We offer very flexible universal units which empower motorsports professionals or enthusiasts to accomplish a lot, we do not have a retail operation offering services to end users.
[https://rusefi.com/forum/](https://rusefi.com/forum/) is the primary free support channel. Please post your tune & log files at [rusEFI Online](Online), more on this at [Quick-Start-PDF](https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/wiki/rusEFI-Quick-Start-PDF)
Commercial technical support starts at [the rusEFI Store](https://www.shop.rusefi.com/shop/p/details-about-rusefi-ecu-technical-support )
A: Discord is a group chat available via browser and phone app. After initial problem statement is defined on [https://rusefi.com/forum/](https://rusefi.com/forum/) Discord chat often comes handy for follow-up discussion. Discord registration & login see [Discord](Discord)
A: rusEFI is not specific to a particular vehicle. The people involved own and know about a wide range of vehicles. It's easy to forget this and use terms that may be familiar to people who mess with vehicles like yours but aren't well known in the broader audience. Asking "What about N75?" is a much more ambiguous question than "What about N75 (boost control valves)?" Adding the extra information (parenthetically) makes it easier for more people to understand what you are asking and help you faster.
A: You are very unlikely to get much help asking for support like this. rusEFI helps those that are willing to help themselves. We do not have the have time or bandwidth to provide hand holding for specific setups or features. Unless you want to become involved in the development process as a contributor, it is very unlikely that we will "just get around to it" in the next year.
A: You can but that's a bit scary. There are a lot of much nicer options like Windows 10 Snip Tool or [ShareX](https://getsharex.com/) for Windows screen snapshots or screen recording.
Same about forum private messages. Please use public channels to have a higher chance of a response from the community. The more effort you make to ask a good question, the better response you would get. See also [HOWTO-ask-questions](HOWTO-ask-questions)
Please collect the below information before requesting support in the forums. Also please include this each time you post about a problem. This can all be collected in a zip file, or done as individual files and attached to your forum support request. Please keep in mind that you are seeing this and you have allot of information which those of us in the forum do not have. Things that may seem simple to you may be complicated for those of us who have not physically seen what you have, or have not see the steps you have taken to get to the problem you are faced with.
- What is the basic problem? This would be something like, engine does not start, cannot connect Tuner Studio, Magic smoke has come out, or something similar. A video on youtube can be helpful for this as well.
- Please provide a picture of the rusEFI console. This tells us allot about what firmware you are using, and the status of your software. Also please include the console's border as that indicates information as well.
- Please provide a picture of Tuner Studio. Just like the console, this indicates allot about your setup and which pieces of software you are using. Also please include the Tuner Studio border as that indicates information as well.
- Please provide a picture of your physical setup. Seeing how the wires are connected tells us allot about how the hip bone is connected to the leg bone, etc. It also tells us if you have connected the leg bone to the shoulder bone.
- Please indicate your software pieces, commonly as noted below. The most common platform and the platform used by the primary software developer is Windows, so you are most likely to get the best support with a native Windows environment.