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Gathering Code Coverage

The app consists of different Gradle module types (e.g. Kotlin Multiplatform, Android). Generating coverage for these different module types requires different command line invocations.

Kotlin Multiplatform

Kotlin Multiplatform does not support coverage for all platforms. Most of our code lives under commonMain, with a JVM target. This effectively allows generation of coverage reports with Jacoco.

Due to some quirks with the Jacoco integration, coverage must be generated in two Gradle invocations like this:

./gradlew test -x connectedCheck -PIS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=true; ./gradlew jacocoTestReport -PIS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=true


The Android Gradle plugin supports code coverage with Jacoco. This integration can sometimes be buggy. For that reason, coverage is disabled by default and can be enabled on a case-by-case basis, by passing -PIS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=true as a command line argument for Gradle builds. For example: ./gradlew :app:connectedCheck -PIS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=true.

When coverage is enabled, running instrumentation tests will automatically generate coverage reports stored under build/reports/coverage.