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Release Checklist Template Checklist of versioning to create a taggable commit for Zebra


How to Increment Versions

Zebra follows semantic versioning.

Look for the draft zebrad changelog for the automatic version bump. This version is based on the labels on the PRs in the release.

Check that the automatic zebrad version increment is correct:

  1. If we're releasing a mainnet network upgrade, increment the major version of all Zebra crates
  2. If we're not releasing a mainnet network upgrade, check for features, major changes, deprecations, and removals. If this release has any, it is a minor release

If we're not doing a major release, you need to check which crates have changed:

  1. Go to the zebra GitHub code page: https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra
  2. Check if the last commit to each crate is a Zebra version bump. If it is a version bump, the crate has not changed since the last release.

Once you know which crates have changed:

  • Increment the crates that have new commits since the last version update
  • Increment any crates that depend on crates that have changed
  • Keep a list of the crates that haven't been incremented, to include in the PR

How to Increment Versions

Zebra follows semantic versioning.

Semantic versions look like: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH[-TAG.PRE-RELEASE]

Reviewing Version Bumps

Check for missed changes by going to: https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/tree/<commit-hash>/ Where <commit-hash> is the hash of the last commit in the version bump PR.

If any Zebra or Tower crates have commit messages that are not a version bump, we have missed an update. Also check for crates that depend on crates that have changed. They should get a version bump as well.

Version Locations

Once you know which versions you want to increment, you can find them in the:

Version Tooling

You can use fastmod to interactively find and replace versions.

For example, you can do something like:

fastmod --extensions rs,toml,md --fixed-strings '1.0.0-beta.11' '1.0.0-beta.12'
fastmod --extensions rs,toml,md --fixed-strings '0.2.26' '0.2.27' tower-batch tower-fallback

If you use fastmod, don't update versions in CHANGELOG.md.


We should update the README to:

  • Remove any "Known Issues" that have been fixed
  • Update the "Build and Run Instructions" with any new dependencies. Check for changes in the Dockerfile since the last tag: git diff <previous-release-tag> docker/Dockerfile.


With every release and for performance reasons, we want to update the zebra checkpoints. More information on how to do this can be found in the zebra-checkpoints README.

To do this you will need a synchronized zcashd node. You can request help from other zebra team members to submit this PR if you can't make it yourself at the moment of the release.

Change Log

Important: Any merge into main deletes any edits to the draft changelog. Once you are ready to tag a release, copy the draft changelog into CHANGELOG.md.

We follow the Keep a Changelog format.

We use the Release Drafter workflow to automatically create a draft changelog.

To create the final change log:

  • Copy the draft changelog into CHANGELOG.md
  • Delete any trivial changes. Keep the list of those, to include in the PR
  • Combine duplicate changes
  • Edit change descriptions so they are consistent, and make sense to non-developers
  • Check the category for each change
    • Prefer the "Fix" category if you're not sure

Change Categories

From "Keep a Changelog":

  • Added for new features.
  • Changed for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed for now removed features.
  • Fixed for any bug fixes.
  • Security in case of vulnerabilities.

Create the Release

Create the Release PR

After you have the version increments, the updated checkpoints and the updated changelog:

  • Make sure the PR with the new checkpoint hashes is already merged.
  • Push the version increments and the updated changelog into a branch (name suggestion, example: v100-alpha0-release)
  • Create a release PR by adding &template=release-checklist.md to the comparing url (Example).
    • Add the list of deleted changelog entries as a comment to make reviewing easier.
    • Also add the list of not-bumped crates as a comment (can use the same comment as the previous one).
  • Turn on Merge Freeze.
  • Once the PR is ready to be merged, unfreeze it here. Do not unfreeze the whole repository.

Create the Release

  • Once the PR has been merged, create a new release using the draft release as a base, by clicking the Edit icon in the draft release
  • Set the tag name to the version tag, for example: v1.0.0-alpha.0
  • Set the release to target the main branch
  • Set the release title to Zebra followed by the version tag, for example: Zebra 1.0.0-alpha.0
  • Replace the prepopulated draft changelog in the release description by the final changelog you created; starting just after the title ## [Zebra ... of the current version being released, and ending just before the title of the previous release.
  • Mark the release as 'pre-release', until it has been built and tested
  • Publish the pre-release to GitHub using "Publish Release"

Build and Binary Testing

  • After tagging the release, test that the exact cargo install command in README.md works (--git behaves a bit differently to --path)
  • Test that the newly built Zebra starts correctly, by running ~/.cargo/bin/zebrad
  • Wait until the Docker binaries have been built on main, and the quick tests have passed. (You can ignore the full sync and lightwalletd tests, because they take about a day to run.)
  • Publish the release to GitHub by disabling 'pre-release', then clicking "Publish Release"
  • Wait until the Docker images have been published
  • Turn off Merge Freeze for the whole repository

If the build fails after tagging:

  1. Fix the build
  2. Increment versions again, following these instructions from the start
  3. Update README.md with a new git tag
  4. Update CHANGELOG.md with details about the fix
  5. Tag a new release