* Remove pageValueWrite command support
Move advanced pageChunkWrite is used
* Straight logic in validateOffsetCount(), simplify, move to tunerstudio.cpp
* Remove some more unused commands
* More unused defines
* Command defines cleanup
* Test command
* TS: fix signature
* pageIdentifier is optional
* pageActivate command is not used
* TS: extract offset and size from incoming packet only for packets with such data
* TS: cast to packet header
* TS: use page in commands
* TS: support scatteredOchGetCommand
* TS: incapsulation
* TS: scatter: optimization for CPU load
* More CPU load optimization
* Update libfirmware
* f1_rev3: high speed (strenght) for heater PWM output
* threads: set name for all thread
* f1_dual: enalbe CH_CFG_USE_REGISTRY so GDB can see thread
* f1_rev3: enalbe CH_CFG_USE_REGISTRY so GDB can see thread
* tunerstudio: support JDY33 BT module init on UART
* tunerstudio: BT: try most popular baudrates first
* tunerstudio: BT: protect from overflow
* tunerstudio: BT: limit retries
* tunerstudio: BT: directly do chprintf() to SD device
* TS: serial: make BT setup optional
* f1_dual, f1_rev3: use Serial for TS not for debug
* f1_dual: config cleanup
* EGT_CHANNELS is better option for optional compilation of max driver
* max31855: supress warning
* max31855: add EGT to livedata
* livedata: getEgtLiveDataStructAddr() returns NULL for boards with no EGT
* livedata: report AFR sensor(s) state
* livedata: report heater state
* uart: fix for max31855 update
* main: acctually call InitConfiguration()
* f1_rev2: enable EFL and MFS (Managed Flash Storate)
* f1_dual: enable EFL and MFS (Managed Flash Storate)
* f1 boards: extract common code
* port.h: add LoadDefaults() method to Configuration class
* f1 boards: store Configuration to MFS
* f1 boards: common getTsSignature() for all f1 boards