
823 B

name about
Bug Report 🐞 Something isn't working as expected? Here is the right place to report.


Describe the issue that you're seeing.

Steps to reproduce

Clear steps describing how to reproduce the issue. This makes your issue much easier to diagnose (seriously).

Expected result

What should happen?

Actual result

What happened.


  • What version of Zepio are you using?
  • Which Operating System are you using (macOS/Linux/Windows)? What version?
  • Are you using an external zcashd daemon or the one built inside Zepio?


  • %APPDATA%/zepio/main-process-logs.txt on Windows
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zepio/main-process-logs.txt or ~/.config/zepio/main-process-logs.txt on Linux
  • ~/Library/Application Support/zepio/main-process-logs.txt on macOS