
2.8 KiB

Installation and setup

Install requirements

docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

Setup .env file

Copy .env.example to .env and change any required paramaters.

Variable Usage
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER Grafana admin user name
ZCASHD_RPCUSER zcashd rpc user
ZCASHD_RPCPORT zcashd rpc port
ZCASHD_ALLOWIP zcashd rpc allowed IPs (don't
ZCASHD_DATADIR local location of zcasd data directory. uid 2001 needs write access
ZCASHD_PARMDIR local location of zcasd data directory. uid 2001 needs read access
ZCASHD_NETWORK zcashd network to use, testnet or mainnet
ZCASHD_GEN should zcashd mine? 0 or 1
LWD_PORT port for lightwalletd to bind to
ZCASHD_CONF_PATH path for lightwalletd to pick up configuration

Populate secret env vars with random values

./ | tee .env

Build initial local docker image

docker-compose build

Start the project

docker-compose up -d

Setup and use Grafana

Open a browser to http://localhost:3000


Login with the user (GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER) and password (GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD).
The values can be found in your .env file

Open the Dashboard Manage menu on the left


Select Import


Enter 11325 for the Dashboard


On the next screen, select the Prometheus and Loki values (there should only be 1 to select)


Click Import

This should then be taken to the Zcashd node exporter dashboard.


If all goes as planned, the dashboard should start populating data from the container services.

If there are an issues, you can view all the docker-compose services under the Explore section.

Viewing container logs

Open the Explore menu entry


Make sure Loki is selected as the datasource at the top.


Then choose the container to view it's logs.


Loki as a rich query syntax to help with log in many ways, for example combine 2 container logs entries:


See more here: