z_gettreestate - Zcash 5.2.0 RPC

z_gettreestate "hash|height"
Return information about the given block's tree state.

1. "hash|height"          (string, required) The block hash or height. Height can be negative where -1 is the last known valid block

  "hash": "hash",         (string) hex block hash
  "height": n,              (numeric) block height
  "time": n,                (numeric) block time: UTC seconds since the Unix 1970-01-01 epoch
  "sprout": {
    "skipHash": "hash",   (string) hash of most recent block with more information
    "commitments": {
      "finalRoot": "hex", (string)
      "finalState": "hex" (string)
  "sapling": {
    "skipHash": "hash",   (string) hash of most recent block with more information
    "commitments": {
      "finalRoot": "hex", (string)
      "finalState": "hex" (string)
  "orchard": {
    "skipHash": "hash",   (string) hash of most recent block with more information
    "commitments": {
      "finalRoot": "hex", (string)
      "finalState": "hex" (string)

> zcash-cli z_gettreestate "00000000febc373a1da2bd9f887b105ad79ddc26ac26c2b28652d64e5207c5b5"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "z_gettreestate", "params": ["00000000febc373a1da2bd9f887b105ad79ddc26ac26c2b28652d64e5207c5b5"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
> zcash-cli z_gettreestate 12800
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "z_gettreestate", "params": [12800] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by @_garethtdavies; modified by: mdr0id;license of the docs is MIT (see zcash repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet zcash node