Node: Support for EVM watcher safe blocks (#1727)

* Node: Support for EVM watcher safe blocks

* Fix merge error

* Add check of publishSafeBlocks if not useFinalized
This commit is contained in:
bruce-riley 2022-11-28 07:55:35 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent 091ee0877d
commit 95fd892bec
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 132 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type NewBlock struct {
Number *big.Int
Hash common.Hash
L1BlockNumber *big.Int // This is only populated on some chains (Arbitrum)
Safe bool
// Connector exposes Wormhole-specific interactions with an EVM-based network

View File

@ -25,16 +25,21 @@ type BlockPollConnector struct {
Delay time.Duration
useFinalized bool
publishSafeBlocks bool
finalizer PollFinalizer
blockFeed ethEvent.Feed
errFeed ethEvent.Feed
func NewBlockPollConnector(ctx context.Context, baseConnector Connector, finalizer PollFinalizer, delay time.Duration, useFinalized bool) (*BlockPollConnector, error) {
func NewBlockPollConnector(ctx context.Context, baseConnector Connector, finalizer PollFinalizer, delay time.Duration, useFinalized bool, publishSafeBlocks bool) (*BlockPollConnector, error) {
if publishSafeBlocks && !useFinalized {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("publishSafeBlocks may only be enabled if useFinalized is enabled")
connector := &BlockPollConnector{
Connector: baseConnector,
Delay: delay,
useFinalized: useFinalized,
publishSafeBlocks: publishSafeBlocks,
finalizer: finalizer,
err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "blockPoller",
@ -47,11 +52,19 @@ func NewBlockPollConnector(ctx context.Context, baseConnector Connector, finaliz
func (b *BlockPollConnector) run(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx).With(zap.String("eth_network", b.Connector.NetworkName()))
lastBlock, err := b.getBlock(ctx, logger, nil)
lastBlock, err := b.getBlock(ctx, logger, nil, false)
if err != nil {
return err
var lastSafeBlock *NewBlock
if b.publishSafeBlocks {
lastSafeBlock, err = b.getBlock(ctx, logger, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return err
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond) // Start immediately.
supervisor.Signal(ctx, supervisor.SignalHealthy)
@ -62,17 +75,30 @@ func (b *BlockPollConnector) run(ctx context.Context) error {
return ctx.Err()
case <-timer.C:
for count := 0; count < 3; count++ {
lastBlock, err = b.pollBlocks(ctx, logger, lastBlock)
lastBlock, err = b.pollBlocks(ctx, logger, lastBlock, false)
if err == nil {
logger.Error("polling encountered an error", zap.Error(err))
logger.Error("polling of block encountered an error", zap.Error(err))
// Wait an interval before trying again. We stay in this loop so that we
// try up to three times before causing the watcher to restart.
if err == nil && b.publishSafeBlocks {
for count := 0; count < 3; count++ {
lastSafeBlock, err = b.pollBlocks(ctx, logger, lastSafeBlock, true)
if err == nil {
logger.Error("polling of safe block encountered an error", zap.Error(err))
// Same wait as above.
if err != nil {
b.errFeed.Send(fmt.Sprint("polling encountered an error: ", err))
@ -81,7 +107,7 @@ func (b *BlockPollConnector) run(ctx context.Context) error {
func (b *BlockPollConnector) pollBlocks(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, lastBlock *NewBlock) (lastPublishedBlock *NewBlock, retErr error) {
func (b *BlockPollConnector) pollBlocks(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, lastBlock *NewBlock, safe bool) (lastPublishedBlock *NewBlock, retErr error) {
// Some of the testnet providers (like the one we are using for Arbitrum) limit how many transactions we can do. When that happens, the call hangs.
// Use a timeout so that the call will fail and the runable will get restarted. This should not happen in mainnet, but if it does, we will need to
// investigate why the runable is dying and fix the underlying problem.
@ -94,7 +120,7 @@ func (b *BlockPollConnector) pollBlocks(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger,
// Fetch the latest block on the chain
// We could do this on every iteration such that if a new block is created while this function is being executed,
// it would automatically fetch new blocks but in order to reduce API load this will be done on the next iteration.
latestBlock, err := b.getBlock(timeout, logger, nil)
latestBlock, err := b.getBlock(timeout, logger, nil, safe)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to look up latest block",
zap.Uint64("lastSeenBlock", lastBlock.Number.Uint64()), zap.Error(err))
@ -108,7 +134,7 @@ func (b *BlockPollConnector) pollBlocks(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger,
// Try to fetch the next block between lastBlock and latestBlock
nextBlockNumber := new(big.Int).Add(lastPublishedBlock.Number, big.NewInt(1))
block, err := b.getBlock(timeout, logger, nextBlockNumber)
block, err := b.getBlock(timeout, logger, nextBlockNumber, safe)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to fetch next block",
zap.Uint64("block", nextBlockNumber.Uint64()), zap.Error(err))
@ -164,17 +190,21 @@ func (b *BlockPollConnector) SubscribeForBlocks(ctx context.Context, sink chan<-
return sub, nil
func (b *BlockPollConnector) getBlock(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, number *big.Int) (*NewBlock, error) {
return getBlock(ctx, logger, b.Connector, number, b.useFinalized)
func (b *BlockPollConnector) getBlock(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, number *big.Int, safe bool) (*NewBlock, error) {
return getBlock(ctx, logger, b.Connector, number, b.useFinalized, safe)
// getBlock is a free function that can be called from other connectors to get a single block.
func getBlock(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, conn Connector, number *big.Int, useFinalized bool) (*NewBlock, error) {
func getBlock(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, conn Connector, number *big.Int, useFinalized bool, safe bool) (*NewBlock, error) {
var numStr string
if number != nil {
numStr = ethHexUtils.EncodeBig(number)
} else if useFinalized {
if safe {
numStr = "safe"
} else {
numStr = "finalized"
} else {
numStr = "latest"
@ -213,5 +243,6 @@ func getBlock(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, conn Connector, number *b
Number: &n,
Hash: m.Hash,
L1BlockNumber: l1bn,
Safe: safe,
}, nil

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ func (c *PolygonConnector) postBlock(ctx context.Context, blockNum *big.Int, sin
return fmt.Errorf("blockNum is nil")
block, err := getBlock(ctx, c.logger, c.Connector, blockNum, false)
block, err := getBlock(ctx, c.logger, c.Connector, blockNum, false, false)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get block %s: %w", blockNum.String(), err)

View File

@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
timeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
safeBlocksSupported := false
var err error
if w.chainID == vaa.ChainIDCelo && !w.unsafeDevMode {
// When we are running in mainnet or testnet, we need to use the Celo ethereum library rather than go-ethereum.
@ -197,14 +199,20 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return fmt.Errorf("dialing eth client failed: %w", err)
} else if useFinalizedBlocks {
if w.chainID == vaa.ChainIDEthereum && !w.unsafeDevMode {
safeBlocksSupported = true
logger.Info("using finalized blocks, will publish safe blocks")
} else {
logger.Info("using finalized blocks")
baseConnector, err := connectors.NewEthereumConnector(timeout, w.networkName, w.url, w.contract, logger)
if err != nil {
ethConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(w.networkName, "dial_error").Inc()
p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(w.chainID, 1)
return fmt.Errorf("dialing eth client failed: %w", err)
w.ethConn, err = connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizers.NewDefaultFinalizer(), 250*time.Millisecond, true)
w.ethConn, err = connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizers.NewDefaultFinalizer(), 250*time.Millisecond, true, safeBlocksSupported)
if err != nil {
ethConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(w.networkName, "dial_error").Inc()
p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(w.chainID, 1)
@ -218,7 +226,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return fmt.Errorf("dialing eth client failed: %w", err)
finalizer := finalizers.NewMoonbeamFinalizer(logger, baseConnector)
w.ethConn, err = connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizer, 250*time.Millisecond, false)
w.ethConn, err = connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizer, 250*time.Millisecond, false, false)
if err != nil {
ethConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(w.networkName, "dial_error").Inc()
p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(w.chainID, 1)
@ -235,7 +243,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return fmt.Errorf("dialing eth client failed: %w", err)
finalizer := finalizers.NewNeonFinalizer(logger, baseConnector, baseConnector.Client(), w.l1Finalizer)
pollConnector, err := connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizer, 250*time.Millisecond, false)
pollConnector, err := connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizer, 250*time.Millisecond, false, false)
if err != nil {
ethConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(w.networkName, "dial_error").Inc()
p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(w.chainID, 1)
@ -258,7 +266,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return fmt.Errorf("dialing eth client failed: %w", err)
finalizer := finalizers.NewArbitrumFinalizer(logger, baseConnector, baseConnector.Client(), w.l1Finalizer)
pollConnector, err := connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizer, 250*time.Millisecond, false)
pollConnector, err := connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizer, 250*time.Millisecond, false, false)
if err != nil {
ethConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(w.networkName, "dial_error").Inc()
p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(w.chainID, 1)
@ -281,7 +289,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return fmt.Errorf("dialing eth client failed: %w", err)
finalizer := finalizers.NewOptimismFinalizer(timeout, logger, baseConnector, w.l1Finalizer)
w.ethConn, err = connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizer, 250*time.Millisecond, false)
w.ethConn, err = connectors.NewBlockPollConnector(ctx, baseConnector, finalizer, 250*time.Millisecond, false, false)
if err != nil {
ethConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(w.networkName, "dial_error").Inc()
p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(w.chainID, 1)
@ -348,9 +356,10 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
// Track the current block number so we can compare it to the block number of
// Track the current block numbers so we can compare it to the block number of
// the message publication for observation requests.
var currentBlockNumber uint64
var currentSafeBlockNumber uint64
go func() {
for {
@ -377,11 +386,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
// always sends the head before it sends the logs (implicit synchronization
// by relying on the same websocket connection).
blockNumberU := atomic.LoadUint64(&currentBlockNumber)
if blockNumberU == 0 {
logger.Error("no block number available, ignoring observation request",
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName))
safeBlockNumberU := atomic.LoadUint64(&currentSafeBlockNumber)
timeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
blockNumber, msgs, err := MessageEventsForTransaction(timeout, w.ethConn, w.contract, w.chainID, tx)
@ -407,6 +412,43 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
if msg.ConsistencyLevel == vaa.ConsistencyLevelSafe && safeBlocksSupported {
if safeBlockNumberU == 0 {
logger.Error("no safe block number available, ignoring observation request",
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName))
if blockNumber <= safeBlockNumberU {
logger.Info("re-observed message publication transaction",
zap.Stringer("tx", msg.TxHash),
zap.Stringer("emitter_address", msg.EmitterAddress),
zap.Uint64("sequence", msg.Sequence),
zap.Uint64("current_safe_block", safeBlockNumberU),
zap.Uint64("observed_block", blockNumber),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName),
w.msgChan <- msg
} else {
logger.Info("ignoring re-observed message publication transaction",
zap.Stringer("tx", msg.TxHash),
zap.Stringer("emitter_address", msg.EmitterAddress),
zap.Uint64("sequence", msg.Sequence),
zap.Uint64("current_safe_block", safeBlockNumberU),
zap.Uint64("observed_block", blockNumber),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName),
if blockNumberU == 0 {
logger.Error("no block number available, ignoring observation request",
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName))
var expectedConfirmations uint64
if w.waitForConfirmations {
expectedConfirmations = uint64(msg.ConsistencyLevel)
@ -554,7 +596,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
if ev.Number == nil {
logger.Error("new header block number is nil", zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName))
logger.Error("new header block number is nil", zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName), zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe))
@ -563,6 +605,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
logger.Info("processing new header",
zap.Stringer("current_block", ev.Number),
zap.Stringer("current_blockhash", currentHash),
zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName))
@ -574,12 +617,24 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
blockNumberU := ev.Number.Uint64()
if ev.Safe {
atomic.StoreUint64(&currentSafeBlockNumber, blockNumberU)
} else {
atomic.StoreUint64(&currentBlockNumber, blockNumberU)
atomic.StoreUint64(&w.latestFinalizedBlockNumber, blockNumberU)
for key, pLock := range w.pending {
// If this block is safe, only process messages wanting safe.
// If it's not safe, only process messages wanting finalized.
if safeBlocksSupported {
if ev.Safe != (pLock.message.ConsistencyLevel == vaa.ConsistencyLevelSafe) {
var expectedConfirmations uint64
if w.waitForConfirmations {
if w.waitForConfirmations && !ev.Safe {
expectedConfirmations = uint64(pLock.message.ConsistencyLevel)
@ -591,6 +646,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
zap.Stringer("emitter_address", key.EmitterAddress),
zap.Uint64("sequence", key.Sequence),
zap.Stringer("current_block", ev.Number),
zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe),
zap.Stringer("current_blockhash", currentHash),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName),
zap.Uint64("expectedConfirmations", expectedConfirmations),
@ -622,6 +678,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
zap.Stringer("emitter_address", key.EmitterAddress),
zap.Uint64("sequence", key.Sequence),
zap.Stringer("current_block", ev.Number),
zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe),
zap.Stringer("current_blockhash", currentHash),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName),
@ -640,6 +697,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
zap.Stringer("emitter_address", key.EmitterAddress),
zap.Uint64("sequence", key.Sequence),
zap.Stringer("current_block", ev.Number),
zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe),
zap.Stringer("current_blockhash", currentHash),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName),
@ -656,6 +714,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
zap.Stringer("emitter_address", key.EmitterAddress),
zap.Uint64("sequence", key.Sequence),
zap.Stringer("current_block", ev.Number),
zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe),
zap.Stringer("current_blockhash", currentHash),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName),
@ -672,6 +731,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
zap.Stringer("emitter_address", key.EmitterAddress),
zap.Uint64("sequence", key.Sequence),
zap.Stringer("current_block", ev.Number),
zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe),
zap.Stringer("current_blockhash", currentHash),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName))
delete(w.pending, key)
@ -685,6 +745,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
zap.Stringer("emitter_address", key.EmitterAddress),
zap.Uint64("sequence", key.Sequence),
zap.Stringer("current_block", ev.Number),
zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe),
zap.Stringer("current_blockhash", currentHash),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName))
delete(w.pending, key)
@ -696,6 +757,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
logger.Info("processed new header",
zap.Stringer("current_block", ev.Number),
zap.Bool("is_safe_block", ev.Safe),
zap.Stringer("current_blockhash", currentHash),
zap.Duration("took", time.Since(start)),
zap.String("eth_network", w.networkName))

View File

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ type (
const (
ConsistencyLevelPublishImmediately = uint8(200)
ConsistencyLevelSafe = uint8(201)
func (a Address) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {