Speed density is the most popular fuel control system employed but rusEFI users are present. This is due to its simplicity of tuning and it's suitability for turbocharged cars.
It is due to this widespread use that it is the most well developed fuel control method and is the primary recommendation for fuel control at present (27/4/2020).
Speed Density is probably the most popular algorithm since with knowing MAP calibration, CLT, IAT and TPS and injector flow rate we get a good enough tune without much difficulty.
charge_temp (Tcharge) is charge temperature heuristic formula: Tcharge = CLT *(1 - Tcharge_coff) + IAT* Tcharge_coff
Where Tcharge_coff is interpolated between 0.25 if RPMs are low or throttle is closed to 0.9 if RPMs are high and wide open throttle. See [http://rusefi.com/math/t_charge.html](http://rusefi.com/math/t_charge.html)