getnetworkinfo - Zcash 5.2.0 RPC

Returns an object containing various state info regarding P2P networking.

  "version": xxxxx,                      (numeric) the server version
  "subversion": "/MagicBean:x.y.z[-v]/",     (string) the server subversion string
  "protocolversion": xxxxx,              (numeric) the protocol version
  "localservices": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", (string) the services we offer to the network
  "timeoffset": xxxxx,                   (numeric) the time offset (deprecated; always 0)
  "connections": xxxxx,                  (numeric) the number of connections
  "networks": [                          (array) information per network
    "name": "xxx",                     (string) network (ipv4, ipv6 or onion)
    "limited": true|false,               (boolean) is the network limited using -onlynet?
    "reachable": true|false,             (boolean) is the network reachable?
    "proxy": "host:port"               (string) the proxy that is used for this network, or empty if none
  "relayfee": x.xxxxxxxx,                (numeric) minimum relay fee for non-free transactions in ZEC/kB
  "localaddresses": [                    (array) list of local addresses
    "address": "xxxx",                 (string) network address
    "port": xxx,                         (numeric) network port
    "score": xxx                         (numeric) relative score
  "warnings": "..."                    (string) any network warnings (such as alert messages) 

> zcash-cli getnetworkinfo 
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getnetworkinfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by @_garethtdavies; modified by: mdr0id;license of the docs is MIT (see zcash repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet zcash node