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50 Errors

Anchor Errors

See @coral-xyz/anchor/src/error.ts#L308 for a list of built-in Anchor errors.

Switchboard Errors

Code Hex Name Message
6000 0x1770 ArrayOperationError Illegal operation on a Switchboard array.
6001 0x1771 QueueOperationError Illegal operation on a Switchboard queue.
6002 0x1772 IncorrectProgramOwnerError An account required to be owned by the program has a different owner.
6003 0x1773 InvalidAggregatorRound Aggregator is not currently populated with a valid round.
6004 0x1774 TooManyAggregatorJobs Aggregator cannot fit any more jobs.
6005 0x1775 AggregatorCurrentRoundClosed Aggregator's current round is closed. No results are being accepted.
6006 0x1776 AggregatorInvalidSaveResult Aggregator received an invalid save result instruction.
6007 0x1777 InvalidStrDecimalConversion Failed to convert string to decimal format.
6008 0x1778 AccountLoaderMissingSignature AccountLoader account is missing a required signature.
6009 0x1779 MissingRequiredSignature Account is missing a required signature.
6010 0x177a ArrayOverflowError The attempted action will overflow a zero-copy account array.
6011 0x177b ArrayUnderflowError The attempted action will underflow a zero-copy account array.
6012 0x177c PubkeyNotFoundError The queried public key was not found.
6013 0x177d AggregatorIllegalRoundOpenCall Aggregator round open called too early.
6014 0x177e AggregatorIllegalRoundCloseCall Aggregator round close called too early.
6015 0x177f AggregatorClosedError Aggregator is closed. Illegal action.
6016 0x1780 IllegalOracleIdxError Illegal oracle index.
6017 0x1781 OracleAlreadyRespondedError The provided oracle has already responded this round.
6018 0x1782 ProtoDeserializeError Failed to deserialize protocol buffer.
6019 0x1783 UnauthorizedStateUpdateError Unauthorized program state modification attempted.
6020 0x1784 MissingOracleAccountsError Not enough oracle accounts provided to closeRounds.
6021 0x1785 OracleMismatchError An unexpected oracle account was provided for the transaction.
6022 0x1786 CrankMaxCapacityError Attempted to push to a Crank that's at capacity
6023 0x1787 AggregatorLeaseInsufficientFunds Aggregator update call attempted but attached lease has insufficient funds.
6024 0x1788 IncorrectTokenAccountMint The provided token account does not point to the Switchboard token mint.
6025 0x1789 InvalidEscrowAccount An invalid escrow account was provided.
6026 0x178a CrankEmptyError Crank empty. Pop failed.
6027 0x178b PdaDeriveError Failed to derive a PDA from the provided seed.
6028 0x178c AggregatorAccountNotFound Aggregator account missing from provided account list.
6029 0x178d PermissionAccountNotFound Permission account missing from provided account list.
6030 0x178e LeaseAccountDeriveFailure Failed to derive a lease account.
6031 0x178f PermissionAccountDeriveFailure Failed to derive a permission account.
6032 0x1790 EscrowAccountNotFound Escrow account missing from provided account list.
6033 0x1791 LeaseAccountNotFound Lease account missing from provided account list.
6034 0x1792 DecimalConversionError Decimal conversion method failed.
6035 0x1793 PermissionDenied Permission account is missing required flags for the given action.
6036 0x1794 QueueAtCapacity Oracle queue is at lease capacity.
6037 0x1795 ExcessiveCrankRowsError Data feed is already pushed on a crank.
6038 0x1796 AggregatorLockedError Aggregator is locked, no setting modifications or job additions allowed.
6039 0x1797 AggregatorInvalidBatchSizeError Aggregator invalid batch size.
6040 0x1798 AggregatorJobChecksumMismatch Oracle provided an incorrect aggregator job checksum.
6041 0x1799 IntegerOverflowError An integer overflow occurred.
6042 0x179a InvalidUpdatePeriodError Minimum update period is 5 seconds.
6043 0x179b NoResultsError Aggregator round evaluation attempted with no results.
6044 0x179c InvalidExpirationError An expiration constraint was broken.
6045 0x179d InsufficientStakeError An account provided insufficient stake for action.
6046 0x179e LeaseInactiveError The provided lease account is not active.
6047 0x179f NoAggregatorJobsFound No jobs are currently included in the aggregator.
6048 0x17a0 IntegerUnderflowError An integer underflow occurred.
6049 0x17a1 OracleQueueMismatch An invalid oracle queue account was provided.
6050 0x17a2 OracleWalletMismatchError An unexpected oracle wallet account was provided for the transaction.
6051 0x17a3 InvalidBufferAccountError An invalid buffer account was provided.
6052 0x17a4 InsufficientOracleQueueError Insufficient oracle queue size.
6053 0x17a5 InvalidAuthorityError Invalid authority account provided.
6054 0x17a6 InvalidTokenAccountMintError A provided token wallet is associated with an incorrect mint.
6055 0x17a7 ExcessiveLeaseWithdrawlError You must leave enough funds to perform at least 1 update in the lease.
6056 0x17a8 InvalideHistoryAccountError Invalid history account provided.
6057 0x17a9 InvalidLeaseAccountEscrowError Invalid lease account escrow.
6058 0x17aa InvalidCrankAccountError Invalid crank provided.
6059 0x17ab CrankNoElementsReadyError No elements ready to be popped.
6060 0x17ac IndexOutOfBoundsError Index out of bounds
6061 0x17ad VrfInvalidRequestError Invalid vrf request params
6062 0x17ae VrfInvalidProofSubmissionError Vrf proof failed to verify
6063 0x17af VrfVerifyError Error in verifying vrf proof.
6064 0x17b0 VrfCallbackError Vrf callback function failed.
6065 0x17b1 VrfCallbackParamsError Invalid vrf callback params provided.
6066 0x17b2 VrfCallbackAlreadyCalledError Vrf callback has already been triggered.
6067 0x17b3 VrfInvalidPubkeyError The provided pubkey is invalid to use in ecvrf proofs
6068 0x17b4 VrfTooManyVerifyCallsError Number of required verify calls exceeded
6069 0x17b5 VrfRequestAlreadyLaunchedError Vrf request is already pending
6070 0x17b6 VrfInsufficientVerificationError Insufficient amount of proofs collected for VRF callback
6071 0x17b7 InvalidVrfProducerError An incorrect oracle attempted to submit a proof
6072 0x17b8 InvalidGovernancePidError Invalid SPLGovernance Account Supplied
6073 0x17b9 InvalidGovernanceAccountError An Invalid Governance Account was supplied
6074 0x17ba MissingOptionalAccount Expected an optional account
6075 0x17bb InvalidSpawnRecordOwner Invalid Owner for Spawn Record
6076 0x17bc NoopError Noop error
6077 0x17bd MissingRequiredAccountsError A required instruction account was not included
6078 0x17be InvalidMintError Invalid mint account passed for instruction
6079 0x17bf InvalidTokenAccountKeyError An invalid token account was passed into the instruction
6080 0x17c0 InvalidJobAccountError
6081 0x17c1 VoterStakeRegistryError
6082 0x17c2 AccountDiscriminatorMismatch Account discriminator did not match.