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name: Release Checklist Template
about: Checklist of versioning to create a taggable commit for Zebra
title: ''
assignees: ''
## Versioning
### Which Crates to Increment
To check if any of the top-level crates need version increments, go to the zebra GitHub code page: https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra and use the last modified dates of each crate. Alternatively you can use the github compare tool and check the `main` branch against the last tag ([Example](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/compare/v1.0.0-alpha.15...main)). `git diff --stat <previous-release-tag> origin/main` is also useful to see what's changed.
- [ ] Increment the crates that have new commits since the last version update
- [ ] Increment any crates that depend on crates that have changed
- [ ] Use the `zebrad` crate version in the `zebra-network` user agent string
(currently the constant `USER_AGENT` in `zebra-network/src/constants.rs`)
- [ ] Use the latest git tag in `README.md`
### How to Increment Versions
Zebra follows [semantic versioning](https://semver.org).
Semantic versions look like: `MAJOR`.`MINOR`.`PATCH[`-`TAG`.`PRE-RELEASE]`
#### Pre-Release Crates
Pre-Release versions have a `TAG` like "alpha" or "beta". For example: `1.0.0-alpha.0`
1. Increment the `PRE-RELEASE` version for the crate.
Optionally, if a `MINOR` feature pre-release breaks `MAJOR` API compatibility:
2. Increment the `MAJOR` version, and reset all the other versions to zero
#### Unstable Crates
Unstable versions have a `MAJOR` version of zero. For example: `0.1.0`
1. Follow stable crate versioning, but increment the `MINOR` version for breaking changes
#### Stable Crates
For example: `1.0.0`
Increment the first version component in this list, and reset the other components to zero:
1. MAJOR versions for breaking public API changes and removals
* check for types from dependencies that appear in the public API
2. MINOR versions for new features
3. PATCH versions for bug fixes
* includes dependency updates that don't impact the public API
### Version Locations
Once you know which versions you want to increment, you can find them in the:
- [ ] zebra* `Cargo.toml`s
- [ ] tower-* `Cargo.toml`s
- [ ] `zebra-network` protocol user agent: https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/blob/main/zebra-network/src/constants.rs
- [ ] `README.md`
- [ ] `Cargo.lock`: automatically generated by `cargo build`
Merge all these version increments as one commit, by squashing and rebasing the PR onto the main branch.
After you have your changes pushed start a PR with them using this template by adding `&template=release-checklist.md` to the comparing url ([Example](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/compare/v1.0.0-alpha.16?expand=1&template=release-checklist.md)).
#### Version Tooling
You can use `fastmod` to interactively find and replace versions.
For example, for `zebra-1.0.0-alpha.12`, we did:
fastmod --extensions rs,toml,md --fixed-strings '1.0.0-alpha.12' '1.0.0-alpha.13'
fastmod --extensions rs,toml,md --fixed-strings '1.0.0-alpha.11' '1.0.0-alpha.12'
fastmod --extensions rs,toml,md --fixed-strings '1.0.0-alpha.10' '1.0.0-alpha.11'
fastmod --extensions rs,toml,md --fixed-strings '0.2.9' '0.2.10' tower-batch
fastmod --extensions rs,toml,md --fixed-strings '0.2.8' '0.2.9' tower-fallback
### Reviewing Version Bump Pull Requests
Check for missed changes by going to:
Where `<commit-hash>` is the hash of the last commit in the version bump PR.
If any Zebra or Tower crates have commit messages that are **not** a version bump, we have missed an update.
Also check for crates that depend on crates that have changed. They should get a version bump as well.
## Initial Testing
- [ ] After any changes, test that the `cargo install` command in works. Use
e.g. `cargo install --locked --path zebrad`.
As we resolve various outstanding known issues and implement new functionality with each release, we should double check the README for any necessary updates.
We should check and update if necessary:
- [ ] The "Beta Release" section
- [ ] The "Known Issues" section
to ensure that any items that are resolved in the latest release are no longer listed in the README.
## Change Log
**Important**: Any merge into `main` deletes any edits to the draft changelog. Once you are ready to tag a release, copy the draft changelog into `CHANGELOG.md`.
We follow the [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) format.
We use [the Release Drafter workflow](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/release-drafter) to automatically create a [draft changelog](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/releases).
To create the final change log:
- [ ] Copy the draft changelog into `CHANGELOG.md`
- [ ] Delete any trivial changes
- [ ] Combine duplicate changes
- [ ] Edit change descriptions so they are consistent, and make sense to non-developers
- [ ] Check the category for each change
- prefer the "Fix" category if you're not sure
- [ ] Create a draft PR to update `CHANGELOG.md`
#### Change Categories
From "Keep a Changelog":
* `Added` for new features.
* `Changed` for changes in existing functionality.
* `Deprecated` for soon-to-be removed features.
* `Removed` for now removed features.
* `Fixed` for any bug fixes.
* `Security` in case of vulnerabilities.
## After merging the version update PR
- [ ] Check for any PRs that have been merged since you created the draft PR to update `CHANGELOG.md` and push any updates if necessary
- [ ] Mark the PR to update `CHANGELOG.md` as "Ready for Review"
- [ ] Once the changelog PR has been approved and merged, update the draft release with the final changelog
- [ ] Set the release title to `Zebra ` followed by the version tag, for example: `Zebra 1.0.0-alpha.0`
- [ ] Set the tag name to the version tag, for example: `v1.0.0-alpha.0`
- [ ] Set the release to target the `main` branch
- [ ] Mark the release as 'pre-release' (until we are no longer alpha/beta)
## Final Testing
- [ ] After tagging the release, test that the exact `cargo install` command in
`README.md` works (`--git` behaves a bit differently to `--path`)
If the build fails after tagging:
1. fix the build
2. check if the fixes changed any extra crates, and do the required version increments
3. update `README.md` with a **new** git tag
4. update `CHANGELOG.md` with details about the fix
5. tag a **new** release