[#1012] Introduce dependency injection in the SDK

Closes #1012

- This is the first change for the dependency injection. This change
  adds `DIContainer` which is used to register and resolve dependencies.
- Then this change shows how `DIContainer` can be used to resolve
  dependencies. And it also shows how to mock dependencies in tests.
- Constructors of `Initializer` are changed to support mocking of
  depedendencies. But it doesn't affect public API in any way.
- Depedencies are registered in `Dependencies.setup()`. Then in the code
  `container.resolve(SomeType.self)` is called to get instance of the
- `ZcashTestCase` class is added. It inherits from `XCTestCase` and
  should be used for base class in tests. `ZcashTestCase` takes care of
  creation of `DIContainer` for dependencies mocking. In future we can
  maybe move there more things that are used in each test.
- Lot is missing here. Not all the code is using dependency injection.
  Tests for `DIContainer` are missing. Only `OfflineTests` work now
  (other tests can't be even compiled). It will be added in future
This commit is contained in:
Michal Fousek 2023-05-01 16:28:59 +02:00
parent b582e1e4e1
commit 5d2b2298b5
30 changed files with 894 additions and 576 deletions

View File

@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ identifier_name:
- nf - nf
- tx - tx
- as - as
- di
indentation_width: indentation_width:
indentation_width: 4 indentation_width: 4

View File

@ -330,41 +330,22 @@ actor CompactBlockProcessor {
/// - backend: a class that complies to `ZcashRustBackendWelding` /// - backend: a class that complies to `ZcashRustBackendWelding`
/// - config: `Configuration` struct for this processor /// - config: `Configuration` struct for this processor
init( init(
service: LightWalletService, container: DIContainer,
storage: CompactBlockRepository, config: Configuration
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding,
config: Configuration,
metrics: SDKMetrics,
logger: Logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProvider
) { ) {
self.init( self.init(
service: service, container: container,
storage: storage,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
config: config, config: config,
repository: TransactionRepositoryBuilder.build(dataDbURL: config.dataDb), accountRepository: AccountRepositoryBuilder.build(dataDbURL: config.dataDb, readOnly: true, logger: container.resolve(Logger.self))
accountRepository: AccountRepositoryBuilder.build(dataDbURL: config.dataDb, readOnly: true, logger: logger),
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: latestBlocksDataProvider
) )
} }
/// Initializes a CompactBlockProcessor instance from an Initialized object /// Initializes a CompactBlockProcessor instance from an Initialized object
/// - Parameters: /// - Parameters:
/// - initializer: an instance that complies to CompactBlockDownloading protocol /// - initializer: an instance that complies to CompactBlockDownloading protocol
init( init(initializer: Initializer, walletBirthdayProvider: @escaping () -> BlockHeight) {
initializer: Initializer,
metrics: SDKMetrics,
logger: Logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProvider,
walletBirthdayProvider: @escaping () -> BlockHeight
) {
self.init( self.init(
service: initializer.lightWalletService, container: initializer.container,
storage: initializer.storage,
rustBackend: initializer.rustBackend,
config: Configuration( config: Configuration(
alias: initializer.alias, alias: initializer.alias,
fsBlockCacheRoot: initializer.fsBlockDbRoot, fsBlockCacheRoot: initializer.fsBlockDbRoot,
@ -375,97 +356,37 @@ actor CompactBlockProcessor {
walletBirthdayProvider: walletBirthdayProvider, walletBirthdayProvider: walletBirthdayProvider,
network: initializer.network network: initializer.network
), ),
repository: initializer.transactionRepository, accountRepository: initializer.accountRepository
accountRepository: initializer.accountRepository,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: latestBlocksDataProvider
) )
} }
internal init( internal init(
service: LightWalletService, container: DIContainer,
storage: CompactBlockRepository,
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding,
config: Configuration, config: Configuration,
repository: TransactionRepository, accountRepository: AccountRepository
accountRepository: AccountRepository,
metrics: SDKMetrics,
logger: Logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProvider
) { ) {
self.metrics = metrics Dependencies.setupCompactBlockProcessor(
self.logger = logger in: container,
self.latestBlocksDataProvider = latestBlocksDataProvider config: config,
let internalSyncProgress = InternalSyncProgress(alias: config.alias, storage: UserDefaults.standard, logger: logger) accountRepository: accountRepository
self.internalSyncProgress = internalSyncProgress
let blockDownloaderService = BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: storage)
self.blockDownloader = BlockDownloaderImpl(
service: service,
downloaderService: blockDownloaderService,
storage: storage,
internalSyncProgress: internalSyncProgress,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger
) )
self.blockDownloaderService = blockDownloaderService self.metrics = container.resolve(SDKMetrics.self)
self.logger = container.resolve(Logger.self)
self.blockValidator = BlockValidatorImpl( self.latestBlocksDataProvider = container.resolve(LatestBlocksDataProvider.self)
rustBackend: rustBackend, self.internalSyncProgress = container.resolve(InternalSyncProgress.self)
metrics: metrics, self.blockDownloaderService = container.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self)
logger: logger self.blockDownloader = container.resolve(BlockDownloader.self)
) self.blockValidator = container.resolve(BlockValidator.self)
self.blockScanner = container.resolve(BlockScanner.self)
let blockScannerConfig = BlockScannerConfig( self.blockEnhancer = container.resolve(BlockEnhancer.self)
networkType: config.network.networkType, self.utxoFetcher = container.resolve(UTXOFetcher.self)
scanningBatchSize: config.scanningBatchSize self.saplingParametersHandler = container.resolve(SaplingParametersHandler.self)
) self.service = container.resolve(LightWalletService.self)
self.blockScanner = BlockScannerImpl( self.rustBackend = container.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
config: blockScannerConfig, self.storage = container.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self)
rustBackend: rustBackend,
transactionRepository: repository,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: latestBlocksDataProvider
self.blockEnhancer = BlockEnhancerImpl(
blockDownloaderService: blockDownloaderService,
internalSyncProgress: internalSyncProgress,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
transactionRepository: repository,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger
let utxoFetcherConfig = UTXOFetcherConfig(walletBirthdayProvider: config.walletBirthdayProvider)
self.utxoFetcher = UTXOFetcherImpl(
accountRepository: accountRepository,
blockDownloaderService: blockDownloaderService,
config: utxoFetcherConfig,
internalSyncProgress: internalSyncProgress,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger
let saplingParametersHandlerConfig = SaplingParametersHandlerConfig(
outputParamsURL: config.outputParamsURL,
spendParamsURL: config.spendParamsURL,
saplingParamsSourceURL: config.saplingParamsSourceURL
self.saplingParametersHandler = SaplingParametersHandlerImpl(
config: saplingParametersHandlerConfig,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
self.service = service
self.rustBackend = rustBackend
self.storage = storage
self.config = config self.config = config
self.transactionRepository = repository self.transactionRepository = container.resolve(TransactionRepository.self)
self.accountRepository = accountRepository self.accountRepository = accountRepository
} }

View File

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ class initializes the Rust backend and the supporting data required to exercise
The [cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockProcessor] handles all the remaining Rust backend The [cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockProcessor] handles all the remaining Rust backend
functionality, related to processing blocks. functionality, related to processing blocks.
*/ */
// swiftlint:disable:next type_body_length
public class Initializer { public class Initializer {
struct URLs { struct URLs {
let fsBlockDbRoot: URL let fsBlockDbRoot: URL
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ public class Initializer {
// This is used to uniquely identify instance of the SDKSynchronizer. It's used when checking if the Alias is already used or not. // This is used to uniquely identify instance of the SDKSynchronizer. It's used when checking if the Alias is already used or not.
let id = UUID() let id = UUID()
let container: DIContainer
let alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias let alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias
let endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint let endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint
let fsBlockDbRoot: URL let fsBlockDbRoot: URL
@ -156,87 +158,94 @@ public class Initializer {
alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias = .default, alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias = .default,
loggingPolicy: LoggingPolicy = .default(.debug) loggingPolicy: LoggingPolicy = .default(.debug)
) { ) {
let urls = URLs( let container = DIContainer()
fsBlockDbRoot: fsBlockDbRoot,
dataDbURL: dataDbURL,
spendParamsURL: spendParamsURL,
outputParamsURL: outputParamsURL
// It's not possible to fail from constructor. Technically it's possible but it can be pain for the client apps to handle errors thrown // It's not possible to fail from constructor. Technically it's possible but it can be pain for the client apps to handle errors thrown
// from constructor. So `parsingError` is just stored in initializer and `SDKSynchronizer.prepare()` throw this error if it exists. // from constructor. So `parsingError` is just stored in initializer and `SDKSynchronizer.prepare()` throw this error if it exists.
let (updatedURLs, parsingError) = Self.tryToUpdateURLs(with: alias, urls: urls) let (updatedURLs, parsingError) = Self.setup(
container: container,
let logger: Logger cacheDbURL: cacheDbURL,
switch loggingPolicy { fsBlockDbRoot: fsBlockDbRoot,
case let .default(logLevel): dataDbURL: dataDbURL,
logger = OSLogger(logLevel: logLevel, alias: alias) endpoint: endpoint,
case let .custom(customLogger):
logger = customLogger
case .noLogging:
logger = NullLogger()
let rustBackend = ZcashRustBackend(
dbData: updatedURLs.dataDbURL,
fsBlockDbRoot: updatedURLs.fsBlockDbRoot,
spendParamsPath: updatedURLs.spendParamsURL,
outputParamsPath: updatedURLs.outputParamsURL,
networkType: network.networkType
rustBackend: rustBackend,
network: network, network: network,
spendParamsURL: spendParamsURL,
outputParamsURL: outputParamsURL,
saplingParamsSourceURL: saplingParamsSourceURL,
alias: alias,
loggingPolicy: loggingPolicy
container: container,
cacheDbURL: cacheDbURL, cacheDbURL: cacheDbURL,
urls: updatedURLs, urls: updatedURLs,
endpoint: endpoint, endpoint: endpoint,
service: Self.makeLightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make(), network: network,
repository: TransactionRepositoryBuilder.build(dataDbURL: updatedURLs.dataDbURL),
accountRepository: AccountRepositoryBuilder.build(
dataDbURL: updatedURLs.dataDbURL,
readOnly: true,
caching: true,
logger: logger
storage: FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: updatedURLs.fsBlockDbRoot,
metadataStore: .live(
fsBlockDbRoot: updatedURLs.fsBlockDbRoot,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: .live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
saplingParamsSourceURL: saplingParamsSourceURL, saplingParamsSourceURL: saplingParamsSourceURL,
alias: alias, alias: alias,
urlsParsingError: parsingError, urlsParsingError: parsingError,
logger: logger loggingPolicy: loggingPolicy
) )
} }
/// Internal for dependency injection purposes. /// Internal for dependency injection purposes.
/// convenience init(
/// !!! It's expected that URLs put here are already update with the Alias. container: DIContainer,
init( cacheDbURL: URL?,
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding, fsBlockDbRoot: URL,
dataDbURL: URL,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint,
network: ZcashNetwork, network: ZcashNetwork,
spendParamsURL: URL,
outputParamsURL: URL,
saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL,
alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias = .default,
loggingPolicy: LoggingPolicy = .default(.debug)
) {
// It's not possible to fail from constructor. Technically it's possible but it can be pain for the client apps to handle errors thrown
// from constructor. So `parsingError` is just stored in initializer and `SDKSynchronizer.prepare()` throw this error if it exists.
let (updatedURLs, parsingError) = Self.setup(
container: container,
cacheDbURL: cacheDbURL,
fsBlockDbRoot: fsBlockDbRoot,
dataDbURL: dataDbURL,
endpoint: endpoint,
network: network,
spendParamsURL: spendParamsURL,
outputParamsURL: outputParamsURL,
saplingParamsSourceURL: saplingParamsSourceURL,
alias: alias,
loggingPolicy: loggingPolicy
container: container,
cacheDbURL: cacheDbURL,
urls: updatedURLs,
endpoint: endpoint,
network: network,
saplingParamsSourceURL: saplingParamsSourceURL,
alias: alias,
urlsParsingError: parsingError,
loggingPolicy: loggingPolicy
private init(
container: DIContainer,
cacheDbURL: URL?, cacheDbURL: URL?,
urls: URLs, urls: URLs,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint, endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint,
service: LightWalletService, network: ZcashNetwork,
repository: TransactionRepository,
accountRepository: AccountRepository,
storage: CompactBlockRepository,
saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL, saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL,
alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias, alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias,
urlsParsingError: ZcashError?, urlsParsingError: ZcashError?,
logger: Logger loggingPolicy: LoggingPolicy = .default(.debug)
) { ) {
self.container = container
self.cacheDbURL = cacheDbURL self.cacheDbURL = cacheDbURL
self.rustBackend = rustBackend self.rustBackend = container.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
self.fsBlockDbRoot = urls.fsBlockDbRoot self.fsBlockDbRoot = urls.fsBlockDbRoot
self.dataDbURL = urls.dataDbURL self.dataDbURL = urls.dataDbURL
self.endpoint = endpoint self.endpoint = endpoint
@ -244,20 +253,62 @@ public class Initializer {
self.outputParamsURL = urls.outputParamsURL self.outputParamsURL = urls.outputParamsURL
self.saplingParamsSourceURL = saplingParamsSourceURL self.saplingParamsSourceURL = saplingParamsSourceURL
self.alias = alias self.alias = alias
self.lightWalletService = service self.lightWalletService = container.resolve(LightWalletService.self)
self.transactionRepository = repository self.transactionRepository = container.resolve(TransactionRepository.self)
self.accountRepository = accountRepository self.accountRepository = AccountRepositoryBuilder.build(
self.storage = storage dataDbURL: urls.dataDbURL,
self.blockDownloaderService = BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: storage) readOnly: true,
caching: true,
logger: container.resolve(Logger.self)
self.storage = container.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self)
self.blockDownloaderService = container.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self)
self.network = network self.network = network
self.walletBirthday = Checkpoint.birthday(with: 0, network: network).height self.walletBirthday = Checkpoint.birthday(with: 0, network: network).height
self.urlsParsingError = urlsParsingError self.urlsParsingError = urlsParsingError
self.logger = logger self.logger = container.resolve(Logger.self)
} }
static func makeLightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint) -> LightWalletServiceFactory { private static func makeLightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint) -> LightWalletServiceFactory {
return LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint) return LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint)
} }
// swiftlint:disable:next function_parameter_count
private static func setup(
container: DIContainer,
cacheDbURL: URL?,
fsBlockDbRoot: URL,
dataDbURL: URL,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint,
network: ZcashNetwork,
spendParamsURL: URL,
outputParamsURL: URL,
saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL,
alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias,
loggingPolicy: LoggingPolicy = .default(.debug)
) -> (URLs, ZcashError?) {
let urls = URLs(
fsBlockDbRoot: fsBlockDbRoot,
dataDbURL: dataDbURL,
spendParamsURL: spendParamsURL,
outputParamsURL: outputParamsURL
// It's not possible to fail from constructor. Technically it's possible but it can be pain for the client apps to handle errors thrown
// from constructor. So `parsingError` is just stored in initializer and `SDKSynchronizer.prepare()` throw this error if it exists.
let (updatedURLs, parsingError) = Self.tryToUpdateURLs(with: alias, urls: urls)
in: container,
urls: updatedURLs,
alias: alias,
networkType: network.networkType,
endpoint: endpoint,
loggingPolicy: loggingPolicy
return (updatedURLs, parsingError)
/// Try to update URLs with `alias`. /// Try to update URLs with `alias`.
/// ///

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
// Dependencies.swift
// Created by Michal Fousek on 01.05.2023.
import Foundation
enum Dependencies {
// swiftlint:disable:next function_parameter_count
static func setup(
in container: DIContainer,
urls: Initializer.URLs,
alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias,
networkType: NetworkType,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint,
loggingPolicy: Initializer.LoggingPolicy = .default(.debug)
) {
container.register(type: Logger.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
let logger: Logger
switch loggingPolicy {
case let .default(logLevel):
logger = OSLogger(logLevel: logLevel, alias: alias)
case let .custom(customLogger):
logger = customLogger
case .noLogging:
logger = NullLogger()
return logger
container.register(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
return ZcashRustBackend(
dbData: urls.dataDbURL,
fsBlockDbRoot: urls.fsBlockDbRoot,
spendParamsPath: urls.spendParamsURL,
outputParamsPath: urls.outputParamsURL,
networkType: networkType
container.register(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
return LightWalletGRPCService(endpoint: endpoint)
container.register(type: TransactionRepository.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
TransactionSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider(path: urls.dataDbURL.path, readonly: true))
container.register(type: CompactBlockRepository.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let logger = di.resolve(Logger.self)
let rustBackend = di.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
return FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: urls.fsBlockDbRoot,
metadataStore: .live(
fsBlockDbRoot: urls.fsBlockDbRoot,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: .live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
container.register(type: BlockDownloaderService.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let service = di.resolve(LightWalletService.self)
let storage = di.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self)
return BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: storage)
container.register(type: SDKMetrics.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
container.register(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let service = di.resolve(LightWalletService.self)
let transactionRepository = di.resolve(TransactionRepository.self)
return LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(service: service, transactionRepository: transactionRepository)
container.register(type: SyncSessionIDGenerator.self, isSingleton: false) { _ in
container.register(type: InternalSyncProgress.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let logger = di.resolve(Logger.self)
return InternalSyncProgress(alias: alias, storage: UserDefaults.standard, logger: logger)
static func setupCompactBlockProcessor(
in container: DIContainer,
config: CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration,
accountRepository: AccountRepository
) {
container.register(type: BlockDownloader.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let service = di.resolve(LightWalletService.self)
let blockDownloaderService = di.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self)
let storage = di.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self)
let internalSyncProgress = di.resolve(InternalSyncProgress.self)
let metrics = di.resolve(SDKMetrics.self)
let logger = di.resolve(Logger.self)
return BlockDownloaderImpl(
service: service,
downloaderService: blockDownloaderService,
storage: storage,
internalSyncProgress: internalSyncProgress,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger
container.register(type: BlockValidator.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let rustBackend = di.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
let metrics = di.resolve(SDKMetrics.self)
let logger = di.resolve(Logger.self)
return BlockValidatorImpl(
rustBackend: rustBackend,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger
container.register(type: BlockScanner.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let rustBackend = di.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
let transactionRepository = di.resolve(TransactionRepository.self)
let metrics = di.resolve(SDKMetrics.self)
let logger = di.resolve(Logger.self)
let latestBlocksDataProvider = di.resolve(LatestBlocksDataProvider.self)
let blockScannerConfig = BlockScannerConfig(
networkType: config.network.networkType,
scanningBatchSize: config.scanningBatchSize
return BlockScannerImpl(
config: blockScannerConfig,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
transactionRepository: transactionRepository,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: latestBlocksDataProvider
container.register(type: BlockEnhancer.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let blockDownloaderService = di.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self)
let internalSyncProgress = di.resolve(InternalSyncProgress.self)
let rustBackend = di.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
let transactionRepository = di.resolve(TransactionRepository.self)
let metrics = di.resolve(SDKMetrics.self)
let logger = di.resolve(Logger.self)
return BlockEnhancerImpl(
blockDownloaderService: blockDownloaderService,
internalSyncProgress: internalSyncProgress,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
transactionRepository: transactionRepository,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger
container.register(type: UTXOFetcher.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let blockDownloaderService = di.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self)
let utxoFetcherConfig = UTXOFetcherConfig(walletBirthdayProvider: config.walletBirthdayProvider)
let internalSyncProgress = di.resolve(InternalSyncProgress.self)
let rustBackend = di.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
let metrics = di.resolve(SDKMetrics.self)
let logger = di.resolve(Logger.self)
return UTXOFetcherImpl(
accountRepository: accountRepository,
blockDownloaderService: blockDownloaderService,
config: utxoFetcherConfig,
internalSyncProgress: internalSyncProgress,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
metrics: metrics,
logger: logger
container.register(type: SaplingParametersHandler.self, isSingleton: true) { di in
let rustBackend = di.resolve(ZcashRustBackendWelding.self)
let logger = di.resolve(Logger.self)
let saplingParametersHandlerConfig = SaplingParametersHandlerConfig(
outputParamsURL: config.outputParamsURL,
spendParamsURL: config.spendParamsURL,
saplingParamsSourceURL: config.saplingParamsSourceURL
return SaplingParametersHandlerImpl(
config: saplingParametersHandlerConfig,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger

View File

@ -50,11 +50,6 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
/// Creates an SDKSynchronizer instance /// Creates an SDKSynchronizer instance
/// - Parameter initializer: a wallet Initializer object /// - Parameter initializer: a wallet Initializer object
public convenience init(initializer: Initializer) { public convenience init(initializer: Initializer) {
let metrics = SDKMetrics()
let latestBlocksDataProvider = LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(
service: initializer.lightWalletService,
transactionRepository: initializer.transactionRepository
self.init( self.init(
status: .unprepared, status: .unprepared,
initializer: initializer, initializer: initializer,
@ -63,15 +58,9 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
utxoRepository: UTXORepositoryBuilder.build(initializer: initializer), utxoRepository: UTXORepositoryBuilder.build(initializer: initializer),
blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor( blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor(
initializer: initializer, initializer: initializer,
metrics: metrics,
logger: initializer.logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: latestBlocksDataProvider,
walletBirthdayProvider: { initializer.walletBirthday } walletBirthdayProvider: { initializer.walletBirthday }
), ),
metrics: metrics, syncSessionTicker: .live
syncSessionIDGenerator: UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator(),
syncSessionTicker: .live,
latestBlocksDataProvider: latestBlocksDataProvider
) )
} }
@ -82,10 +71,7 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
transactionRepository: TransactionRepository, transactionRepository: TransactionRepository,
utxoRepository: UnspentTransactionOutputRepository, utxoRepository: UnspentTransactionOutputRepository,
blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor, blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor,
metrics: SDKMetrics, syncSessionTicker: SessionTicker
syncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator,
syncSessionTicker: SessionTicker,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProvider
) { ) {
self.connectionState = .idle self.connectionState = .idle
self.underlyingStatus = GenericActor(status) self.underlyingStatus = GenericActor(status)
@ -95,12 +81,12 @@ public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
self.utxoRepository = utxoRepository self.utxoRepository = utxoRepository
self.blockProcessor = blockProcessor self.blockProcessor = blockProcessor
self.network = initializer.network self.network = initializer.network
self.metrics = metrics self.metrics = initializer.container.resolve(SDKMetrics.self)
self.logger = initializer.logger self.logger = initializer.logger
self.syncSessionIDGenerator = syncSessionIDGenerator self.syncSessionIDGenerator = initializer.container.resolve(SyncSessionIDGenerator.self)
self.syncSession = SyncSession(.nullID) self.syncSession = SyncSession(.nullID)
self.syncSessionTicker = syncSessionTicker self.syncSessionTicker = syncSessionTicker
self.latestBlocksDataProvider = latestBlocksDataProvider self.latestBlocksDataProvider = initializer.container.resolve(LatestBlocksDataProvider.self)
initializer.lightWalletService.connectionStateChange = { [weak self] oldState, newState in initializer.lightWalletService.connectionStateChange = { [weak self] oldState, newState in
self?.connectivityStateChanged(oldState: oldState, newState: newState) self?.connectivityStateChanged(oldState: oldState, newState: newState)

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// DIContainer.swift
// Created by Michal Fousek on 01.05.2023.
import Foundation
/// This class represents depedency injection containers.
class DIContainer {
/// Structure that represents one registered dependency.
struct Dependency {
/// Closure which creates instance of the dependency.
let factory: (DIContainer) -> Any
/// Indicates if dependency is singleton. If this is `true` then `DIContainer` creates only one instance of this dependency and returns
/// it every time `resolve()` for the dependency is called.
let isSingleton: Bool
/// If the dependency is singleton then instance is stored here.
let instance: Any?
/// If this is `true` then `mockedDependencies` is used first to resolve dependencies. This is used for mocking in tests.
var isTestEnvironment = false
private let lock = NSRecursiveLock()
/// Dependencies are stored here.
private var dependencies: [String: Dependency] = [:]
/// Mocked dependencies are stored here.
private var mockedDependencies: [String: Dependency] = [:]
init() { }
private func key<T>(for type: T.Type) -> String {
return String(describing: T.self)
func register<T>(type: T.Type, isSingleton: Bool, factory: @escaping (DIContainer) -> T) {
let key = self.key(for: type)
let depedency = Dependency(factory: factory, isSingleton: isSingleton, instance: nil)
dependencies[key] = depedency
func mock<T>(type: T.Type, isSingleton: Bool, factory: @escaping (DIContainer) -> T) {
let key = self.key(for: type)
let depedency = Dependency(factory: factory, isSingleton: isSingleton, instance: nil)
mockedDependencies[key] = depedency
func resolve<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> T {
defer { lock.unlock() }
let key = self.key(for: type)
let possibleDependency = (isTestEnvironment ? mockedDependencies[key] : dependencies[key]) ?? dependencies[key]
guard let dependency = possibleDependency else {
// When dependency is resolved before it's registered then the app crashes. It would be possible to not crash and throw some error here.
// But it complicates the rest of the code. And maybe it doesn't make sense because this kind of error is not recoverable. It can be fixed
// only by updating the code.
fatalError("Doesn't have registered dependency for type \(type).")
let instance: Any
if dependency.isSingleton, let singleton = dependency.instance {
instance = singleton
} else {
instance = dependency.factory(self)
if dependency.isSingleton && dependency.instance == nil {
dependencies[key] = Dependency(factory: dependency.factory, isSingleton: dependency.isSingleton, instance: instance)
guard let instance = instance as? T else {
// When dependency is resolved but instance of created depedency is different than expected type the app crashes. It would be possible to
// not crash and throw some error here. But it complicates the rest of the code. And maybe it doesn't make sense because this kind of
// error is not recoverable. It can be fixed only by updating the code.
fatalError("Getting dependency for type \(type) but created instance is \(instance)")
return instance

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import XCTest
5. Run this test. 5. Run this test.
6. When you are done use `kill_and_clean_servers.zsh` script to shutdown servers and clean all the data (pidfile, rundirs, logs). 6. When you are done use `kill_and_clean_servers.zsh` script to shutdown servers and clean all the data (pidfile, rundirs, logs).
*/ */
class SDKSynchronizerAliasDarksideTests: XCTestCase { class SDKSynchronizerAliasDarksideTests: ZcashTestCase {
// Test creates instance of the `SDKSynchronizer` for each of these aliases. // Test creates instance of the `SDKSynchronizer` for each of these aliases.
let aliases: [ZcashSynchronizerAlias] = [.default, .custom("custom-1"), .custom("custom-2"), .custom("custom-3"), .custom("custom-4")] let aliases: [ZcashSynchronizerAlias] = [.default, .custom("custom-1"), .custom("custom-2"), .custom("custom-3"), .custom("custom-4")]
// First instance of the `SDKSynchronizer` uses this port. Second one uses startPort + 1, thirs one uses startPort + 2 and so on. // First instance of the `SDKSynchronizer` uses this port. Second one uses startPort + 1, thirs one uses startPort + 2 and so on.
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class SDKSynchronizerAliasDarksideTests: XCTestCase {
let coordinator = try await TestCoordinator( let coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: alias, alias: alias,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday, walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network, network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: true, callPrepareInConstructor: true,

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class AdvancedReOrgTests: XCTestCase { class AdvancedReOrgTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000) let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000)
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150 var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ class AdvancedReOrgTests: XCTestCase {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
// don't use an exact birthday, users never do. // don't use an exact birthday, users never do.
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator( self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday + 50, walletBirthday: birthday + 50,
network: network, network: network
dbTracingClosure: { logger.debug($0) }
) )
try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName) try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName)
} }

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class BalanceTests: XCTestCase { class BalanceTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000) let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000)
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663188 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663188
let branchID = "2bb40e60" let branchID = "2bb40e60"
@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ class BalanceTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() async throws { override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday, network: network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network
try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main") try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main")
} }

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Foundation
import XCTest import XCTest
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class DarksideSanityCheckTests: XCTestCase { class DarksideSanityCheckTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000 let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150 var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
@ -27,7 +27,11 @@ class DarksideSanityCheckTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() async throws { override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday, network: network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network
try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: self.birthday, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName) try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: self.birthday, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName)
try self.coordinator.resetBlocks(dataset: .default) try self.coordinator.resetBlocks(dataset: .default)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
final class InternalStateConsistencyTests: XCTestCase { final class InternalStateConsistencyTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000) let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000)
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150 var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
@ -28,7 +28,12 @@ final class InternalStateConsistencyTests: XCTestCase {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
// don't use an exact birthday, users never do. // don't use an exact birthday, users never do.
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday + 50, network: network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday + 50,
network: network
try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName) try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName)
} }

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class PendingTransactionUpdatesTest: XCTestCase { class PendingTransactionUpdatesTest: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000 let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150 var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ class PendingTransactionUpdatesTest: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() async throws { override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday, network: network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network
try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main") try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main")
} }

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ basic reorg test. Scan, get a reorg and then reach latest height.
* observe that the prev hash of that block does not match the hash that we have for 663250 * observe that the prev hash of that block does not match the hash that we have for 663250
* rewind 10 blocks and request blocks 663241 to 663251 * rewind 10 blocks and request blocks 663241 to 663251
*/ */
class ReOrgTests: XCTestCase { class ReOrgTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000 let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
let network = DarksideWalletDNetwork() let network = DarksideWalletDNetwork()
@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ class ReOrgTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() async throws { override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: self.birthday, network: self.network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: self.birthday,
network: self.network
try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: self.birthday, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName) try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: self.birthday, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
// FIXME: [#586] disabled until this is resolved https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/586 // FIXME: [#586] disabled until this is resolved https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/586
class RewindRescanTests: XCTestCase { class RewindRescanTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000 let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
let branchID = "2bb40e60" let branchID = "2bb40e60"
@ -30,7 +30,11 @@ class RewindRescanTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() async throws { override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday, network: network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network
try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main") try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main")
} }

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
// FIXME: [#587] disabled until https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/587 fixed // FIXME: [#587] disabled until https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/587 fixed
class ShieldFundsTests: XCTestCase { class ShieldFundsTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000) let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000)
var birthday: BlockHeight = 1631000 var birthday: BlockHeight = 1631000
var coordinator: TestCoordinator! var coordinator: TestCoordinator!
@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ class ShieldFundsTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() async throws { override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday, network: network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network
try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: birthday, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName) try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: birthday, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName)
try coordinator.service.clearAddedUTXOs() try coordinator.service.clearAddedUTXOs()
} }

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Combine
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class SynchronizerDarksideTests: XCTestCase { class SynchronizerDarksideTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000 let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
let branchID = "2bb40e60" let branchID = "2bb40e60"
@ -30,8 +30,16 @@ class SynchronizerDarksideTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() async throws { override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
idGenerator = MockSyncSessionIDGenerator(ids: [.deadbeef]) let idGenerator = MockSyncSessionIDGenerator(ids: [.deadbeef])
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday, network: network, syncSessionIDGenerator: idGenerator) mockContainer.mock(type: SyncSessionIDGenerator.self, isSingleton: false) { _ in idGenerator }
self.idGenerator = idGenerator
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network
try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main") try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main")
} }
@ -295,14 +303,11 @@ class SynchronizerDarksideTests: XCTestCase {
] ]
XCTAssertEqual(states.count, expectedStates.count) XCTAssertEqual(states.count, expectedStates.count)
XCTAssertEqual(states[0], expectedStates[0])
XCTAssertEqual(states[1], expectedStates[1]) for (index, state) in states.enumerated() {
XCTAssertEqual(states[2], expectedStates[2]) let expectedState = expectedStates[index]
XCTAssertEqual(states[3], expectedStates[3]) XCTAssertEqual(state, expectedState, "Failed state comparison at index \(index).")
XCTAssertEqual(states[4], expectedStates[4]) }
XCTAssertEqual(states[5], expectedStates[5])
XCTAssertEqual(states[6], expectedStates[6])
XCTAssertEqual(states[7], expectedStates[7])
} }
func testSyncSessionUpdates() async throws { func testSyncSessionUpdates() async throws {
@ -458,13 +463,11 @@ class SynchronizerDarksideTests: XCTestCase {
] ]
XCTAssertEqual(states.count, expectedStates.count) XCTAssertEqual(states.count, expectedStates.count)
XCTAssertEqual(states[0], expectedStates[0])
XCTAssertEqual(states[1], expectedStates[1]) for (index, state) in states.enumerated() {
XCTAssertEqual(states[2], expectedStates[2]) let expectedState = expectedStates[index]
XCTAssertEqual(states[3], expectedStates[3]) XCTAssertEqual(state, expectedState, "Failed state comparison at index \(index).")
XCTAssertEqual(states[4], expectedStates[4]) }
XCTAssertEqual(states[5], expectedStates[5])
XCTAssertEqual(states[7], expectedStates[7])
try coordinator.service.applyStaged(nextLatestHeight: 663_200) try coordinator.service.applyStaged(nextLatestHeight: 663_200)
@ -532,11 +535,11 @@ class SynchronizerDarksideTests: XCTestCase {
] ]
XCTAssertEqual(states.count, secondBatchOfExpectedStates.count) XCTAssertEqual(states.count, secondBatchOfExpectedStates.count)
XCTAssertEqual(states[0], secondBatchOfExpectedStates[0])
XCTAssertEqual(states[1], secondBatchOfExpectedStates[1]) for (index, state) in states.enumerated() {
XCTAssertEqual(states[2], secondBatchOfExpectedStates[2]) let expectedState = secondBatchOfExpectedStates[index]
XCTAssertEqual(states[3], secondBatchOfExpectedStates[3]) XCTAssertEqual(state, expectedState, "Failed state comparison at index \(index).")
XCTAssertEqual(states[4], secondBatchOfExpectedStates[4]) }
} }
func testSyncAfterWipeWorks() async throws { func testSyncAfterWipeWorks() async throws {

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
final class SynchronizerTests: XCTestCase { final class SynchronizerTests: ZcashTestCase {
let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000) let sendAmount = Zatoshi(1000)
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150 var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175 let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ final class SynchronizerTests: XCTestCase {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
// don't use an exact birthday, users never do. // don't use an exact birthday, users never do.
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday + 50, network: network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday + 50,
network: network
try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName) try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName)
let eventClosure: CompactBlockProcessor.EventClosure = { [weak self] event in let eventClosure: CompactBlockProcessor.EventClosure = { [weak self] event in

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class TransactionEnhancementTests: XCTestCase { class TransactionEnhancementTests: ZcashTestCase {
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = [] var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
var processorEventHandler: CompactBlockProcessorEventHandler! = CompactBlockProcessorEventHandler() var processorEventHandler: CompactBlockProcessorEventHandler! = CompactBlockProcessorEventHandler()
let mockLatestHeight = BlockHeight(663250) let mockLatestHeight = BlockHeight(663250)
@ -134,14 +134,29 @@ class TransactionEnhancementTests: XCTestCase {
) )
downloader = BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: storage) downloader = BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: storage)
in: mockContainer,
urls: Initializer.URLs(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
dataDbURL: pathProvider.dataDbURL,
spendParamsURL: pathProvider.spendParamsURL,
outputParamsURL: pathProvider.outputParamsURL
alias: .default,
networkType: .testnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default,
loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
mockContainer.mock(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(service: service, transactionRepository: transactionRepository)
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in self.rustBackend }
processor = CompactBlockProcessor( processor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service, container: mockContainer,
storage: storage, config: processorConfig
rustBackend: rustBackend,
config: processorConfig,
metrics: SDKMetrics(),
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(service: service, transactionRepository: transactionRepository)
) )
let eventClosure: CompactBlockProcessor.EventClosure = { [weak self] event in let eventClosure: CompactBlockProcessor.EventClosure = { [weak self] event in

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class Z2TReceiveTests: XCTestCase { class Z2TReceiveTests: ZcashTestCase {
let testRecipientAddress = "t1dRJRY7GmyeykJnMH38mdQoaZtFhn1QmGz" let testRecipientAddress = "t1dRJRY7GmyeykJnMH38mdQoaZtFhn1QmGz"
let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000 let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150 var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ class Z2TReceiveTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() async throws { override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp() try await super.setUp()
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday, network: network) self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network
try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName) try coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName)
} }

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import SQLite
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class BlockScanTests: XCTestCase { class BlockScanTests: ZcashTestCase {
var cancelables: [AnyCancellable] = [] var cancelables: [AnyCancellable] = []
var dataDbURL: URL! var dataDbURL: URL!
@ -51,6 +51,23 @@ class BlockScanTests: XCTestCase {
) )
deleteDBs() deleteDBs()
in: mockContainer,
urls: Initializer.URLs(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
dataDbURL: dataDbURL,
spendParamsURL: spendParamsURL,
outputParamsURL: outputParamsURL
alias: .default,
networkType: .testnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default,
loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
mockContainer.mock(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in LatestBlocksDataProviderMock() }
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in self.rustBackend }
} }
private func deleteDBs() { private func deleteDBs() {
@ -73,24 +90,9 @@ class BlockScanTests: XCTestCase {
_ = try await rustBackend.initDataDb(seed: nil) _ = try await rustBackend.initDataDb(seed: nil)
let endpoint = LightWalletEndpoint(address: "lightwalletd.testnet.electriccoin.co", port: 9067) let endpoint = LightWalletEndpoint(address: "lightwalletd.testnet.electriccoin.co", port: 9067)
let service = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make()
let blockCount = 100 let blockCount = 100
let range = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight ... network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + blockCount let range = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight ... network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + blockCount
let fsBlockRepository = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
metadataStore: FSMetadataStore.live(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor.live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
try await fsBlockRepository.create()
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration( let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
alias: .default, alias: .default,
fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -102,15 +104,12 @@ class BlockScanTests: XCTestCase {
network: network network: network
) )
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
service: service, LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make()
storage: fsBlockRepository, }
rustBackend: rustBackend, try await mockContainer.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self).create()
config: processorConfig,
metrics: SDKMetrics(), let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(container: mockContainer, config: processorConfig)
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
let repository = BlockSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider.init(path: self.dataDbURL.absoluteString, readonly: true)) let repository = BlockSQLDAO(dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider.init(path: self.dataDbURL.absoluteString, readonly: true))
var latestScannedheight = BlockHeight.empty() var latestScannedheight = BlockHeight.empty()
@ -162,22 +161,6 @@ class BlockScanTests: XCTestCase {
saplingTree: walletBirthDay.saplingTree saplingTree: walletBirthDay.saplingTree
) )
let service = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet).make()
let fsBlockRepository = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
metadataStore: FSMetadataStore.live(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor.live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
try await fsBlockRepository.create()
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration( let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
alias: .default, alias: .default,
fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -191,15 +174,12 @@ class BlockScanTests: XCTestCase {
network: network network: network
) )
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
service: service, LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet).make()
storage: fsBlockRepository, }
rustBackend: rustBackend, try await mockContainer.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self).create()
config: processorConfig,
metrics: metrics, let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(container: mockContainer, config: processorConfig)
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
let eventClosure: CompactBlockProcessor.EventClosure = { [weak self] event in let eventClosure: CompactBlockProcessor.EventClosure = { [weak self] event in
switch event { switch event {
@ -220,7 +200,7 @@ class BlockScanTests: XCTestCase {
try await blockDownloader.setSyncRange(range) try await blockDownloader.setSyncRange(range)
await blockDownloader.startDownload(maxBlockBufferSize: 10) await blockDownloader.startDownload(maxBlockBufferSize: 10)
try await blockDownloader.waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloaded(in: range) try await blockDownloader.waitUntilRequestedBlocksAreDownloaded(in: range)
XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled) XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled)
try await compactBlockProcessor.blockValidator.validate() try await compactBlockProcessor.blockValidator.validate()

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase { class BlockStreamingTest: ZcashTestCase {
let testFileManager = FileManager() let testFileManager = FileManager()
var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding! var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding!
var testTempDirectory: URL! var testTempDirectory: URL!
@ -21,6 +21,24 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
try self.testFileManager.createDirectory(at: testTempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false) try self.testFileManager.createDirectory(at: testTempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false)
rustBackend = ZcashRustBackend.makeForTests(fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, networkType: .testnet) rustBackend = ZcashRustBackend.makeForTests(fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, networkType: .testnet)
logger = OSLogger(logLevel: .debug)
in: mockContainer,
urls: Initializer.URLs(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
dataDbURL: try! __dataDbURL(),
spendParamsURL: try! __spendParamsURL(),
outputParamsURL: try! __outputParamsURL()
alias: .default,
networkType: .testnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default,
loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
mockContainer.mock(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in LatestBlocksDataProviderMock() }
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in self.rustBackend }
} }
override func tearDownWithError() throws { override func tearDownWithError() throws {
@ -70,20 +88,6 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
) )
let service = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make() let service = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make()
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
metadataStore: FSMetadataStore.live(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: .live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
try await storage.create()
let latestBlockHeight = try await service.latestBlockHeight() let latestBlockHeight = try await service.latestBlockHeight()
let startHeight = latestBlockHeight - 100_000 let startHeight = latestBlockHeight - 100_000
let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration.standard( let processorConfig = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration.standard(
@ -91,15 +95,12 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
walletBirthday: ZcashNetworkBuilder.network(for: .testnet).constants.saplingActivationHeight walletBirthday: ZcashNetworkBuilder.network(for: .testnet).constants.saplingActivationHeight
) )
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
service: service, LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make()
storage: storage, }
rustBackend: rustBackend, try await mockContainer.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self).create()
config: processorConfig,
metrics: SDKMetrics(), let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(container: mockContainer, config: processorConfig)
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
let cancelableTask = Task { let cancelableTask = Task {
do { do {
@ -127,20 +128,6 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
) )
let service = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make() let service = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make()
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
metadataStore: FSMetadataStore.live(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: .live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
try await storage.create()
let latestBlockHeight = try await service.latestBlockHeight() let latestBlockHeight = try await service.latestBlockHeight()
let startHeight = latestBlockHeight - 100_000 let startHeight = latestBlockHeight - 100_000
@ -150,15 +137,12 @@ class BlockStreamingTest: XCTestCase {
walletBirthday: ZcashNetworkBuilder.network(for: .testnet).constants.saplingActivationHeight walletBirthday: ZcashNetworkBuilder.network(for: .testnet).constants.saplingActivationHeight
) )
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
service: service, LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make()
storage: storage, }
rustBackend: rustBackend, try await mockContainer.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self).create()
config: processorConfig,
metrics: SDKMetrics(), let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(container: mockContainer, config: processorConfig)
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
let date = Date() let date = Date()

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class CompactBlockProcessorTests: XCTestCase { class CompactBlockProcessorTests: ZcashTestCase {
var processorConfig: CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration! var processorConfig: CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration!
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = [] var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
var processorEventHandler: CompactBlockProcessorEventHandler! = CompactBlockProcessorEventHandler() var processorEventHandler: CompactBlockProcessorEventHandler! = CompactBlockProcessorEventHandler()
@ -73,20 +73,6 @@ class CompactBlockProcessorTests: XCTestCase {
info.estimatedHeight = UInt64(mockLatestHeight) info.estimatedHeight = UInt64(mockLatestHeight)
info.saplingActivationHeight = UInt64(network.constants.saplingActivationHeight) info.saplingActivationHeight = UInt64(network.constants.saplingActivationHeight)
}) })
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: processorConfig.fsBlockCacheRoot,
metadataStore: FSMetadataStore.live(
fsBlockDbRoot: processorConfig.fsBlockCacheRoot,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: .live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
try await storage.create()
let transactionRepository = MockTransactionRepository( let transactionRepository = MockTransactionRepository(
unminedCount: 0, unminedCount: 0,
@ -96,15 +82,28 @@ class CompactBlockProcessorTests: XCTestCase {
network: network network: network
) )
processor = CompactBlockProcessor( Dependencies.setup(
service: service, in: mockContainer,
storage: storage, urls: Initializer.URLs(
rustBackend: rustBackend, fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
config: processorConfig, dataDbURL: processorConfig.dataDb,
metrics: SDKMetrics(), spendParamsURL: processorConfig.spendParamsURL,
logger: logger, outputParamsURL: processorConfig.outputParamsURL
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(service: service, transactionRepository: transactionRepository) ),
alias: .default,
networkType: .testnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default,
loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(service: service, transactionRepository: transactionRepository)
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in self.rustBackend }
mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in service }
try await mockContainer.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self).create()
processor = CompactBlockProcessor(container: mockContainer, config: processorConfig)
let dbInit = try await rustBackend.initDataDb(seed: nil) let dbInit = try await rustBackend.initDataDb(seed: nil)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class CompactBlockReorgTests: XCTestCase { class CompactBlockReorgTests: ZcashTestCase {
var processorConfig: CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration! var processorConfig: CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration!
let testFileManager = FileManager() let testFileManager = FileManager()
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = [] var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
@ -110,16 +110,29 @@ class CompactBlockReorgTests: XCTestCase {
network: network network: network
) )
processor = CompactBlockProcessor( Dependencies.setup(
service: service, in: mockContainer,
storage: realCache, urls: Initializer.URLs(
rustBackend: rustBackendMockHelper.rustBackendMock, fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
config: processorConfig, dataDbURL: processorConfig.dataDb,
metrics: SDKMetrics(), spendParamsURL: processorConfig.spendParamsURL,
logger: logger, outputParamsURL: processorConfig.outputParamsURL
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(service: service, transactionRepository: transactionRepository) ),
alias: .default,
networkType: .testnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default,
loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(service: service, transactionRepository: transactionRepository)
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in self.rustBackendMockHelper.rustBackendMock }
mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in service }
mockContainer.mock(type: CompactBlockRepository.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in realCache }
processor = CompactBlockProcessor(container: mockContainer, config: processorConfig)
syncStartedExpect = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) syncStartedExpect") syncStartedExpect = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) syncStartedExpect")
stopNotificationExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) stopNotificationExpectation") stopNotificationExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) stopNotificationExpectation")
updatedNotificationExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) updatedNotificationExpectation") updatedNotificationExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "\(self.description) updatedNotificationExpectation")

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import SQLite
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class DownloadTests: XCTestCase { class DownloadTests: ZcashTestCase {
let testFileManager = FileManager() let testFileManager = FileManager()
var network = ZcashNetworkBuilder.network(for: .testnet) var network = ZcashNetworkBuilder.network(for: .testnet)
var testTempDirectory: URL! var testTempDirectory: URL!
@ -23,6 +23,22 @@ class DownloadTests: XCTestCase {
await InternalSyncProgress(alias: .default, storage: UserDefaults.standard, logger: logger).rewind(to: 0) await InternalSyncProgress(alias: .default, storage: UserDefaults.standard, logger: logger).rewind(to: 0)
try self.testFileManager.createDirectory(at: testTempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false) try self.testFileManager.createDirectory(at: testTempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false)
in: mockContainer,
urls: Initializer.URLs(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
dataDbURL: try! __dataDbURL(),
spendParamsURL: try! __spendParamsURL(),
outputParamsURL: try! __outputParamsURL()
alias: .default,
networkType: .testnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default,
loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
mockContainer.mock(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in LatestBlocksDataProviderMock() }
} }
override func tearDownWithError() throws { override func tearDownWithError() throws {
@ -32,21 +48,13 @@ class DownloadTests: XCTestCase {
} }
func testSingleDownload() async throws { func testSingleDownload() async throws {
let service = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet).make() mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
let rustBackend = ZcashRustBackend.makeForTests(fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, networkType: network.networkType) ZcashRustBackend.makeForTests(fsBlockDbRoot: self.testTempDirectory, networkType: self.network.networkType)
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository( mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet).make()
metadataStore: FSMetadataStore.live( }
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, let storage = mockContainer.resolve(CompactBlockRepository.self)
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: .live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
try await storage.create() try await storage.create()
let blockCount = 100 let blockCount = 100
@ -58,15 +66,7 @@ class DownloadTests: XCTestCase {
walletBirthday: network.constants.saplingActivationHeight walletBirthday: network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
) )
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(container: mockContainer, config: processorConfig)
service: service,
storage: storage,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
config: processorConfig,
metrics: SDKMetrics(),
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
do { do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.blockDownloaderService.downloadBlockRange(range) try await compactBlockProcessor.blockDownloaderService.downloadBlockRange(range)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase { class BlockBatchValidationTests: ZcashTestCase {
let testFileManager = FileManager() let testFileManager = FileManager()
var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding! var rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding!
var testTempDirectory: URL! var testTempDirectory: URL!
@ -17,6 +17,23 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUpWithError() throws { override func setUpWithError() throws {
try super.setUpWithError() try super.setUpWithError()
testTempDirectory = Environment.uniqueTestTempDirectory testTempDirectory = Environment.uniqueTestTempDirectory
in: mockContainer,
urls: Initializer.URLs(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
dataDbURL: try! __dataDbURL(),
spendParamsURL: try! __spendParamsURL(),
outputParamsURL: try! __outputParamsURL()
alias: .default,
networkType: .testnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default,
loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
mockContainer.mock(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in LatestBlocksDataProviderMock() }
try self.testFileManager.createDirectory(at: testTempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false) try self.testFileManager.createDirectory(at: testTempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false)
rustBackend = ZcashRustBackend.makeForTests(fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, networkType: .testnet) rustBackend = ZcashRustBackend.makeForTests(fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, networkType: .testnet)
} }
@ -34,6 +51,7 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
latestBlockHeight: 1210000, latestBlockHeight: 1210000,
service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default).make() service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default).make()
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in service }
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository( let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -46,11 +64,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted, contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger logger: logger
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: CompactBlockRepository.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in storage }
try await storage.create() try await storage.create()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000) mockContainer.mock(type: BlockDownloaderService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
let downloaderService = BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: repository) let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000)
return BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration( let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
alias: .default, alias: .default,
fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -77,19 +99,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
service.mockLightDInfo = info service.mockLightDInfo = info
let mockBackend = await RustBackendMockHelper(rustBackend: rustBackend, consensusBranchID: Int32(0xd34d)) let mockBackend = await RustBackendMockHelper(rustBackend: rustBackend, consensusBranchID: Int32(0xd34d))
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in mockBackend.rustBackendMock }
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service, container: mockContainer,
storage: storage, config: config
rustBackend: mockBackend.rustBackendMock,
config: config,
metrics: SDKMetrics(),
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
) )
do { do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloaderService: downloaderService) try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloaderService: mockContainer.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self))
XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled) XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled)
} catch { } catch {
switch error { switch error {
@ -107,6 +125,7 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
latestBlockHeight: 1210000, latestBlockHeight: 1210000,
service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default).make() service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default).make()
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in service }
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository( let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -119,11 +138,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted, contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger logger: logger
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: CompactBlockRepository.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in storage }
try await storage.create() try await storage.create()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000) mockContainer.mock(type: BlockDownloaderService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
let downloaderService = BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: repository) let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000)
return BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration( let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
alias: .default, alias: .default,
fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -150,19 +173,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
service.mockLightDInfo = info service.mockLightDInfo = info
let mockBackend = await RustBackendMockHelper(rustBackend: rustBackend, consensusBranchID: 0xd34db4d) let mockBackend = await RustBackendMockHelper(rustBackend: rustBackend, consensusBranchID: 0xd34db4d)
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in mockBackend.rustBackendMock }
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service, container: mockContainer,
storage: storage, config: config
rustBackend: mockBackend.rustBackendMock,
config: config,
metrics: SDKMetrics(),
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
) )
do { do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloaderService: downloaderService) try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloaderService: mockContainer.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self))
XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled) XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled)
} catch { } catch {
switch error { switch error {
@ -180,6 +199,7 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
latestBlockHeight: 1210000, latestBlockHeight: 1210000,
service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default).make() service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default).make()
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in service }
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository( let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -192,11 +212,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted, contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger logger: logger
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: CompactBlockRepository.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in storage }
try await storage.create() try await storage.create()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000) mockContainer.mock(type: BlockDownloaderService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
let downloaderService = BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: repository) let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000)
return BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration( let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
alias: .default, alias: .default,
fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -223,19 +247,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
service.mockLightDInfo = info service.mockLightDInfo = info
let mockBackend = await RustBackendMockHelper(rustBackend: rustBackend, consensusBranchID: 0xd34db4d) let mockBackend = await RustBackendMockHelper(rustBackend: rustBackend, consensusBranchID: 0xd34db4d)
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in mockBackend.rustBackendMock }
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service, container: mockContainer,
storage: storage, config: config
rustBackend: mockBackend.rustBackendMock,
config: config,
metrics: SDKMetrics(),
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
) )
do { do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloaderService: downloaderService) try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloaderService: mockContainer.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self))
XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled) XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled)
} catch { } catch {
switch error { switch error {
@ -253,6 +273,7 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
latestBlockHeight: 1210000, latestBlockHeight: 1210000,
service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default).make() service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default).make()
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in service }
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository( let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -265,11 +286,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted, contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger logger: logger
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: CompactBlockRepository.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in storage }
try await storage.create() try await storage.create()
let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000) mockContainer.mock(type: BlockDownloaderService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in
let downloaderService = BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: repository) let repository = ZcashConsoleFakeStorage(latestBlockHeight: 1220000)
return BlockDownloaderServiceImpl(service: service, storage: repository)
let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration( let config = CompactBlockProcessor.Configuration(
alias: .default, alias: .default,
fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockCacheRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -297,19 +322,15 @@ class BlockBatchValidationTests: XCTestCase {
service.mockLightDInfo = info service.mockLightDInfo = info
let mockBackend = await RustBackendMockHelper(rustBackend: rustBackend, consensusBranchID: 0xd34db4d) let mockBackend = await RustBackendMockHelper(rustBackend: rustBackend, consensusBranchID: 0xd34db4d)
mockContainer.mock(type: ZcashRustBackendWelding.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in mockBackend.rustBackendMock }
let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor( let compactBlockProcessor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service, container: mockContainer,
storage: storage, config: config
rustBackend: mockBackend.rustBackendMock,
config: config,
metrics: SDKMetrics(),
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
) )
do { do {
try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloaderService: downloaderService) try await compactBlockProcessor.figureNextBatch(downloaderService: mockContainer.resolve(BlockDownloaderService.self))
XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled) XCTAssertFalse(Task.isCancelled)
} catch { } catch {
switch error { switch error {

View File

@ -9,13 +9,28 @@ import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils @testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class CompactBlockProcessorOfflineTests: XCTestCase { class CompactBlockProcessorOfflineTests: ZcashTestCase {
let testFileManager = FileManager() let testFileManager = FileManager()
var testTempDirectory: URL! var testTempDirectory: URL!
override func setUpWithError() throws { override func setUpWithError() throws {
try super.setUpWithError() try super.setUpWithError()
testTempDirectory = Environment.uniqueTestTempDirectory testTempDirectory = Environment.uniqueTestTempDirectory
in: mockContainer,
urls: Initializer.URLs(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
dataDbURL: try! __dataDbURL(),
spendParamsURL: try! __spendParamsURL(),
outputParamsURL: try! __outputParamsURL()
alias: .default,
networkType: .testnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.default,
loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
try self.testFileManager.createDirectory(at: testTempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false) try self.testFileManager.createDirectory(at: testTempDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: false)
} }
@ -37,6 +52,7 @@ class CompactBlockProcessorOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
latestBlockHeight: 690000, latestBlockHeight: 690000,
service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet).make() service: LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet).make()
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: LightWalletService.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in service }
let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository( let storage = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory, fsBlockDbRoot: testTempDirectory,
@ -49,15 +65,12 @@ class CompactBlockProcessorOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted, contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger logger: logger
) )
mockContainer.mock(type: CompactBlockRepository.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in storage }
mockContainer.mock(type: LatestBlocksDataProvider.self, isSingleton: true) { _ in LatestBlocksDataProviderMock() }
let processor = CompactBlockProcessor( let processor = CompactBlockProcessor(
service: service, container: mockContainer,
storage: storage, config: processorConfig
rustBackend: rustBackend,
config: processorConfig,
metrics: SDKMetrics(),
logger: logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProviderMock()
) )
let fullRange = 0...1000 let fullRange = 0...1000

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Foundation
import XCTest import XCTest
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase { class SynchronizerOfflineTests: ZcashTestCase {
let data = TestsData(networkType: .testnet) let data = TestsData(networkType: .testnet)
var network: ZcashNetwork! var network: ZcashNetwork!
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = [] var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
func testCallPrepareWithAlreadyUsedAliasThrowsError() async throws { func testCallPrepareWithAlreadyUsedAliasThrowsError() async throws {
let firstTestCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator( let firstTestCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .custom("alias"), alias: .custom("alias"),
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10, walletBirthday: 10,
network: network, network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false callPrepareInConstructor: false
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
let secondTestCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator( let secondTestCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .custom("alias"), alias: .custom("alias"),
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10, walletBirthday: 10,
network: network, network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false callPrepareInConstructor: false
@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
func testWhenSynchronizerIsDeallocatedAliasIsntUsedAnymore() async throws { func testWhenSynchronizerIsDeallocatedAliasIsntUsedAnymore() async throws {
var testCoordinator: TestCoordinator! = try await TestCoordinator( var testCoordinator: TestCoordinator! = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .default, alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10, walletBirthday: 10,
network: network, network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false callPrepareInConstructor: false
@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator( testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .default, alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10, walletBirthday: 10,
network: network, network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false callPrepareInConstructor: false
@ -84,8 +88,21 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
} }
func testCallWipeWithAlreadyUsedAliasThrowsError() async throws { func testCallWipeWithAlreadyUsedAliasThrowsError() async throws {
let firstTestCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(alias: .default, walletBirthday: 10, network: network, callPrepareInConstructor: false) let firstTestCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
let secondTestCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(alias: .default, walletBirthday: 10, network: network, callPrepareInConstructor: false) alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10,
network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false
let secondTestCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10,
network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false
let firstWipeExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "First wipe expectation") let firstWipeExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "First wipe expectation")
@ -129,7 +146,13 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
} }
func testPrepareCanBeCalledAfterWipeWithSameInstanceOfSDKSynchronizer() async throws { func testPrepareCanBeCalledAfterWipeWithSameInstanceOfSDKSynchronizer() async throws {
let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(alias: .default, walletBirthday: 10, network: network, callPrepareInConstructor: false) let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10,
network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Wipe expectation") let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Wipe expectation")
@ -157,7 +180,13 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
} }
func testSendToAddressCalledWithoutPrepareThrowsError() async throws { func testSendToAddressCalledWithoutPrepareThrowsError() async throws {
let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(alias: .default, walletBirthday: 10, network: network, callPrepareInConstructor: false) let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10,
network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false
do { do {
_ = try await testCoordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress( _ = try await testCoordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(
@ -175,27 +204,14 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
} }
} }
func testSendToWithTransparentAddressThrowsError() async throws {
let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(alias: .default, walletBirthday: 10, network: network, callPrepareInConstructor: true)
do {
_ = try await testCoordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(
spendingKey: testCoordinator.spendingKey,
zatoshi: Zatoshi(1),
toAddress: .transparent(data.transparentAddress),
memo: try .init(string: "hello")
XCTFail("Send to address should fail.")
} catch {
if let error = error as? ZcashError, case .synchronizerSendMemoToTransparentAddress = error {
} else {
XCTFail("Send to address failed with unexpected error: \(error)")
func testShieldFundsCalledWithoutPrepareThrowsError() async throws { func testShieldFundsCalledWithoutPrepareThrowsError() async throws {
let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(alias: .default, walletBirthday: 10, network: network, callPrepareInConstructor: false) let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10,
network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false
do { do {
_ = try await testCoordinator.synchronizer.shieldFunds( _ = try await testCoordinator.synchronizer.shieldFunds(
@ -213,7 +229,13 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
} }
func testRefreshUTXOCalledWithoutPrepareThrowsError() async throws { func testRefreshUTXOCalledWithoutPrepareThrowsError() async throws {
let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(alias: .default, walletBirthday: 10, network: network, callPrepareInConstructor: false) let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10,
network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false
do { do {
_ = try await testCoordinator.synchronizer.refreshUTXOs(address: data.transparentAddress, from: 1) _ = try await testCoordinator.synchronizer.refreshUTXOs(address: data.transparentAddress, from: 1)
@ -227,7 +249,13 @@ class SynchronizerOfflineTests: XCTestCase {
} }
func testRewindCalledWithoutPrepareThrowsError() async throws { func testRewindCalledWithoutPrepareThrowsError() async throws {
let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(alias: .default, walletBirthday: 10, network: network, callPrepareInConstructor: false) let testCoordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
alias: .default,
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: 10,
network: network,
callPrepareInConstructor: false
let expectation = XCTestExpectation() let expectation = XCTestExpectation()

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
// SDKSynchronizer+Utils.swift
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 3/31/23.
import Foundation
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
extension SDKSynchronizer {
convenience init(initializer: Initializer, sessionGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator, sessionTicker: SessionTicker) {
let metrics = SDKMetrics()
let latestBlocksDataProvider = LatestBlocksDataProviderImpl(
service: initializer.lightWalletService,
transactionRepository: initializer.transactionRepository
status: .unprepared,
initializer: initializer,
transactionEncoder: WalletTransactionEncoder(initializer: initializer),
transactionRepository: initializer.transactionRepository,
utxoRepository: UTXORepositoryBuilder.build(initializer: initializer),
blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor(
initializer: initializer,
metrics: metrics,
logger: initializer.logger,
latestBlocksDataProvider: latestBlocksDataProvider,
walletBirthdayProvider: { initializer.walletBirthday }
metrics: metrics,
syncSessionIDGenerator: sessionGenerator,
syncSessionTicker: sessionTicker,
latestBlocksDataProvider: latestBlocksDataProvider

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class TestCoordinator {
init( init(
alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias = .default, alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias = .default,
container: DIContainer,
walletBirthday: BlockHeight, walletBirthday: BlockHeight,
network: ZcashNetwork, network: ZcashNetwork,
callPrepareInConstructor: Bool = true, callPrepareInConstructor: Bool = true,
@ -63,86 +64,40 @@ class TestCoordinator {
dbTracingClosure: ((String) -> Void)? = nil dbTracingClosure: ((String) -> Void)? = nil
) async throws { ) async throws {
await InternalSyncProgress(alias: alias, storage: UserDefaults.standard, logger: logger).rewind(to: 0) await InternalSyncProgress(alias: alias, storage: UserDefaults.standard, logger: logger).rewind(to: 0)
let databases = TemporaryDbBuilder.build() let databases = TemporaryDbBuilder.build()
self.databases = databases self.databases = databases
let urls = Initializer.URLs( let initializer = Initializer(
container: container,
cacheDbURL: nil,
fsBlockDbRoot: databases.fsCacheDbRoot, fsBlockDbRoot: databases.fsCacheDbRoot,
dataDbURL: databases.dataDB, dataDbURL: databases.dataDB,
spendParamsURL: try __spendParamsURL(),
outputParamsURL: try __outputParamsURL()
let (updatedURLs, parsingError) = Initializer.tryToUpdateURLs(with: alias, urls: urls)
let backend = ZcashRustBackend(
dbData: updatedURLs.dataDbURL,
fsBlockDbRoot: updatedURLs.fsBlockDbRoot,
spendParamsPath: updatedURLs.spendParamsURL,
outputParamsPath: updatedURLs.outputParamsURL,
networkType: network.networkType
let transactionRepository = TransactionSQLDAO(
dbProvider: SimpleConnectionProvider(path: updatedURLs.dataDbURL.absoluteString),
traceClosure: dbTracingClosure
let accountRepository = AccountRepositoryBuilder.build(
dataDbURL: updatedURLs.dataDbURL,
readOnly: true,
caching: true,
logger: logger
let fsBlockRepository = FSCompactBlockRepository(
fsBlockDbRoot: updatedURLs.fsBlockDbRoot,
metadataStore: .live(
fsBlockDbRoot: updatedURLs.fsBlockDbRoot,
rustBackend: backend,
logger: logger
blockDescriptor: .live,
contentProvider: DirectoryListingProviders.defaultSorted,
logger: logger
let service = Initializer.makeLightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make()
let initializer = Initializer(
rustBackend: backend,
network: network,
cacheDbURL: nil,
urls: updatedURLs,
endpoint: endpoint, endpoint: endpoint,
service: service, network: network,
repository: transactionRepository, spendParamsURL: try __spendParamsURL(),
accountRepository: accountRepository, outputParamsURL: try __outputParamsURL(),
storage: fsBlockRepository,
saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL.tests, saplingParamsSourceURL: SaplingParamsSourceURL.tests,
alias: alias, alias: alias,
urlsParsingError: parsingError, loggingPolicy: .default(.debug)
logger: OSLogger(logLevel: .debug)
) )
let derivationTool = DerivationTool(networkType: network.networkType) let derivationTool = DerivationTool(networkType: network.networkType)
self.spendingKey = try derivationTool.deriveUnifiedSpendingKey( self.spendingKey = try derivationTool.deriveUnifiedSpendingKey(
seed: Environment.seedBytes, seed: Environment.seedBytes,
accountIndex: 0 accountIndex: 0
) )
self.viewingKey = try derivationTool.deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey(from: spendingKey) self.viewingKey = try derivationTool.deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey(from: spendingKey)
self.birthday = walletBirthday self.birthday = walletBirthday
self.network = network self.network = network
let liveService = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make() let liveService = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: endpoint).make()
self.service = DarksideWalletService(endpoint: endpoint, service: liveService) self.service = DarksideWalletService(endpoint: endpoint, service: liveService)
self.synchronizer = SDKSynchronizer(initializer: initializer)
self.synchronizer = SDKSynchronizer(initializer: initializer, sessionGenerator: syncSessionIDGenerator, sessionTicker: .live)
subscribeToState(synchronizer: self.synchronizer) subscribeToState(synchronizer: self.synchronizer)
if callPrepareInConstructor { if callPrepareInConstructor {
if case .seedRequired = try await prepare(seed: Environment.seedBytes) { if case .seedRequired = try await prepare(seed: Environment.seedBytes) {
throw TestCoordinator.CoordinatorError.seedRequiredForMigration throw TestCoordinator.CoordinatorError.seedRequiredForMigration

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// ZcashTestCase.swift
// Created by Michal Fousek on 01.05.2023.
import Foundation
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
import XCTest
class ZcashTestCase: XCTestCase {
var mockContainer: DIContainer!
private func createMockContainer() {
guard mockContainer == nil else { return }
mockContainer = DIContainer()
mockContainer.isTestEnvironment = true
private func destroyMockContainer() {
mockContainer = nil
override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp()
override func setUp() {
override func setUpWithError() throws {
try super.setUpWithError()
override func tearDown() {
override func tearDown() async throws {
try await super.tearDown()
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
try super.tearDownWithError()