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0012 arduino
Fix millis() so it overflows on a nice variable-size boundary; see:
Consider moving millis() to timer 1, and configuring it so the interrupt is generated once a millisecond.
Problems including WProgram.h twice?
Add #defines for the analog input pins.
Add parameter to shiftOut() for specifying a number of bits.
Add parameter to Serial.print[ln](x, BIN) for specifying number of bits.
Factor out print statements into a common base class for Serial, LiquidCrystal, etc.
Add support for ATmega1280 (e.g. timers, external interrupts, multiple serial ports).
Add weak attribute to signal handlers:
Incorporate ladyada's new SoftwareSerial library.
Good way to receive multiple values / complex messages over the serial port (Firmata?)
Floating point support in the map() function.
Way to print floats.
Wire library patch:
Fix delayMicroseconds(0).
Add sleep function(s).
Add SPI library.
Add pulseOut(), etc. functions from Wiring.
Add String library.
Add LiquidCrystal library.
Add Servo library.
Add Encoder library.
Add Ping example.
Add highByte(), lowByte(), and word(high, low) functions.
Add bitRead() and bitWrite() functions (and bitSet() and bitClear()?)
Include Arduino as AVR-ISP sketch in hardware/firmwares.
Move type definitions into WConstants.h.
Change core to use Arduino types (e.g. byte, boolean).
Improve preprocessing of sketches:
- Better determine which header files are included (not commented out).
- Remember the original locations of function prototypes to highlight the correct line on error.
Multiple sketch windows.
Easier library discovery and installation.
Easier board installation.
Clean up Library and LibraryManager.
Byte-based serial monitor.
Clear character should clear serial monitor.
Incorporate serial-net proxy.
Changing font size should change serial monitor font size.
Deal with shorter screens (e.g. ASUS EEPC).
Investigate method for auto-detecting serial port on Windows.
Guess serial port on the Mac and Linux.
Automatic detection of baud rate for serial monitor (based on the call to Serial.begin() in the current sketch).
Improve, generally, the upload experience (e.g. faster program start after upload, keep-alive messages to bootloader from IDE, shorter bootloader timeout if possible, progress bar)
Allow uploading of .hex files.
2008-03-28 14:53:27 -07:00
Per-board upload.using preference.
Allow for arbitrary compilation command line arguments.
Find in reference should give same message for missing page as for missing page association.
Test find in reference on libraries.
Update version of the FTDI drivers (Windows).
Remove AVR ISP and giveio drivers (Windows).
Include the executable installer for the FTDI drivers (Windows).
Include newer version of avr-gcc (one that supports the ATmega1280).
Revise to look for version specific pages (names suffixed with, e.g., "-0007")
If possible, install bug tracking and svn on
Move to ant for build process.
Multi-language plugin.
Work on opening up website to public editing.
Create form for submitting workshops.
Create form for submitting projects.
Create community to do list.
Create community section of site.
List of examples we'd like to have.
Style guide for examples, references, and foundations.
Move navigation to a toolbar at the top of the page.
Reorganize sub-menus (create sub-sections).
Not clear where some things go: foundations, environment, etc.
Add examples using specific hardware (simple analog sensors, optocouplers, etc.)
Get good top-down, well-lit, plain-white-background photos of the Arduino boards.
Documentation for moving from Arduino to custom PCBs.
Examples should demonstrate use of functions.
Arduino feature list (in Getting Started > Introduction).
Programming tutorial for Arduino.
Write advanced library tutorial.
Replace rainbow diagram on the guide to the board page.
Update pictures to use Arduino Diecimila: Guide/Board, tutorials,
Create diagrams and schematics for the examples.
Consider deleting many of the pictures in the howto's as they just make it harder to see the instructions without adding much (e.g. the pictures of files in folders).
Tell people not to put the board on a Powerbook.
People don't know what a jumper is.
Add picture of the RX/TX LEDs flashing.
Show a picture of the LED flashing.