1: Transaction Encoding and Consensus <protocol/protocol.pdf#txnencoding>`_
.. [#zip-0200] `ZIP 200: Network Upgrade Mechanism <zip-0200.rst>`_
2021-01-21 16:23:09 -08:00
.. [#zip-0221] `ZIP 221: FlyClient - Consensus Layer Changes <zip-0221.rst>`_
.. [#zip-0076] `ZIP 76: Transaction Signature Validation before Overwinter <zip-0076.rst>`_
.. [#zip-0143] `ZIP 143: Transaction Signature Validation for Overwinter <zip-0143.rst>`_
.. [#zip-0243] `ZIP 243: Transaction Signature Validation for Sapling <zip-0243.rst>`_
2021-01-21 16:23:09 -08:00
.. [#zip-0307] `ZIP 307: Light Client Protocol for Payment Detection <zip-0307.rst>`_